By: Bears Butt


Today is July 18, just 32 days away from the opening day of the Utah bow hunt for 2016!  I’ve been reading and reading and reading about bow hunting big game and besides practicing my shooting and maintaining form and consistency, all the experts are saying that the sport is not only physical, but it is a mental game as well.  I figure that since we just finished putting the hay in the barn, which is a very physical chore to say the least, especially for older people like me (soon to be 67), I should start a physical fitness program of my own to get in tune with the upcoming hunting season.

This morning was day number one!  Sherry set her alarm for 5 am and was quickly out of bed and on the treadmill hammering out her routine.  It didn’t seem like a very long time before she was yelling up the stairs that the treadmill was open for my turn at a good run, walk or whatever I had in mind.

Well, there isn’t any sense making it such a big deal, I mozzied down the stairs and took my supreme position on the plastic and metal machine.  It has been nearly two years since I last visited this automatic torture machine and so I gently pushed in the number “1” on the console…..a humming and then the floor beneath my feet began to move….way slow….Number one was not going to cut it for me.  I thought, as I pushed in the number 2 button, that I was just very glad I wasn’t on some kind of rehab program in which the number one would have crushed my being and caused me to fall onto the floor.  I’m very fortunate to have what health I have got.  Well, number 2 was too slow as well, and so to hurry things up I pushed the number 4 button….WHOAHHHAAA baby!  Not today!  That was over the top for day one and I backed it down to number 3.  At least on number 3 I was able to walk fast to keep up with it.

Number 3 was a good enough pace for me and I watched as the lights indicated my current position on a make believe oval track.  On this particular machine there are tons of lights and numbers always changing showing me just how perfectly good everything was going.  It neglects the participants heart rate, hard breathing, lack of water and cramping leg muscles, but it sure does like to show off how well it is doing.  After about 10 minutes I decided I needed to begin with some “slope” to the footing and so I pushed the limit and cranked that baby up to its max of 10.  I could do some research and tell you that each slope number is a degree of slope, but I don’t think that is the case here.  Each number, I have determined, is the pain level in which the backs of your calves will hurt after just a few steps at that level.  10 was killing my calves, but in my mind I was chasing down an elk with my arrow sticking out of its chest and going straight up the steepest of the steep hills in the area where I hunt.  So today’s workout consisted of the treadmill and then 10 pushups and 10 situps and finished with a straight leg stretch to touch my fingers to the floor in front of my toes.  All in all a good first days workout.

The goal for the future (next 20 or so days) is a similar routine every morning and increasing the length and strenuousness of the workout and the number of situps/pushups etc.  Maybe by the end of the month I’ll be where I was a few years back, running, walking and extreme inclines for a 40 minute time frame.  We will see.

So, again, with the thought that the hunt is not only a strenuous one, but a mental one as well.  I will just have to get myself into a mind frame where the adrenaline won’t take effect until after the shot.  Again, we will have to see what happens if and when that event occurs.

Equipment?  Well, I have my new arrows purchased.  I decided on 500 spine arrows and went with the Gold Tip Hunter Kinetic model.  I have 12 of them and will go have them cut down to 28 1/2 inches, probably today.  These arrows come with a .006 inch straightness tolerance and so I’ll have the arrows cut from both ends to get my length.  That should give me the straightest part of the shafts to work with.  Then with the feathers I bought a few weeks ago, I’ll 4 fletch them in Right Helical to match the 6 Badger brand Right Helical single edge broadheads I have also purchased.  I think my hunting setup will work just fine and I sure hope to bring home a cow elk and a buck deer during the hunting season.

You might say, with all the other things that have been going on lately now behind me, that my mind is now consumed with the upcoming hunting season.  It’s never too early to start practicing right?!

July 18, 2016

Bears Butt

Written on July 18th, 2016 , Archery stuff
By: Bears Butt


Just to let you all know I have not given up on my bucket list….to kill a deer with a recurve bow!  I’m still practicing whenever I can.  Yesterday I pulled the bow out twice.  I had to go dump some tree limbs into the hole, so I took my bow…that was about noon.  Still hot outside, but not unbearable.

I mixed up my shooting a little.  Started at 20 yards and shot two ends of 6 arrows per end.  Then moved back two to three yards and shot two more ends.  I did that back to the 30 yard mark and then moved up those same 2-3 yards etc. back to the 20 yard line.  Then I sat on the 20 yard marker and shot ALL my arrows at the spent shotgun shell I had put on the bale a few days ago.

Of course I’m not going to show you all my misses or wide groups, but here are some of my groups.

28 yards

That was 28 yards (and of course that “one” arrow).

30 yards

30 yards.  The two arrows that hit low are 8.3 grains per inch and a full 2 inches longer than the ones in the target above.  I know to aim them higher, but I just didn’t aim high enough.  For hunting I’m sure the heavier arrows would be a better choice and perhaps I will cut them down to see if making them shorter would make them shoot better in my bow, but for now I’m leaning to the lighter arrows for this years hunt.


This was my sitting at 20 yard group.  I came close to hitting the shotgun shell, but not quite.  I surrounded it though.  I don’t consider this a bad grouping, as this is a mixed bunch of arrows from lighter weight carbons to rather heavy old Easton aluminums.  And sitting to boot.  I figure while hunting there will be times I will be sitting on my butt waiting for that animal to come up the trail and of course they always come in behind you.  So, I sit with my back almost totally to the target.  Then I twist around and take the shot.

Later in the day, toward evening, Cody was saying he would like to go to the field and pet the horses.  But I talked him out of it and opted to fix his bike instead.  That way he could ride down and pet the horses any time he wanted.  Well, hit tube is hashed bad!  So, I couldn’t get it patched.  It was too late to go to the field by the time we figured all of that out.  But, with a few more minutes of light left I pulled out the bow and shot into the garage.  I probably shot 100 arrows and never missed the bale once…my good!

This was my last end!


Shooting from the edge of the road, it measures 22 yards.  I felt great about this one!

June 27, 2016

Bears Butt

Written on June 27th, 2016 , Archery stuff
By: Bears Butt


I’m as guilty as the next person to not visit some of the local spots around my home.  I hear this from people all over the nation so I’m not the only one.  How ironic it is that we live so close to some of the biggest attractions in the world and never get around to going and seeing what they are all about.  Well, Sherry and I had heard about the “Oldest Continually operated saloon West of the Mississippi River”, located in Huntsville, Utah and how good their hamburgers are.  We decided yesterday to go for a short drive and have lunch.

The outside of the place is very quaint…rustic logs adorn the outside and hold up the overhead roof.  The doors into the place look like they could be right out of the old west, but they have put handles on them so they don’t swing both ways, but they could be modified easily.  I don’t think the owners want to do that however as they don’t stay open all night.  Sitting on the front bench I felt like I could be watching a gunfight out in the street in front of the place, but what I saw was two LDS missionaries walking our way.


The owner was outside with us at the time and stopped the men as they were going by, went inside and brought them out a cold root beer!  They were very much appreciative!


Nothing says missionaries than a couple of them standing outside a saloon drinking beer (root beer).  A couple of really nice guys.

Inside the place it was rather dark after coming in from a full sunlight world and it took a minute to adjust.  Once that had been accomplished, I could hardly believe what I was seeing!  My eye caught a very dear to me sight…..


Above the bar is a huge collection of animal plaques from the olden days of Olympia Beer company.  When the owner came over to take our order, I said to her, “Now the answer to the question I’m about to ask is ‘YES’….and then I asked her if they had Oly Beer for sale………unfortunately she said no….But then piped up with a cheery…”We do have Rainier….You know…Raineeeerrrrrrrr  Beeeeerrrrrrr!!!!  (To say that you have to sound like a motor cycle revving up, speeding off and shifting gears) I repeated it with her and then ordered one!

The place is amazing!  Look at these pictures of the inside:









And that is just the walls!  I didn’t take what was probably the most famous of all of the mounts on the wall, and that just gives me a reason to go back.  They had a mascot dog (I’m not into breeds of dogs, but I think it was one of those you see with a beer keg under its neck) and when it passed away, they had a shoulder mount made of it and it was hanging above our table.  Another very interesting thing is the ceiling!



In this second picture are several dollar bills that read (one word per dollar bill)….Heather, I love you, will you marry me?…..I don’t know if Heather has ever seen this but I suspect when she woke up from the night before party, she could read it clearly.  If they in fact did get married I hope they have been happy ever since!

What about the meals?  Well, the menu is rather simple and I couldn’t help but think that the franchise “In N Out Burger”, got their idea from these folks….Several styles of hamburgers and one hot dog.


Their is also a sign on the wall that says, they serve beer, hamburgers with chips, beer and don’t have anything like yogurt or any other specialty items (another sign I wish I would have taken a picture of).

Sherry and I ordered the “Mini-Star Burger”, on the suggestion of the owner Leslie and I’m glad we did because it was actually more than we should have eaten.  The Star Burger, as I understand it, is a double cheese burger with a polish knockwurst covered with sautéed unions and all the other fixins.  The mini that we ordered had all that but was only one burger.


If you go, be prepared to use a lot of napkins as Carl’s Junior has nothing on these guys!  Our meal was to die for!  The combination of a perfectly cooked burger and polish sausage, smothered in sweet onions, tomato and pickles!  No ketchup needed Mr. Dry Dog!  Some chips and a very cold beer and there you have it!  A meal fit for a king…or in my case, a Bears Butt!


These ladies treated us really nice….Amy Barker on the left, our chef, and the owner Leslie Sutter on the right!

Head on up there the next time you get a chance!  They have a sign outside welcoming bikers.  I don’t know why you have to welcome a group of bikers, but they do.  They welcome everyone, even skiers….just kiddin….You might even find a card that reads “Bears Butt dot Com”!

Thanks ladies!  We had a wonderful time and a SUPER meal!

June 22, 2016

Bears Butt


Written on June 22nd, 2016 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


As time clicks away my practice sessions are getting really heated up….I mean it was over 90 degrees last night…..

I received my two new strings in the mail yesterday and so I retired the one I made and put it in my bag as a backup.  It’s still a very good string.  I put one of the new ones on the bow and set my nock point and fixed crawl.  Grabbed the next one to get it set up and it was 2 inches too short.  The package said it was 60 inches, but when I went to string it I could not get it over the tip of the bow.  I measured it and it was only 58 inches long.  So, back to 3 Rivers it went!

Well, with one new string on the bow I headed to the hot field to try it out.  NOISEY!  is the word here.  TWANGGGGG!  But it flinged the arrows pretty good.  I’ll put on my green yarn silencers and some brush buttons and that should calm it down a little.  My first end at 25 yards looked like this:


And even with the “ONE” arrow, that isn’t too bad for an old guy shooting.  I continued to shoot at 25 yards and my groups were holding their own against that bale so I moved back 5 yards and shot this.


You can see my confidence level is going way up.  I shot a few more ends at 30 and then moved back to 35 yards just to see what would happen.  Of course my fixed crawl aim point was about a foot higher than at 25 yards.  And this was the result after a couple of ends.


Still, all in all, that isn’t too bad for me.

Well, I didn’t want to leave that hot zone too quickly and I wanted to try out the new string with a broad head on the arrow.  I only have one right bevel broad head and so I had to put it on an arrow and shoot it, retrieve it and do it again.  For the sake of “fun” I decided to shoot from the 30 yard line.  I used one of my Carbon Express arrows first and almost every shot went right of the target about 8 inches, even with 4 fletched feathers.  It might fly different if I cut it down an inch or so.  Well, I have always favored my Gold Tip Warrior arrows.  For some reason they just like to fly pretty good from my bow.  So, I put the broad head on one of those and gave it a go.  My first shot looked like this with the Warrior.


How about that boys and girls?!!!!  From 30 yards out!!!!

As I slowly pulled the arrows out you could see the shaft turning and feel the broad head turning as it was coming out.  A sure sign that the single bevel twists its way into the target!  And as much as I like the cutting effects of the DRT broad heads, I think these Badgers will be my go to for the upcoming hunt.


On another note:  Yesterday there was an estate sale on the east side of town that started at 2 p.m.  From pictures they posted on Facebook, I saw they had several bows in the sale.  4 or 5 longbows, a recurve and a couple of wheel varieties (compounds).  I went to see the longbows.  I got to the sale just as they opened the doors…2 p.m. sharp….ahead of me were about 15 people all interested in something in particular.  As I went into the door the tables in front were filled with guns of all sorts.  Most of the men were crowded around handling those and talking.  I moved through the crowd to the bows but was second in line to see them.  Of course the guy ahead of me took all but one of the long bows….dang!  But I looked over the one that was left and decided I needed to have it.  I bought it for $45 along with a bow fishing reel for another $5 and then left the place with my prizes.

Getting home I measured the bow and decided my old bow string (my original one from when I bought my Samick) might fit this new to me bow.  I gave it a go and sure enough it fit perfect and gave the bow a 7 1/4 inch brace height.  I guess that is a good brace height for this bow.  So, since I had this bow with me in the field I shot it a few times from the 20 yard line.  It flings a pretty good arrow and being a self-bow (one where you have to use the top of your hand to shoot the arrow off of) it didn’t do too badly with the aluminum 1616 Eastons that Sherry shoots.  I have not measured the draw weight yet, but it can’t be more than 30 pounds and is probably closer to 20.


Not too bad a bow for $45….not a 5 dollar Frank deal, but I’ll take it.

June 10, 2016

Bears Butt

Written on June 10th, 2016 , Archery stuff
By: Bears Butt


As hot as it has been lately I have not been discouraged at keeping up with shooting my bow.  My drive is the upcoming hunt and there was a statement made by one of the big time bow equipment makers that “NOW is the time to get practicing for the hunts coming up this fall”!  I’m with them.

So, I was down on the farm shooting and I set my bow down to go retrieve my arrows, when I got back the bow was laying on the ground and the string was about 3 feet away from it.  I thought WHAT THE HE…!!!  I picked up the string and took a look at it….BrokenString

My favorite string.  The one that Lynn Hayes showed me how to make.  Well, that was the end of my shooting for that day.  I gathered up my stuff and headed for home.

After getting home I looked closer at the string and decided it was still long enough I should be able to fix it and use it.  What did I have to lose?  Now this was built as a flemish twist and with only one lesson under my belt (from Lynn), I tried to recall everything he had taught me.  Of course that was months ago and I couldn’t recall most of it.  What I ended up with was a Bears Butt version of a flemish twist which is more of a braided rope looking thing.


And it was rather short.  I struggled getting it restrung, all the while thinking I was going to snap my limbs (arms and bow).  I was very concerned about the brace height of the bow once it was strung but to my surprise it was still under the 8 1/2 inches the manufacture says is the max.  I don’t think there is going to be any more stretch to this string.  Well as you can imagine, I was sweating quite badly the first time I pulled back on the string.  I started slowly and pulled a little, then a little more, and then a little more.  Pretty soon I was a full draw and the string didn’t break.  I was relieved.

Even at that I went on line and ordered two more strings in flemish twist.  I know!  I know!  Lynn gave me a board so I can make my own strings, but I would have to buy the string material and then make my string.  That would take some time to get the string materials here and then make the string.  It would be fun, and WILL be fun once the pressure is off to keep practicing for the upcoming hunt.  I’ll order string materials soon.

Well, with the bow strung up using the shorter string, I had to move the nocking point and my fixed crawl point.  In order to speed up the process of finding the fixed crawl point I measured my current setup and thought to myself, “why would that change”?  I’ll set the nocking point like I had based on the arrow rest and then place the fixed crawl clamp just below it the same distance.  That will get me close if not right on the money.


So, as you can see the spacing between the center of the nocking point and the top edge of the fixed crawl clamp is about 13/16ths of an inch (Bears Butt works in “abouts”).

OK, with the new nocking point and fixed crawl on the “newly fixed string”, I am ready to go try it out.  Still very leery about the string I drew my first arrow very slowly and away from my face.  I figured if the string was to break my hand would be far enough away from my face so as to miss smacking myself a good one.  I let go the first arrow.  Boy howdy was it ever loud.  I shot again and this time not so loud…maybe it was just my selective hearing not to hear the string being so loud.  Anyway, after several shots (11 to be exact), I settled into the fact that this string was going to stay together.

Well, after several 25 yard ends and thinking I have to get at least 5 out of 6 inside the target before I could move back to 30 yards, I finally put together a good grouping.


That “ONE” arrow just keeps haunting me.

And so I moved back 5 yards to the 30 yard mark and began shooting again.  It is funny how a simple 5 yards can make such a big difference.  My arrows drop a good 10 inches in that short distance and it makes me think twice about taking a shot at a deer at 30 yards.  I’m going to have to be right on top of the animal before I will shoot and even then I often think about the “what if”….What if my arrow does not go into the kill zone like I want it to?  What if, it ends up being the “one” arrow?  What if I wound it?  My practice is what is going to take some of the What If out of the equation but there is no guarantee.

My best 30 yard end was this one:


That kind of shooting does NOT allow me to shoot at a deer at this distance.  I often wonder about some of the archer stories I have heard where they say, “I just had to shoot, he was just too big not to”.  You know all the while the deer was outside their normal shooting (practice) distance and you also know they have not put in the practice at that yardage to allow them to make the shot.  But we are all hunters and I can not tell you what is ethical or not, I just have to stay within MY boundaries.  I’ll probably stretch my practice out to even 40 yards before the hunt starts, but my practice is to make sure that 20 yard (or closer) shot is easier to make.

June 8, 2016

Bears Butt

Written on June 8th, 2016 , Archery stuff
By: Bears Butt
'I forgot the arrow.'

‘I forgot the arrow.’

Today was Memorial Day and after visiting some of the graves and having lunch with some relatives I took my bow down to the field for some practice.  This Fixed Crawl method really has be excited. Practice is what I need right now to get it down to hitting what I’m aiming at…..and I am aiming now and not shooting instinctively.  In my mind, the more ethical I am at shooting a game animal the more I will like taking the game I’m after.  Practice to hit where I’m pointing at is number one right now.

In anticipation of the hunt, I know I will be “rattled” when the opportunity presents itself.  I need to be within 30 yards of that animal and closer will be better.  So, before the hunt I will be practicing out to 30 and maybe 40 yards.  Not that I will be taking a 40 yard shot, but to make that 20 yard shot that much easier to make.

Tonight my first end of 11 arrows ended like this:


That one arrow off to the left was my fault…well…all the arrows were my fault, but the rest of them seemed to fly right about where I wanted them to fly.  A bit low and so I lowered the fixed crawl tab point.  Then continued to shoot the rest of the evening.  It was a beautiful evening for sure.  Toward the mid point of my practice I took this picture of one of my ends.


Oh Boy!  Things are beginning to come together!  Still a bit low.  And with a short discussion with Weasel, I decided I was dropping my bow.  What that means to me is that once I release the string, I am letting my bow hand relax and the bow drops down (gravity you know).  I told him…”Just one little thing and the arrows don’t go where I want them”….he said….”There is NO ONE LITTLE THING in archery”…I believe that now.

So I spent the next few ends trying my best to keep the bow hand up after the shot and watching the arrow go down range.  It was quite the eye opening experience.  Pretty satisfying too.  My last end looked like this, and this is after shooting for almost two hours at 11 arrows per end:


Only 4 of the 11 arrows didn’t hit the target!  And those were arrows number 2, 3, 4 and 5 that I shot.  After that I really put the concentration effort into each shot.

Time for a new target!

May 20, 2016

Bears Butt


Written on May 30th, 2016 , Archery stuff
By: Bears Butt


Don’t give up on me!  I’m still trying out the Fixed Crawl method of shooting.  I was down on the farm on Monday (the only evening fit to shoot so far this week) giving it another go.  I decided to shoot all my arrows for each end and before the practice session was over, I had ruined one arrow and damaged a second nock.  That is a sure fire way of knowing things are coming together for you.  When you are punching arrows into the same hole you are becoming a machine.

With so many arrows being shot during one end, it doesn’t take long to wear yourself out and that is exactly what I did.  The strength endurance is quite demanding and holding 50 or so pounds of draw weight gets to this old guy pretty quickly.  I keep thinking….. Butt, you are only going to get one shot so make it count!

I recorded my first two ends and this is what they looked like.




For some of you old time archers this is probably a pretty disgusting set of arrows, but for me they look pretty good.  I still have all of the months of June and July and half the month of August to get them tightened up.  I think I’m on the right track.

I need to place a stump at the 25 yard mark and do some sit down practice like I was doing before this new method caught my attention.  I’ll be doing that when this evening shower and wind issue leaves us.

Weasel came down after I had been shooting an hour, so I think I had probably shot 10 to 15 ends of 12 arrows each end and I was quite tired.  I recorded this end and then called it a day!


I call it my “Smiley End” and a good one to quit on!

May 25, 2016

Bears Butt


I was shooting last night with Weasel and I noticed most of my arrows were hitting lower than the target.  Similar to the two pictures above.  With that I decided to move my fixed crawl point up toward the nocking point.  I moved it the width of the clamp and this was the result.


A closer look:


Only 4 out of the 11 arrows are not in the target!  I’m very pleased and will continue to use this method and practice, practice, practice!

Bears Butt

May 28, 2016

Written on May 25th, 2016 , Archery stuff
By: Bears Butt


Last weekend Weasel, Kenzie and I joined up with Ken and Sam Snyder at the 3D shoot for the upper course portion of the shoot.  The shoot was very fun and those two made it even funner.  They are relatively new to archery, as I am, and it was fun to know not everyone on the course wanted to hit 12’s….hitting foam was what it was all about for us.  Anyway, during the course Sam commented on the fact that he was thirsty.  Weasel and I both had on our backpacks with hydration bladders and we both offered up a drink from the straw.  We were declined, but the fact remained, Sam was thirsty.  During the course, we crossed a stream of clear, cold water a couple of times and Sam looked like he might just lay down next to the water and take a big old drink!  I’m glad he didn’t.

Well, we talked about some of the small, packable filtration units that are on the market and how you can suck water right out of a dirty pond or stream and it will filter out any bad stuff that might be in there.  That got me thinking.  Why would an outdoors person be without something like that?  We were on a hike near Tony’s Grove a few years back and we ran out of water but continued to hike to the next lake instead of turning back.  That was not a very bright thing for us to do.  Had we had one of the filtration units on us, we would have been fine.

Well, yesterday, I had to stop in at Smith and Edwards to pick up some stuff Sherry had purchased and she showed me a small devise called  a “Sawyer Mini”.  It is a compact little water filtration unit that will filter up to 100,000 gallons of water before you have to discard it.


This little thing fits in the palm of your hand!  Comes with a small, 2 cup size bladder, a straw and a plunger to clean out any moss or junk that might tend to plug it up.  You can screw the bladder onto the “input” end of the filter, or you can screw on a common plastic water bottle.  BUT, you don’t need the bladder or a water bottle to make it work.  Just lay down next to a stream or lake, put the end into the water and suck through the straw.  They claim it will filter 99.999999999% of any E-coli, giardia, salmonella, cholera and an assortment of other bad for you stuff that might be in the water source.  AND it will filter up to 100,000 gallons of water.  Think about it!  100,000 gallons of water!  If you drank one gallon of water a day and used this filter to drink it, you could use it for 274 years!  100,000/365 = 274!  Or in other words, you and 273 friends could all use it every day for one year before you needed another one.

I put mine in my backpack!

Smith and Edwards (The Ikea for Rednecks store)


sells these little units for about $20!  Twenty bucks!  But after talking to the guy in charge of making sure the store has a supply of them they will sell out fast once the word gets out about them!

I suggest you hurry your little butt right down there and pick one up….Tell them Bears Butt sent you!  It won’t get you any discount, but it will make them smile!  And then you can enjoy 100,000 gallons of worry free stream and/or lake mountain water drinking!

May 25, 2016

Bears Butt

Written on May 25th, 2016 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


About a year ago, I was looking on Google Earth and located a small pond high above any access roads near home, at that time I told myself…Butt, you need to make that hike!  It isn’t as though I’m into hiking all that much, it’s more that I like to find out of the way places that might hold a game animal I’m in pursuit of.  At this pond there could be deer, turkey, moose, elk, grouse….all of those critters live and play around this place.  At the same time I also saw, not too far away, the remnants of an old cabin.  I figured I could hike and visit both some day.

Well, this old body of mine will be 67 come August and if I’m going to be doing any hiking I figure I best be getting on with it.  I needed a full day, good weather and an excuse to go.  Yesterday I had two out of the three and chose to “do it”!  What do I mean I had two out of the three?  I had nice weather.  An excuse to go…turkey hunting.  But I only had until 10 o’clock….I had promised Wapiti and Tracker I would meet them in Logan at 11 a.m. to do a mountain man demonstration to a group of 90 some 4th graders!

I was at the parking spot at 5:30 a.m. and it was just light enough I could travel without the aid of a flashlight.  I also had the makings of a full moon (not quite).

FullMoonMorningSo, up the trail I had never been on before I went.  It is quite steep at the beginning and I thought as I plodded along that if it continued to be that steep, I could see I was not going to make it.  But after a couple of switch backs it mellowed out a lot.


As you can see the trail is very well defined and so a lot of folks use it.  It used to be a trail that ATV’s used, but that activity has been banned and so the trail continues to grow in to the path it is today.  I noticed some bicycle tire marks in some of the muddy spots.  So some very ambitious people are using it for that.  I know I could not bike up, or down for that matter, this trail.

I took pictures every once in awhile to document the trail so that YOU can see what it looks like if you ever decide to venture up it.


My goal was to make it to a pond that is situated just to the lower right of this point of pines on the hill.


I’m still quite a ways from there and I trudged on, all the time hoping a turkey would present itself for a shot.


The morning sunrise from up on this trail was very pretty.


And as I climbed and climbed my goal became closer and closer.  Again, the pond sits just to the right and down from that point of pines on that far hill.


Soon the trail began a slight down hill grade and I knew I was nearing a junction in the trail.  If I were to go to the left at the junction, it will lead me to the pond, the trail to the right will take me to old Petes Cabin.



It was an amazing morning for a hike like this one.  It had rained pretty hard the day before and so everything was wet and the air was crisp with the smell of the rain still in the air.  Not a breeze was blowing but I could hear running water rushing down the narrow draw to my left.  Some of that water would be coming from the pond, while other water would be coming from other narrow draws that seemed to converge on this spot.

I chose the left trail and forged the small stream.


The picture is looking back toward the junction in the main trail.  I took the picture after I made it across the water without getting too wet.  On up the trail a little ways farther I found an old fire ring where someone who spent a night or two camping had made.  What a nice little hide out for a quiet camp.


In the background you can see the trail climbing up the hill beyond the fire ring.  That was going to lead me to the pond.  Looking back toward the fire ring you can see the nice little grassy spot to pitch your tent.


It was only 100 or so yards from here to the pond and the nice little meadow that it sits in.  I really expected to see deer, moose and turkey in this meadow and I moved slowly and quietly up to it.


You should be able to put these two pictures together  and see how it looks.  The meadow stretches for 3 or 400 yards off to the south ending in a large stand of quakies.  A perfect spot for deer, moose, turkey and elk.  But wait!  Perhaps a fox as well!


I stayed around the pond calling for turkeys for about a half hour and decided I was wasting my time.  Except for the fact that it was such a pretty spot in the world to be…peaceful, quiet and beautiful.  I hope to return this fall.

Well, with it being around 7:30 a.m., I decided I would venture up to Old Petes place to see what that was all about.  What I didn’t know was in store for me was the extremely steep climb up portions of this trail!  And how narrow the trail is in some places.



There it is!!!!  My first view of the cabin from down below!  I knew I would make it at this point and so I continued my slow ascent until suddenly there it was!


In its day I’m sure Old Pete enjoyed staying up in this out of the way place watching his flock of sheep grazing the hillsides.  But those days are long gone now.  Luckily for me the cabin is still in as good of shape as it is.



I took a picture down toward the pond area to give you an idea as to how far it is from the pond up to the cabin.


That narrow strip just out of the shadow, way down there, is the meadow and pond.  I’d guess somewhere close to 1/2 mile, maybe 3/4 mile.  Don’t be scared of the steepness of the terrain…..the trail makes two switchback turns on the way up. 😉

Well, what a great place to be at 8:30 in the morning!  Time for a snack!


It was sure a pleasure to have had the health to be able to climb up to this beautiful spot.



After munching down a whole can of Kipper Snacks by myself, I looked at the time….8:45!  I have to be in Logan by 11, so that gives me 2 hours and 15 minutes to get off this mountain and drive to Logan.  I gotta hustle!

My trip down the mountain was pretty much uneventful until near the end when a hen turkey putted her way around a bush and then came straight at me!  When I finally decided to take a picture of her and reached for the camera, she noticed me in the trail and high tailed it out of Dodge as quickly as she could.  Why can’t I get a dumb tom turkey to do that?

I made it to Logan by 11 and got things arranged at the school before Wapiti and Tracker got there.  Our show went off with only one minor hitch….I demonstrated how to start a fire with flint and steel and had a good smoke going on right under a smoke detector.  90 plus kids were all yelling as loud as they could….”GO BEARS BUTT, GO BEARS BUTT, GO BEARS BUTT…..”  I’m glad the alarm didn’t go off!  We won’t do that trick again inside a building….always load and shoot parade loads outside and always start your flint and steel fires outside….two very important lessons for any of you who like to show off your mountain man skills!

May 24, 2016

Bears Butt



Written on May 24th, 2016 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


It’s nearing the end of turkey season here in Utah and I have only a couple of days available to try and fill my tag, this being one of them.  Several months ago, while looking closely at Google Earth, I spotted a small pond of water up and away from any roads and I told myself that someday I would take the hike up to that pond to check it out.  Today is going to be that day and even though it has rained heavily the past few days, I still think a turkey just might be hanging around that pond.  At any rate, that is where I’m headed today.

We have a full moon out which should have all the animals excited.  My plan is to be at the trail head just at first light (which means I have to be going very soon) and then slowly walk the trail up to the pond.  Of course I’ll do my usual calling and setting up along the way and on the way out as well.

Turkey hunting is the excuse to go see this pond as there could be other possibilities in the hunting world later in the year.

I have to be in Logan to help Wapiti and Tracker entertain some 4th graders with a mountain man demonstration, and what is a mountain man demonstration without a flint and steel fire?  That is one of my parts in this effort.  So, my turkey hunting will be a rather quick one this morning.

Wish me luck, both with the turkeys and with the fire!

More to come later on.

May 23, 2016

Bears Butt

After 2 p.m.

The hunt turned out to be more of a hike.  I don’t know how far it is, or what the elevation change is, but my feet are killing me!  As a Wild Ass Guess (WAG), I’d say 3 miles one way and only saw one hen turkey…about 300 yards from the truck on my way out.  But the scenery was spectacular!  If you are healthy enough to make this hike do it, and do it soon!  The mountain flowers are at their peak, the air is crisp and the country side is in its prime!  I’ve decided to put the hike under a different heading than hunting.  Probably “uncatagorized” and the title will be something like “Hike to Petes Cabin”….  Go check it out!

Oh and as for the fire….well, I got a lot of smoke and had 90 some kids yelling “GO BEARS BUTT, GO BEARS BUTT”!!!!  It was awesome!  When my hand started burning I put the nest down!  The kids still gave me a big applause!

Bears Butt

Written on May 23rd, 2016 , Hunting Stories | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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