By: Bears Butt


I have created a new category “Archery Stuff” because it appears I am going to be getting into this scene pretty deep and quickly I might add.  Archery has always been something I liked and even in High School I built my very own “first bow”, a nice recurve with wood handle and laminated wood sandwiched between fiberglass slats.  I was very proud of that bow.  A nice feeling 45 pound draw at 28 inches and I could handle it pretty good, however I never really got “that good” at shooting it.  I did carry it out into the field with me in a very futile attempt at filling a deer tag.  I left about 2 dozen arrows out in the woods and am proud to say, I never touched an animal.

That recurve was still around when I got out of the service and even after getting married, however I never shot it after High School.  One of my brother-in-laws borrowed it and it came back in two pieces.  Nuff said about that.

So, last night Weasel and I hit the Brigham Bowmen range in Brigham City for a shoot around.  I’m still working on my form mostly but it is nice to hit the target once in awhile.  Recall my story about Perspective from last week?  I hit the paper 4 times during that session of 30 shots.  4 out of 30 and I was flying high!  That was a personal best for me because the time before when I shot (my first time with my new bow) I had hit the paper once!  So to hit it 4 times was a wonderful feeling.

Weasel was there to mental toughen himself up after a deflating shoot in a tournament over the weekend.  And he had decided to shoot at least two full rounds, for a total of 60 shots.  I would join him in the number of shots.  We are shooting at 20 yards with all the rules of target shooting in effect.  Three shots, stand back and wait for the others, when the range is closed, go down and get the arrows and come back to the line.  It all takes time.  Some small talk, but none loud enough to bother the serious ones shooting for the night.

As my shooting progressed I was feeling pretty dang good about my form.  Very light grip on the bow handle, string touching the center of my nose, thumb planted near the center and under my jaw, rear elbow high, release and swing my right hand back toward the top of my shoulder.  Things were feeling very well.  There were the occasional goofs, especially where my release was concerned.  I found myself just letting the string go without the backwards movement of my hand, but even some of those shots hit near where I wanted them.  It sort of falls in the old statement “if you shoot enough times at something, your are bound to hit it” (right Dry Dog?).

Well, by the time my 60 shots were done, I had 24 marks on the paper!  24 out of 60 hit that big old white paper down range!!!!!!  Insert a BIG OLD SMILEY FACE HERE!!!!

smiley-face1Weasel told me I now had to start posting up “percentages”, shots taken vs hits obtained.  24/60th equals 40%………..I’ll take it!

Tonight I have my second lesson.  My first was a guy who heard I was coming down to the range with a recurve bow.  He came in, introduced himself and proceeded to help me hit that paper.  He adjusted the point at which the arrow nock would fit on the string.  He changed out the arrow rest on the bow.  Told me the parts of the bow and a bit of history about shooting bows.  He also showed me an article on how the bows should be shot.  Hand placement, string touching the nose etc.  And recall, I hit the paper once that night.  He reassured me that until my form is right I should not be concerned about hitting the paper.

So, tonight’s lesson will probably be less than what he showed me the other night, but whatever the outcome, I will try my best to listen to the instructor and do what is asked of me.

Bears Butt

January 7, 2015

Written on January 7th, 2015 , Archery stuff

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