By: Bears Butt

I might be sleeping in tomorrow so I decided to post up tonight.

Today (tomorrow actually for me) April, 5th is “National Go For Broke” day!

Did you buy your lottery ticket yesterday (today) for tonights (last nights) drawing?  If not, well today (tomorrow for me) is your chance to spend all you have on tickets and “Go for Broke”!  You CAN DO EEET!

Or if you and the neighborhood are playing for keeps in a one on one, or some other game you usually play…go for the long one for the win!

If you are dating someone and the urge hits…well…

Did you get slapped?


So Go For Broke!  It’s the day for it.  All your debtors will understand about the late payments.  After all it is a National Holiday isn’t it?  It just hasn’t hit the big time like Easter and Presidents day.  Be the first on your block to have a big old flag made that says “GO FOR BROKE”! and place it on your front lawn.

I wonder where that statement came from?  Maybe we will find out and post it up on here.  If you already know…let me know!

Bears Butt

Not quite April 5th, 2012

Written on April 4th, 2012 , Uncategorized

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