By: Bears Butt

Well, I just found out that today is predicted to be the end of the world by some guy in California, who apparently is close to God and calculated this to be the end.  I guess we have until midnight for that to happen.?!

So, I have always wanted to let the world know my thoughts on how our planet has gone from a frozen wasteland to what it is today.  Here is what I believe:

However the earth was formed I do not know, but I believe it was a solid mass of very cold and ice covered dirt ball.  Over eons of time, what with it spinning round and round and circling the sun, it actually got closer to the sun at some point and that started the ice to melt.  Again, over eons and eons of continuing to go round and round and circle the sun, that melting ice formed the oceans and as the ice melted back it dragged with it rocks and dirt and formed deep gouges in the earths surface.  At the same time, water got under large land masses that were exposed from the melting ice.  And the earth continued to go round and round and circle the sun.  Plants began to grow where the earth was exposed and because the earth was tilted just so, those plants were growing in the warmest climate found on the planet.  Much like that of the Central part of South America, or the Hawaiian Islands.  All of the plants were like ferns and palm trees and such that grow in those places today.

The land was virtually covered in these plants.  Very dense forested areas and the climate was quite humid, with lots of rain fall and hot.

Soon life began to emerge, at first small animals and “things” only recognized today as fossils.  And over many more eons of time, the animals got larger and larger and larger.

I mentioned the water that got under the large land masses.  As time went on, the earths axis, which was tipped very much different than it is today, continued to change ever so slightly.  With this change in the axis, the angle of the sun in relation to the land masses caused changes in the environment of those large land masses.  Also, the turning round and round started these large land masses to begin to separate.  Water from the large oceans would fill in the gaps and actually assist in separating these large and floating land masses.  Some call it Continental Drift.  I truly believe in that theory.

Climates that once were very warm slowly eeked their way into cooler climates and the animals that happened to be on those large chunks of land either adapted to the change or died.  Again, and continuing today, the earth is tipping ever so slightly on it’s axis and climates are changing.

We hear about global warming, but we see changes in the seasons from one area to another.  Some of us remember when August was the hottest month of the year, but now it seems July is that month.  Old timers used to talk about the heavy snows that would come in January, but don’t we see most of our snow here in Utah happening in December?  What used to be seems to be two or three weeks off from what it was before.  Maybe it’s just me.

It’s a combination of all of these things that is causing the changes to the earth.  Continental drift continues to happen.  The axis is continuing to change slightly, which is effecting the angle of the sun hitting the earth.  I believe the Arctic circle and subsequent huge land mass attached to it are moving in what I call, up and over the top.  Some many millions of years from now, I can see where I stand today, will be where the North Pole is sticking up today.  Adapt or die.  Or move.

How do I explain the finding of hairy mammoths found enclosed in ice?  A drastic change in the earths tipping on its axis.  It does not take much of a change to cause major changes in the environment.  And perhaps the earth was struck by a huge meteor or smallish planet that caused the major change.  Whatever it was, it caught lots of critters, and people, off guard and they were captured in huge snow and ice storms and that is where they died.  Too abrupt a change for them to adapt.

Continental drift is a very good theory because discoveries have been found of common cultures and tools found in Africa and in South America.  The people of both continents lived similar lives and had similar beliefs, even though they lived thousands of miles apart and had an ocean between them.  It only makes sense.

And so, I say, enjoy your time here today, because change is happening every day around you.  I can feel a briskness in the air that seems to be a bit later than it happened last year.  Have you looked at the bright fall colors?  Now look at the calendar, it’s the end of the world, according to that one guy, Oct. 21, 2011.  Why are the leaves still on the trees in the mountains?  The deer hunt starts tomorrow!  The leaves are always off the trees when the deer hunt begins!  Have we slipped another part of a degree on our axis?  Is my theory wrong and I have a sense that instead of drifting north by north west and we are actually drifting south by south east?

Well, there you have it…my thoughts.

If the world ends later today, I hope to see you all wherever we end up.

Bears Butt

Oct. 21, 2011….is it the end of the world?

Written on October 21st, 2011 , Uncategorized

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