By: Bears Butt

three-flying-ducksToday’s weather is going to be extremely mild.  Warm for late November as well and no wind.  It is supposed to begin clouding up this afternoon and then after midnight tonight a storm front moves in and it will be raining by tomorrow morning.  BUT….Conner and I are going duck hunting today!

My thoughts are this:  There are quite a few northern ducks in the area.  Most of the lakes are frozen with a pretty good cap of ice on them.  The area where we are going to be hunting will also be capped with ice, but as the day time temp rises, our little pool of broken ice should clear and any ducks flying around should decoy in.  My biggest thought is that most hunters will be waiting for tomorrow to go hunting.  That means the swamp should be all ours today.  My other thought is that the geese should be looking for a feeding spot and when they see our decoy spread, they should come right in!  Let’s see how my thoughts on the subject turn out.

I’ll post up some pictures of our bag later on!  In the meantime, wish us luck!  Today should be Conner’s day to bag his first duck and maybe even a big old honker!

Bears Butt

November 21, 2014


The hunt was warm…but…we had to deal with 3 inches of ice everywhere.  Breaking up the ice to place the duck blocks was a killer of a deal and then there was all the chunk ice around.  No way would the real ducks think that was “open water”.  It wasn’t until way late in the day that water could actually be seen.  But then, it was a great day to be out with my oldest Grandkid….They are different when a parent isn’t around.

And so, what was it like to be out on such a warm late November day?  The sky was as blue as could be until late in the afternoon, when it began to get rather hard to distinguish a duck from a “floater” passing in front of your vision.  We saw thousands of ducks mostly flying into other peoples setups.  We also saw 3 swans get knocked out of the sky by some folks way to the West of us.  We had one hen mallard come over extremely quick and low and Conner couldn’t get on it quick enough….it’s still out there somewhere.  The rest of the ducks that did venture in close enough for us to get excited and even to shoot at, were green wing teal.

I ended up shooting 4 times, Conner 3, and only because his gun had not been cleaned from the last hunt and was hanging up with rust.  DAD!!!!!!!

He knew ahead of time that the first shot on all ducks was his to take and I would only act as a backup….I bagged my first double!  Both male Greenwings.

I think the most exciting thing for the day was the sunset.

Sunset3 copy

The weather Saturday is supposed to be more “ducky” and maybe we will go out and try again.

Bears Butt

November 22, 2014


Written on November 21st, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt


Ya, what is it?  I have my definition and it includes being pretty fair to the animal I’m in pursuit of, but I want to bag my game at the same time.  I’ll resort to camo clothing, hiding behind something, getting closer for my shot, shooting not too far from the road if need be, taking a 400 yard shot with my scoped 7mm rifle, using a bi-pod to steady the gun, looking through binoculars to make sure it is “big enough”…the list goes on and on. I suppose back when Nanook was carrying a spear and hoping he could feed his family, some in the tribe or nearby tribe thought his use of a long sticked spear was not ethical.  You need to jump astride the animals back and cut its throat with your hand made flint knife….THAT is ethical!

Times have changed and now we don’t HAVE to hunt to feed our families.  The food that comes from the animals we harvest are a bonus to the table fair we enjoy.  A special meal to be shared with family and friends….Have you ever had an elk steak?  How about some antelope tonight?  Bear would be nice.

And so it goes with “the book”, the record book is what I’m referring to.  Yes, my name is in “the book”, but was it because I was ethical in my capture of a gorgeous creature?  Well, under the guidelines outlined in the “rules for the book”, I was ethical in taking that animal.  Knowing what I know today, would I take that animal in the same way today?  YES!  It was ethical in my mind….it was then…it still is today.

Ethics falls into a myriad of categories and for some, my way of thinking isn’t ethical in a lot of regards….and likewise…mine doesn’t necessarily reflect ethical behavior in theirs…that’s life.

Well, the folks at Boone and Crockett have come out with a video explaining their side of things.  Sure, they don’t say, THIS is the way it IS….They are saying it is up to the individual hunter to make their own rules for what is ethical in the pursuit of the game we choose to hunt.  They remind us that the ethical rules are in three arenas:  The laws we hunt under, The unwritten laws of the group(s) we hunt with and Our own way of thinking…..What we do when it’s only us against our game, or better yet, how we act when “there it is, the big one I’ve been looking for all my life”.

I took the time to watch this video and I believe it has a message just for you.  Please watch it and enjoy it.  After you have watched it…….then……You decide!

As you already know, or should know, I’m not an advocate of shooting big game at long range distances and this video is aimed at those who are.

Bears Butt
November 10, 2014


Written on November 10th, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt


This is a buck that was taken somewhere West of Franklin Idaho by these two guys during the 2014 Idaho mule deer hunt.  I think the buck is magnificent, but these two are going to get “hammered” by people because of their story, and I feel very bad for them.  They are very proud of their accomplishment and when you read the story about how they got it, you too will probably scratch your head.

First off, most of you know I’m not a big fan of long range shooting, especially at big game animals.  I firmly believe that the average hunter does not do enough long range shooting to even know what their rifle is capable of and that is just to be able to “hit” the target being aimed at.  Couple that with the “punch” of the bullet out at long range distances and you have a whole “nuther” animal in the mix.  It takes around 700 foot pounds of energy for the bullet to enter the vitals of a mule deer and when a bullet that may weigh 150 grains gets out to say, 1,000 yards, it just doesn’t have that kind of energy left and most likely, if the animal is hit, it will result in a wounded animal that probably will spend the next 3 to 6 months suffering before recovering.  Or even worse, will be wounded severely enough to become coyote or other predator food, AFTER the predator kills it.  Not a pretty sight in my minds eye.

So, a bit of a background on these two.  The story says something like this:  We were driving our 4 wheelers up the road and spot a bunch of white butts on the hillside about 400 or 500 yards away.  We stopped and cranked up the power on our scopes and saw this big buck in the middle.  We each shot, I put two rounds down range and my son in law shot 3 times.  We missed each time and the buck took off running.  He was about 600 or so yards away and we both raised our guns about 8 inches above his back and fired at the same time.  The buck dropped.  When we finally got over to it, there were two bullet holes in it.

There is the story about the kill.  The story goes on and talks about how famous they were in town and how many other hunters came to view the big buck.  Some of those hunters had been trying to get on the buck for several years.  Well it’s dead now.

My take:

I don’t know Idaho hunting laws, but in Utah to shoot from a road is not legal.  Did they take the time to get off their 4 wheelers, step 50 feet off the side of the road and take their shots?  I doubt it.  If they did, did they shoot across the road?  How steady were the rifles when they shot?  Did they use the 4 wheelers as gun rests?  If they did, then they shot from the road…a no-no….  Taking a 400 yard shot is a pretty long shot even with a scoped rifle.  But, in their defense, I have to say that last year, I shot two cow elk very much dead and each of them were 400 yards away, and I’m not a great shot even with a scoped rifle.  Now, put that same animal another 200 yards away and I don’t think I would even come close to hitting it.

Most big game rifle bullets drop 2 to 3 feet at 400 yards when sighted in at a normal 100 yard distance.  And for them to say they both aimed 8 inches over its back and fired and the buck dropped with two bullets in it….OK, I guess they did.

I recently read an article published by the Boone and Crocket Association which denounced long range shooting of big game animals as something they did not consider ethical or as fair chase.  I have to agree with them.  However, they did not say what the yardage was where it broke from being considered both ethical and fair chase.  I think they are letting the hunter decide, but at the very least, I think there should be a line on the application for consideration in their “book” that asks you to state the distance you shot your animal at and how many shots you took before putting the animal down.  By having that information available it might make others think twice about taking that long range shot. But I doubt it.  When you see the buck or bull of a lifetime it is hard not to take that “hail Mary” shot.

There are a whole lot of hunters taking those long shots and with the media the way it is right now, more and more young hunters are taking up the “sport”.  Clubs have been formed that go to great lengths supporting long range shooting.  There are even business’ that teach you how to hit a target out to 1,000 yards (and farther).  I’m not against that.  I love to shoot long distances to try and hit a target….I love doing that.  I would also never hesitate to shoot at a coyote or fox at 500 yards, maybe even farther out.  I wouldn’t lose any sleep if I hit one out that far and didn’t recover it either….that’s just my way of thinking.  However, I do consider big game in a different ball park than a predator such as a coyote or fox.  My 400 yard shots at the elk were definitely my longest range distance and had I not witnessed another hunter putting down his cow elk at that distance I would have never tried the shot myself.

You decide what is best for you.  As for me, I believe these two guys didn’t have any business shooting that big buck at the distance they said they took it at.  The chart I’ve included here shows you the distance above or below your target the bullet will be at varying ranges out to 500 yards.  It also shows you the foot pounds of energy the bullet has out at the distances being shot.  Keep in mind this is a 30 caliber bullet and not everyone shoots a 30 caliber pointed bullet.  You can see from the chart that the foot pounds of energy drops around 200 fp in each 100 yard distance and if these guys actually shot the deer at 600 yards, the bullets would have had less than 600 foot pounds of energy left, I’ll bet they found both bullets inside the bucks body when it was processed.  Look again at the chart and if they had their rifles sighted in at 200 yards, which I consider a normal sight in distance for a scoped rifle, their bullet would hit 58 inches low at 500 yards.  60 inches is 5 feet people!  So, it makes sense to aim 8 inches over its back at 600 yards and fire away (eye brows raised).  By the way, this chart comes from the Hornady Companies web site and I’m very sure these numbers are not just made up.

Bears Butt

November 8, 2014


30 CAL. (.308″ DIA.) 150 GRAIN SPIRE POINT
RANGE (YARDS) MUZZLE 50 100 200 300 400 500
VELOCITY (fps) 2700 2568 2439 2193 1962 1746 1549
ENERGY (ft.-lb.) 2428 2196 1981 1602 1281 1015 799
50 YD. ZERO -1.5″ -0.0″ 0.2″ -4.0″ -15.4″ -36.0″ -67.9″
100 YD. ZERO -1.5″ -0.1″ 0.0″ -4.4″ -16.0″ -36.7″ -68.9″
200 YD. ZERO -1.5″ 1.0″ 2.2″ 0.0″ -9.4″ -28.0″ -57.9″
300 YD. ZERO -1.5″ 2.6″ 5.3″ 6.3″ 0.0″ -15.4″ -42.2″
400 YD. ZERO -1.5″ 4.5″ 9.2″ 14.0″ 11.5″ 0.0″ -23.0″
500 YD. ZERO -1.5″ 6.8″ 13.8″ 23.2″ 25.3″ 18.4″ 0.0″


Written on November 8th, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt

three-flying-ducksWeasel and I have a duck hunting date today.  The weather isn’t too ducky, but what the heck…gotta go when you can.  Cloudy this morning, turning to partly cloudy this afternoon, slight breezes.  It will be a fine day none the less and maybe, just maybe we will get a chance to shoot at a duck.  We’ll take the goose decoys with us as well.  You never know when those big bad boys will come winging along.

So, most of you know I’m a “cheap-0″….it takes a whole lot of planning for me to actually pay retail for something I think I need or want.  For years I have watched the classifieds for a Vexelor brand fish finding flasher.  I’ve used one that my buddy Shipley has and it is so cool to sit on the ice and watch the flash of a fish right next to my bait and then to see the pole move as the fish grabs my offering.  Well, on a whim last night I typed in, then typed in “fish finder” in the search and BAM!  Up popped a Humminbird Super 60 flasher!  Ogden!  $25 firm!  I was on that like a fox on a mouse!   Sure it’s a 1970’s something flasher and at the time it was the only one made.  It’s mine and I’ll be using it come ice fishing time!

But that has nothing to do with duck hunting.  I just wanted my fishing buddies to know, I got me one!  Watch out now…no mercy….bring lots of quarters!

Well, the last time out duck hunting with Weasel and Conner, I noticed how rough my 12 decoys look.  The mixed bag of decoys has mostly mallards, but there are two pins and two gadwalls in the mix as well.  All of them looked like bobbing blocks of ugly out on the water, but even at that they did draw a few ducks in close enough for a shot or two.  So, I decided to put a fresh coat of paint on them.  Which I did Monday.  A long time back I was listening to a country radio station in SLC area when they decided to have a contest.  The winner would win a dozen duck decoys from Sportsmans Wearhouse.  If my memory serves me right, the first caller in that could make a sound like a duck quacking would win….I was on it and just as the dial tone ended it rang!  I was in and of course with my unmistakable QUACK when they answered it!  I won!  Well, in my current bag of mixed decoys there is one of those decoys left.  Where the rest went I have no idea and it doesn’t really matter to me, the 12 I have work just fine.

Now put yourself in the eye of a real duck.  You have flown the same route time after time, from the resting area to where you like to eat.  Every time you make the trip someone tries to kill you and you begin to notice a few things down on the water.  Bobbing blocks of duck looking things and you always have to pass over them on your way to lunch.  After several trips and having your butt stung a time or two you begin to think that perhaps those duck looking things are causing you some pain, and so you begin to swing wide of them.  Enter my decoys!

With this thinking in mind, I sat on the back step looking at my newly washed decoys….all faded shades of rubber and plastic….they all sort of looked the same except for a bit of a change in shape of some of them (the pins come to mind), but all of them drab colored.  I thought, why not make them look like something nobody else has?  Make them stand out among the millions of other duck decoys out in the marsh!  And so I did just that.  Lots of white went into the mix of paint!  Lots of white!

These decoys are going to look like no other decoys out there!  On the mallards I even painted their bills Red!  Yes Red!  Real mallards have brilliant orange bills, but my decoys have red ones.  Why?  The real ducks are going to be winging past and look down and see red billed decoys and think…..WHAT?….Hey boys look at those Red Billed mallards….We best get down there and make sure they are all right!  And down they will come for a look and BLAM!  Bag time!  I’ll take some pictures of them on the water….you’ll see!  After painting them all up and sitting back with a beer looking at my creations, they looked more like Wood Ducks than Mallards.  Of course the heads of the male mallard decoys did get painted green with a white band around the neck, that is about all that looks mallard like with them.

The pins?  Well, pins are pins and they have a lot of white on them anyway, so I tried to mimic real pins with their color configurations.  White is a good color to have on the water in the swamp….swamp water is usually stained brown, with brown mud, brown toolies, brown on brown on brown.  So, toss in some white and what do you have?  A real duck attracting color that does nothing more than get the ducks to come close enough for a shot….30 yards!  Bring it!

Oh and the Gads…..they have taken on a cross look between a hen mallard and a pintail.  There are only two of them and they fit right in.  Wait till you see the pictures of them on the water and wait until you see the brace of ducks Weasel and I bring home today!  You too will be re-painting your decoys!

Bears Butt

November 5, 2014

And the saga continues!

6MoreNewlyPaintedDecoys copy


DecoysLookingBackAtBlind copyThese are looks of the decoys in action…ACTION?  We waited all day for the action and ended up shooting 3 times….Weasel twice…me once.  It was a blue bird day with little to no wind.  A few birds were flying on a course 300 yards west of us, but we didn’t get in on the action.  Our birds mostly came in to us from behind and surprised us enough that they flew through without a shot.  We did have two really nice Pinnys land in the decoys, but being the ethical hunters we are, they flew off without a scratch, or even a shot going in their direction.

Next time we will pick a day when we have more of a chance at bagging a bird or two.  I’m really pleased with the decoys and how they look on the water!

Bears Butt

P.M. Report


Written on November 5th, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt

Leaking boots!

Bailed out Colmer Island box yesterday and it didn’t take but a minute to realize my chest waders have holes in both legs….just about knee high, maybe a little higher.  Spent the rest of the day with wet legs all the way to the toes.  I went on line today trying to find the best way to fix them and unless there are actual holes in them, there is no best way to fix them.  Holes can be patched, thin material is another story.  I guess that is what I’m face with….thin material.

I’ll try and keep you posted with my fix and the best results.  My first attempt will be an inside coating of Shoe Goo.  The bigger problem is in order to test them I have to go out in the field and get them wet.  Will it mean another wet hunt?  Only time will tell.

Bears Butt

November 2, 2014

Written on November 2nd, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt


There is a very strong cold front expected to hit the Wasatch Front today around noonish…couple that with the fact that we have water lapping the duck club and 30 mph South winds….it all spells for a wonderful day to be out in the marsh duck hunting!  Yes, today is also the opening day of the pheasant hunt, but with no pheasants around there shouldn’t be any (or many) hunters stomping around the marsh.  Besides those hunters will hit it early (8 a.m.) and be back in the restaurants or bars by noon anyway.

So, Weasel, Conner and I will be out there quacking away.  I have two new boxes of 3 inch 20 gauge in my hunting coat pockets, 16 duck decoys, a 5 gallon bucket, two peanut butter and jam sandwiches, 6 pieces of jerky, my shotgun and chest waders…..I think I’m ready.

I picked up my duck stamp yesterday and have called for my HIP number.  I think I’m ready, but usually that first trip tells you pretty quickly what you have forgotten.  Luckily we are going to be hunting no farther than 2 miles from home and so if we forget something REALLY important, we can take the time to go back home and get it.  A definite advantage to living close to the hunting area.

Conner has never been duck hunting and I want this to be a positive memory for him.  Unlike when his father was 16 and I took him hunting geese for the first time….a cold and snowing day, after an all night snow storm creating a “perfect” scenario for goose hunting.  We were set up before it was light enough to see, hid out under white sheets laid on the ground.   We laid there all day long and never saw the first goose.  Cold, wet and very disappointed, Weasel never did want to go duck or goose hunting again….well not until his mid 30’s.   I don’t want to make that same mistake with Conner.

Mallards!  Nothing but Greenheads in the bag today!  That’s what I say I want to shoot, Weasel can pick his ducks and Conner can shoot the sky full of holes if he wants.  I’ll do my best to get the birds in close and flaring in his face!

three-flying-ducksQUACK!  QUACK!  QUACK!  Get ready, they are swinging into the set…….TAKE EM!

Bears Butt

November 1, 2014

Well, we didn’t get away until about 11 a.m., knowing the storm front was due around 1 p.m.  We figured that would give us plenty of time to fix Colmer Island box and get set up for ducks somewhere farther West before the front hit.  We were spot on with our timing.

With a hefty breeze blowing all morning long we could have had a very good hunt without the storm coming, but we wanted to be there for the “big one”.  All 3 of us had our own idea as to what to expect.  In my mind, we would see an increase in the wind, followed by a brief heavy blow, then some light rain followed by a more moderate wind, the water level would rise a few inches and the ducks would be everywhere.

About 12:30 or so, we were set up West of Colmer Island and the breeze was beginning to pick up.  A few ducks were milling around and kept our interest going.  Even a few Canadian Honkers were moving a bit.  Some guys very far West of us were having a great shoot.  They even bagged a couple of honkers while we were there.  Lots of ducks decoyed into their setup and they shot a ton of shells, dropping about one bird in every 5 shots.  Not bad for whoever they were.  For sure, they would count the empty boxes to know how many times they shot today.

So, my goal was to see to it that Conner had a good time and hopefully bagged a duck or two.  The first shot was his to take and as long as the bird didn’t pose an unsafe shot, he could take it.  Weasel was designated the “call the shot” guy and when the first bird came in, he called too soon and Conner missed.  Bad Weasel!  You have to be able to see the birds eye, or it’s too far out.  OK Conner, the next bird is yours too.

The front could be seen coming in and it looked to be a huge dust cloud being blown along from South to North East.  The winds locally began to pick up a bit, but not overwhelmingly strong.  The water level did begin to rise a bit as well.  We were each sitting on a 5 gallon bucket and the water was about half way up the bucket when we began.  Not too bad and it would stay in its place pretty good when we stood up to stretch or shoot.  Just what you want when sitting on buckets in the swamp.

Well, the front continued to bear down upon us and the shooting way West of us continued to get more intense as time went on.  Pretty soon the front was almost to engulf us and I took this picture.

Nov1FrontComingIn copyThat was an ominous cloud and it was about to devour us.  I had to take the picture and then get my camera back into a safe environment and out of the elements quickly.  It wasn’t more than 5 minutes after I took this picture that the storm hit us with all its fury!  Very high winds and lots of dust!  So much dust in fact you couldn’t see much more than 100 yards in any direction.  If any ducks were on the wing we couldn’t see them and they couldn’t see our decoys.  We just stayed hunkered down and waited it out.  The wind really howled and soon I noticed Conners butt was about to get washed off his bucket, his “free board” was only about 2 inches from his butt.  Any wrong move and he was going to be soaked.  Something had to be done.  We tried putting his bucket inside the sled and having him sit there….no good, the sled would move way too much.  So, I walked over to Colmer Island and retrieved a piece of broken wood I tossed out of it.  My thoughts were that he could sit on that with it across the top of the bucket and it would hold him an extra 2 inches above the water.

I trudged over to Colmer Island, some 200 yards and as I approached could see the water depth of the lake shore was inundating the box.  No way could anyone have hunted out of that box this day.  The water was pouring over the sleeve and had filled the box completely to the top of the sleeve.  That meant the lake level had risen over a foot while we were out there!  That’s crazy!

I made it back to the boys hunkered down behind the decoys and then noticed the decoys were shifting to the left with the wind….hmmm….short strings!  I had stomped the weights into the mud when I set them out but the water level was getting deeper than they could handle and were pulling free.

Well, we tried my idea on the bucket and it worked “sorta”, Conner was sitting higher than the water level, but his butt was still wet from the board.  Oh well.  Suddenly a duck appeared out of nowhere and Weasel had the shot….BLAM!!!!  Down it came!  But he had to go out in the wind and retrieve it and it wasn’t quite done living yet.  He did manage to get it and brought it back….an very nice Widgeon!  Good Duck Weasel!

The wind was picking up speed when suddenly a duck came in low, right in front of Conner….When its eyes were plainly visible he jumped and took his shot…..the bird flaired up and to his left and came in front of me.  I just watched as it climbed and then dropped because of the strong headwind it was bucking….then it turned to come back over us….I couldn’t resist and popped it!  A nice female Pintail.  Weasel was a very nice son and went and retrieved it for me!  Thanks Weasel, you need to do that more often for your old pa.

Well, as time went on, more and more wind whipped at us and the rain began with a vengeance.  I realized a couple of things today…first off my coat needs a good soaking in waterproofing and secondly my chest waders have holes i both legs on the insides of the knees.  By 4 p.m. we were done.  Soaked, cold and miserable.

We came out of the swamp with two ducks, wet boots, wet butts, wet coats, wet guns, wet wets.  Weasel was pretty dry with his new chest waders with the added attached coat and 1,000 gram Thinsulate insulation…..But Conner and I were pretty wet.  Did we have fun?  Heck yes!  Will we do it again?  Heck yes!

Time to get some supper cooked…Winemaker will be home any time now!

Bears Butt

My gun is cleaned and dry!  Is yours Weasel?  Is yours Conner?

November 1, 2014

Written on November 1st, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt

WaterInBobsNewPondAfter doing a little work on the duck club cleaning out the ditch for water and creating a small excavation area in a very skeptical place I was very pleased to go down there a week later and see this.  The water actually filled up the small pond and should make for a decent late season duck shooting spot.  That water leaves the pond and spreads to the West where we need it most.  A couple of boxes out that way are where I like to hunt ducks later in the season, there is also a chance for a goose on occasion.

Well, keeping an eye on the main lake water level as it normally begins to rise this time of year, I noticed it looked like it had risen quite a bit in just a few days.  Suddenly a light went off in my head.  It seemed like they were going to be doing some work on the Cutler Dam in Cache County sometime this Fall.  Could it be that they are starting that work now?  If they are, that would explain why the lake level has risen so much in the last few days.  I had to go and investigate and yesterday was a perfect day for that to happen.

As I approached one of the boat ramps up near the far end of the lake (away from the dam), it became obvious there had been a water draw down.  This is what the sign says:

DrawdownNoticeThe notice is warning boaters and hunters that a drawdown was going to take place and to be dang careful when venturing out.  You could get stranded in mud should you take your boat and hunting party out.  I have to say, they gave plenty of notice as these signs were at every boat ramp on the lake.  It says the drawdown would begin on or about Oct. 27th…..Heck that was this past Monday.  That is when I noticed the water in the Great Salt Lake was up considerably.  They must have gotten a hair in their butts to begin the draw down earlier.  Along the shoreline at this boat ramp you can see just how much the water level has dropped.



Well, since I have to go back home anyway, I figured I might as well go back by way of a trip out to the Bear River Migratory Refuge, heck it’s only about 30 miles out of my way.  Besides, you guys need to know what is going on too.

Heading toward Tremonton, I stopped at a little out of the way boat ramp I know about to see what the river looked like at that point.  The river was running high, but not overly high at this point.  But again, it’s obvious they are pouring a good deal of water out of Cutler Reservoir still.


I hiked over and under the bridge to get this next picture.  You can see from the wet mud along the shore the water had been a good 3 feet deeper at one point recently.

RiverWaterWasHigherSo, the main draw down must have been quite a show and it would have been fun to have witnessed it, but that is “water under the bridge” so to speak.  Now my curiosity is centered down river at the end  the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge.

BRBRMapThis refuge used to be the largest migratory bird refuge in the nation back in its day, it covers a whole lot of ground and is being managed pretty good.  Only about a third of the total property is open to hunting, the rest is left available to the migratory birds that flock through here.  Of course it is a great place for the birds to rest on their flights South in the Fall.  Our duck club is on the fringe of the South East corner of the refuge.  The refuge is broken up into nine different “units” and each of the units has its own water course and control valves.  My interest is on those control valves and where they are sending the water that is coming down river from Cutler dam.

Unit number 5 is the main unit that feeds the Great Salt Lake near our duck club and of course this is where I would like to see the manager send all the water, but of course I’m biased.  As I travel West out of Brigham City, down what is known as Forest Street, when you get just past Interstate 15, you pass the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Visitor Center.  I didn’t bother stopping there as I still had quite a bit of traveling to do and my “honey do” list back home still had to be completed.  As I approached the “Reeder Canal”, which carries the water into Unit 5, I was very pleased to see this flow going into it.

GatesOpenReederCanalThat is a lot of water!  I don’t think the canal could carry much more than that amount.  So, my wish to have a lot of water going into Unit 5 is being done!  YEAAAA!!!!!!  This would explain why the level of the water in the Great Salt Lake has risen so quickly.  When Unit 5 gets full, there are only a couple of outlets and both of them dump into the “Willard Spur” of the Great Salt Lake.  It takes a lot of water to fill the spur before it begins to empty into the Great Salt Lake proper.  By the time the spur fills the water is lapping at our duck clubs’ Western boundary!  Perfect for late season hunting!

Down the river I stopped at each of the other spillways and recorded the water going out of the river.  This series of pictures clearly shows they are dumping a lot of water into the various units and each unit in turn is dumping the over flow into the Great Salt Lake!  Every duck hunter in the northern end of the state should be over joyed with this.






While I was out there, they have a road where tourists and hunters can drive around what is known as Unit 2.  A lot of hunters utilize this unit to bag tons of ducks, geese and for the few lucky ones with swan tags, they take a lot of Tundra or “Whistling” swans from this unit.  A special regulation is in effect for any hunter on Unit 2, and that is, if you are hunting within 50 yards of the center of the dike extending into the unit, you are only allowed to carry 10 loaded shotshells with you.  The problem that was created before this rule went into effect was what is known as “sky busting”.  Hunters would stand on the dike and shoot at any bird that flew past, whether that bird was in range or not.  So to limit the amount of sky busting, they put the 10 shell limit on the hunters.  Of course if you have a boat and set up farther than 50 yards from the dike, that rule doesn’t apply.

As I drove around Unit 2 I could see out in Unit 1 to the North, a LOT of birds.  Big birds, small birds, dark birds and white birds.  Hundreds of swans, thousands of geese and a grundle of ducks.  Unit 2 contained a few Red heads and a scattering of Pintails, but mostly coots…..THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of coots….coots everywere!  Coots on top of Coots.  Continuing around, the South end of Unit 3 (un-huntable area) was loaded with good big ducks.  A few coots as well, but mostly Mallards, Pintails, Spoonbills, Widgeon and Teal.  I didn’t see any geese on Unit 3.  Even up in the “huntable” area of Unit 3 there were a lot of good ducks.  That area is almost impossible to get into unless you have a boat (of course for those of you who think you can walk on water, good luck crossing the channel…it’s very full of water….see pictures above), but for those who do have a boat, the hunting would be fantastic!  Even on a day like yesterday, blue bird!

After I got back home and cleaned up the Honey-Do list, I got hold of Bob and we went down to the club to look things over.  It was getting late in the afternoon and we talked to some young hunters just heading out for an evening shoot.  They said they were getting quite a few ducks way out.  We allowed them to foot travel through the club and on out to their hunting place.  In the meantime we drove Bob’s Rhino out to Baddley Box.  The water that is pouring into our club from the sewer plant is not yet down there, which was very surprising to both of us, however, further travel out toward Colmer Island, found us stopping way short as the water level of the lake is up and completely surrounding that spot.  YESSSSS!!!!  It’s time for a hunt folks!

We had our hip boots on and waded out to Colmer Island.  The box needs some repair work and that will have to be done when someone goes out hunting.  There isn’t any way you will be able to hunt there without fixing it up.  Sorry…work before play!

So, there you have the story!  I’m excited to think it is time to hunt and I can’t help but believe we have some Northern birds sitting on the Refuge right now.  It can only get better until things freeze up!  Grab your shotguns, load up on shells, Don’t forget your HIP number and your duck stamp!  A couple of decoys, the call, warm clothing, a thermos of coffee and a sandwich….everything else is a luxury….oh ya, a 5 gallon bucket!

Bears Butt

October 30, 2014

Written on October 30th, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt



As big game hunters we all wish we could see a sight like this painting by Rusty Phelps.  Two record book mule deer bucks running past our position on the mountain.  Both well within our shootable range and both equally heavily horned.  But in reality, if you as a hunter spend your lifetime out in the woods as often as is legally possible, you MIGHT get so see a sight like this once and I’ll almost guarantee you the deer of this quality you see will be much farther away from you than you can easily and ethically shoot.  But that doesn’t mean your trophy of a lifetime has to be of the caliber that you see in this painting.

Yesterday I told you about going out hunting with Weasel and Conner on what was Conner’s last day to hunt mule deer this year.  We had no idea what to expect as we have not been hunting during the Utah Any Weapon hunt for about 35 years.  Of course we expected to see quite a few hunters out on the mountain, but still, we didn’t know what to expect in the way of deer.  After a bow hunt, a muzzleloader hunt and seven days of the any weapon hunt, it is quite possible for the deer that are out there to be hidden well back into the remotest and steepest areas of the mountains.  Would we even see so much as a doe?  We didn’t know, but wanted to be out there anyway for one last chance.

I had to dig deep to find my blaze orange hat and vest.  Blaze orange anything for me is not something I desire to be wearing, but it is the law and so we had to have it.  I even dug up some for Conner to wear.  Weasel had to go to town and buy his own.

The alarm went off sharply at 3:30 a.m. and I quickly planted my feet on the floor, knowing full well if I laid there for any amount of time after the alarm went off, I’d fall back to sleep and miss the hunt.  I didn’t want to miss this hunt.

At about 5:05, Weasel and Conner were in my driveway and we quickly tossed my pack and gear into it for the two hour ride to the mountains.  That ride allowed us to see a raccoon and a porcupine and 3 deer all along side the road and luckily nothing tried to cross our path.  Well, the raccoon made the dash, but wasn’t hit, dang  it.  We saw something “orangeish” fleeting into the brush on the side of the road….fox?  Cougar?  We will never know.

At first light we were exactly where we wanted to be and we began our slow crawl up the mountain in four wheel drive looking for deer.  We saw a lot of other hunters camps along the way….many more than we were accustomed to seeing, but as for hunters, they were either still in bed, or were out at their favorite hunting spot as we did not see a hunter anywhere on the mountain.  Having not gone more than a half a mile up the road we saw our first deer of the day…a doe and a fawn.  That was very encouraging.  It wasn’t more than a few hundred yards more and we saw two more of the same type.  Four deer within less than 15 minutes of travel.  This was going to be a great day.

As we continued up the road we saw more deer, soon the count was at 13, but none of them were bucks.  Suddenly as we began a decent down a very rough and rocky dugway, we saw a calf moose.  Where is momma?  It is unusual to see a calf of this size without momma around close by.  Perhaps she was down by a small pond of water ahead of us….we didn’t see her, but the calf turned and ran off down the hill to our left and out of sight.  Continuing ever so slowly over the roughness of the road, we eventually came off the dugway and were on a typical clay based mountain road that showed all the signs of being very ugly and nasty during the last rain storm (recall our muzzleload hunt that just ended).  The road was dry and not any issue for traveling on.  At a fork in the road, we chose to go right and up the bottom of a wide valley.  About a half mile later, Weasel, who was driving, spotted what he thought was a moose about 300 yards ahead.  He tried to point it out to Conner and I so we could see it through our binoculars too, but he wasn’t able to get us pinned onto it before it went behind some cedar trees.  He said it was very dark and as we were trying to pick it up in our binocs, he changed his mind from it being a moose to it definitely was a deer.  He caught a quick glance at it as it moved between two cedars and disappeared again…..”I think I saw horns, but I’m not really sure”….

Again, with binocs down, he was able to tell us which cedars the animal went behind.  It was more than the 300 yards ahead where I was looking and so we decided to drive closer and keep our eyes peeled on the spot.  The group of cedars were only about 4 or 5 trees in size, all very close to one another, but there was plenty of space around them that if there was a deer trying to escape we would be able to see it.  When we were straight across from the small grove of trees, we stopped the truck, got out and began glassing.  Did the animal lay down in that grove?  I instructed Conner to take his rifle off his shoulder, as he had placed the sling over it when he got out.  I also told him to get his shooting sticks ready to place the rifle on it should the deer come out and indeed be a buck.  At that moment, the deer came out and there was no need to place binoculars on it to see the antlers!

Conner has not been afforded the opportunity to shoot this rifle much and was having quite a difficult time getting the bolt back in order to put a shell in the chamber.  After a bit of frustration he realized he was not pulling the bolt high enough before trying to slide it back, and it didn’t take him long to have a shell properly placed in its firing position.  He was already sitting on his backside and had the rifle on the shooting sticks when he slid the safety off.  He went immediately to the scope and picked up the moving deer through it.  The deer was nearly 180 yards out when Weasel and I both let out a whistle!  The buck stopped and looked down at us!  That was all the time Conner needed, as he placed the cross hairs on the deers shoulder and touched off the round!

At the report of the rifle, there was an almost immediate POP, as the bullet slammed home and the buck fell in its tracks, dieing almost instantly!

As Conner’s Grandpa, I was astonished to think my 13 year old Grandson had just put his first buck on the ground!  And not just any buck, a very respectable buck!

Conner put another round in the chamber and the rifle on safe, as Weasel and I studied the now still body of the deer laying on the mountain side.  We continued to view it through our binoculars for over a minute and the body did not move.  We knew then the deer had for certain expired and there would be no need for a follow up shot.  High fives were flying around as the three of us were very excited about what had just happened.  Conner was experiencing a little bit of “after the shot jitters” and his legs were sort of, let’s say, “wobbly”.  After a couple minutes to gather the items we knew we would need to get the animal cleaned out and back down to the truck, we started our slow climb up to it.  We had to remain cautious, as it may not be as dead as we thought it was.  Conner took the lead, as he had the rifle.  We went slowly toward it with full intent of coming either down onto the animal or at the very least across the hill to it.  A wounded animal will most certainly take a man out if it is approached from below.

SlowMoveTowardDownedBuck copyAs an old guy (65) and out of shape, the steepness of the hill (as can be seen in this photo) made me very glad we were going slow.  We kept a vigilant eye on the animal as we climbed.

Soon, we found ourselves above it and Weasel slowly went up to it and touched it with his foot.

IsItDead copyYep!  Dead!

Conner made a perfect shot and the animal did not know what hit it.  The bullet did everything a bullet is designed to do, penetrate, cause damage and kill as quickly as possible!  You can see from the blood on the ground it did just that!

LotsOfBlood copyLooking at the antlers on this buck, we were all a bit surprised to see the size of them when we got up to the animal.  From nearly 200 yards away we could see the antlers without binoculars, but there is almost always “ground shrinkage” when you walk up to your downed animal….this time it was quite the opposite!

Weasel decided that we should drag the animal down the hill to an area with a bit less slope to it before he removed the entrails.

MovingDownHill copyWhen we got to a better, less sloping spot, we decided to take some photos to record the event.

VeryNiceFirstBuck copy

ProudDad copy

As Weasel went to cleaning the animal, Conner and I watched and held onto a leg or two.  When that was done, Conner had to do one last thing before we moved the buck….notch his tag!

ConnerCuttingHisTag copy

When the work of cleaning was all done and the tag attached, the drag down to the truck was a pretty easy one and of course more pictures had to be taken when we were back to the truck.

ProudHunterProudDad copyWhat a great day for all of us!

On the ride home, we decided to take the time and process it and get it into the freezer, there would be no better time.  We were finished with the cutting, wrapping and grinding of the burger and all cleaned up by 6:30….just in time for the big world series game!

Way to go Conner!  Congratulations on a very fine first buck!

Bears Butt

October 26, 2014







Written on October 26th, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt

2014BoobinBabyBoard20MissedShots copyWell there won’t be a Boobin Baby Board today, but it should be a great day to be out in the field, as Weasel, Conner and I are heading out to see if Conner can’t fill his tag.  For us it is the last day of the general rifle season and the end of the 2014 hunting season.  Can we find a buck for Conner?  Only time will tell.  We have our honey hole to go and check out and hope to be there at first light.

The hundreds of thousands of hunters with blaze orange have been out hitting the hills since a week ago today and we have seen some very nice bucks being taken state wide.  But we only need one to show up and be close enough for Conner to get a shot….hopefully under 200 yards.  He is shooting his dads 243 and should be able to knock one down with that.  We aren’t hoping for a monster buck, just a legal one.  Wish us luck!

Bears Butt

Oct. 25, 2014

Written on October 25th, 2014 , Hunting Stories
By: Bears Butt

DougYoungerWithDitcherLet’s talk a bit more about the work done on the Willard Gun Club property!

The ditch that was re-dug on Sunday hasn’t been dug out for probably 40 years.  It was a depression in the surrounding ground, but was grown in with natural grasses so thick that it had a very rough time carrying water to where it was intended to go.  In fact, the water would travel down the depression, but would spread out on both sides and made it impossible for the land owners to do anything with their lands when there was water in the ditch at all.  That is why they turned the water out and away from their place.  They wanted to get some work done and needed it dry.

So, now with the ditch cleaned, it will carry the water to where our club needs it and not bother the adjacent land owners at all.

I made the trip down to the place yesterday afternoon to see where the water was and this is what I found.

At the head of the ditch is the diversion culvert that we closed yesterday in order to get the sewer water coming our direction

WaterPoursOutThe water is really pouring out nicely!  A full stream I might add.

As I proceeded to walk down the ditch, the top of the ditch contained quite a bit of water and it was flowing pretty good, but I don’t think it had all the water flowing in it that I saw coming out at the culvert.


Not a bad flow, but not the full amount yet.

Well, still curious about where the water might be down the ditch, I proceeded to go down looking.  I fully expect to see it about half way down and soaking into the ground.  Remember the water table is about six feet down and it takes a lot of water to soak up the ground before it travels forward, especially in a slightly sloping ditch like this one.

AboutMidWayI was pleasantly surprised at the mid point of the ditch to find water.  Not a full stream, but water none the less.  I continued to walk the ditch.  Looking farther to the West and through a patch of nasty phragmities, the water was backing up some.

MidwayLookingWestIt looks like the ditch is the perfect depth to keep all the water contained once it has the full flow.  For now, it is going down the ditch, but is it at the end?  I continued walking down the ditch, when suddenly, my shoes were getting wet.  At the end, the water was flowing out and onto our club!  YEAAAA!

AtTheEndIn this picture it doesn’t look like all the flow is going to the left, but it is.  The bank on the right side is about 8 inches higher than that on the left side.  Besides we have a pretty deep ditch cut going South.  Perfect to carry the water where we want it!  As I am writing this I can only imagine we have a full ditch flowing onto the club right now and it should be forming the ponds around the boxes just like the plan has it.  Give it two to three weeks and we should be into the ducks big time!  Get your duck stamps boys and don’t forget your HIP number!

Bears Butt

October 14, 2014


Written on October 14th, 2014 , Hunting Stories | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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