By: Bears Butt

What’s in a name?  We have all heard that question a million times and there are some names that really take on their meaning.  I mean, when you hear a name you suddenly know exactly what is being talked about.  If the name is the name of a place, you might have even been to that place and you suddenly have a vision of what it looks like.  Or the name might be a person like, Bears Butt or Abraham Lincoln.

Animals all have names.  Species, sub species, genre etc. etc. etc.  that Bug Scientists know all about.  Even down to the little itty bitty bugs that cause us so much grief when they get inside our bodies and make us sick…they all fall into some sort of genre and species…Doctors know about those guys.

But for me, common man, living a common life, with a common wife and common everything else around me…I still need to know the name of some things.  And so, in the world of Bug-A-Salt, I have decided we need to have some names of bugs commonly pursued with that weapon so that everyone will know what is being talked about when one slays a critter.

In the story of Sherry’s first trophy, I said she had taken a “doe fly”.  Not because she is a female and shot a fly, mind you, because she is perfectly capable of shooting male anythings.  My definition of a “doe fly” is a fly that is not too dark in color and is on the small side as compared to other flys that might just be in the same area.

Now I’m not about to get really close to a fly to examine whether it has…well you know…boy parts or girl parts.  And I don’t have time to take a science course on how to sex a fly.  So in my own common way, I shall define a “doe fly” as a smallish fly, usually not so dark in color and rather timid.  Timid of course is in the eye of the looker.  The fly looker.  And so, because we don’t need to know the exact sex of the fly, if the “fly looker” = “hunter”, decides he/she is about to shoot a “doe fly” then so be it a “doe fly” that the hunter has shot or shot at.

So, what about the other sex of flies?  The male species.  I shall call it a “buck fly”…pretty simple huh?  Buck and Doe flies are generally small, obnoxious, get right into your face when you least expect it, land on you and cause immediate itching and above all else are the most repulsive of all bugs you can find.  They spit up, throw up, suck up, track on, poop on and just plain annoy any person or thing that can’t seem to get rid of them……And so Bug-A-Salt was invented.  Thanks to the inventor!  I commend you!

Flies do more than I have mentioned and I’ll get to that in a minute, but if I forget in a minute, it will be another story in and of itself.

And so, my definition of a “buck fly” is a small fly, dark in color, the kind generally found in your house.  In the Fall time of the year, they tend to be just outside, hanging  on the screen door waiting for you to open the door so they can come in and bug you.  Bug-A-Salt!

For us outdoors people, we also know there are flies out there of enormous proportion!  Three to four times as big as the flies I have mentioned here!  I call them “blow flies” and I think you know the kind I am talking about.  These big old flies “blow” past you and you can feel their wings beating as they go past.  Dad told me that the word “blow fly” came from the fact that they could find a way in through the cloth covering on his dead hanging buck deer and lay eggs.  The eggs were called “blow”….I don’t get that, but since it was Dad who told me that, I will agree.

And so, by my definition, a smallish “blow fly” will be called a “cow fly”…sort of like an elk.  A “doe fly” is a female deer, a “cow fly” a female elk.  Conversely, the male species is the “buck fly” and the “bull fly”.

Flies have been defined and in my book they are finalized and don’t try to change my mind.  I have pondered this long enough and lost at least one hour of sleep last night muddling this over in my mind.  Nuff said!

But, here is my big dilemma.  When you think about the bugs a Bug-A-Salt can take down, maybe even with three or more shots, what are those bugs going to be called, so that we all can know what to call them?

Sink bugs, Box Elder Bugs, Spiders, Slugs (oh I can hardly wait to pound one of them salt hating bad boys), mosquito’s, wasps, hornets and the list goes on and on.  Help me out here folks.

Bears Butt

Jan. 9, 2013  National Play God day!

Written on January 9th, 2013 , Bug-A-Salt Adventures
By: Bears Butt

As can be attested by posts of late, you know I am up to my arm pits in painting the inside of the house.  Yesterday I was quite busy in the bedroom prepping it for an all out painting attack today.  Well, here I was busy removing the sliding mirror doors from the closet when in walks Sherry.

Suddenly she says quite loudly, “What’s that”?  And she points up toward the ceiling above my head.  I still have the door canted toward my feet as I am pulling it off the slide railing it is installed on, as I look up toward the area she is pointing to.  And there it is a somewhat smallish doe fly.  Not your normal trophy, but in the off season one must take advantage of any trophy encountered.

I wonder to myself as I am writing this at this time just where that little critter had been hiding and why now to show itself on the wall above my head.

I said to Sherry, “It looks like a task for Bug-A-Salt”!  “Go get the gun, this one is yours”!  And she turned to go to the vault and brandish the weapon.

While she was out I kept a close eye on the little winged creature as I continued to carefully remove the mirrored door from its mounting and then took it to the storage area until we are in need of putting it back on its slide.

Returning into the room I looked up and there the little doe still rests.  Obviously not disturbed by my presence.  By now Sherry has the weapon and is slowly coming into the room like a skulking Ninja, gun at the ready.  Well, the gun was almost ready.  You see, she has only held the weapon a couple of times and this is her first time of actually using it.  She knew of the safety and had it off, what was not fully engaged was the slide cocking mechanism.  In order for the Bug-A-Salt weapon to fire the slide has to be pulled back toward the trigger and then slid all the way forward in its locked position.  A safety feature that is built into the weapon to keep it from firing in the hands of a novice.

A quick look back into the corner 0f the wall clearly shows the doe has moved slightly to the left and up closer to the ceiling.  A nervous maneuver on the does part.  Sherry moves in quietly.  I whisper to her to take careful aim and she is doing just that.  She takes another half step forward and to her right as she maneuvers around a small end table.  I’m thinking to myself, “Oh man, this is going to be good”.

Silence fills the room as she carefully squeezes the trigger, the report is unbelievable and the doe moves to the left about 5 feet down the wall and still up near the ceiling.  Oh no!  A clean miss!  Sherry cocks the weapon again, loading another round of grains of white crystals into the firing position.  And slips the safety off.

Quietly she slides to her left, around the end table and parallel to the double rocking love seat.  She has a clear shot from about four feet.  I have all the confidence in the world that she can make a long shot like this.  She is good with the 7mm Remington Mag, she has demonstrated that on several occasions and now I just know she can make this shot.  She takes her time aiming and again the report of the weapon is heard echoing in the nearly empty room.

The center of the shot pattern is very close to the doe, but slightly to the right of a direct hit, and it’s obvious from my angle the doe is hit but not a hit that will kill it any time soon.  It favors its left wing as it spirals down the wall about 3 feet.  Clinging to the walls surface it finally gets a claw to hang onto something that stops its fall.  It walks in circles again obviously favoring it’s left wing.

Sherry re-cocks the Bug-A-Salt and readies it once again for another shot.  I reassure her she hit the doe with that last shot and she nods her head in agreement, but she has a very determined look on her face as she moves quietly yet quickly to her left two more steps.  From her composure it is obvious to me that she is going to take this doe down even if it takes a full Bug-A-Salt magazine to do it.

The weapon is slowly raised and she is taking a very long time aiming at the beast just 3.75 feet above her head.  Report!!!!!  The doe spins to the right and then wings its way far over to the left and lands on the counter top next to the vanity sink.  Stunned by the blow of a very hard hit.  It wiggles some but is not dead.  I doubt it could even fly at this point and had she not brought her closed fist down upon it like a PETA freak does on the podium of an anti-gun rally, we might have gotten to analyze its wounds closer.  As it was, the doe was rather smeared beyond recognition.

BUT!  AH HA!  Sherry’s first trophy with the all powerful Bug-A-Salt!  The home owners a-salt weapon of choice!

Good going Sherry!  I am so very proud of you!  May there be many more in your future.  Perhaps we should invest in a second Bug-A-Salt for our home safety.

Bears Butt

Jan. 8, 2013

Written on January 8th, 2013 , Bug-A-Salt Adventures
By: Bears Butt

It’s that time of year where most of us are locked up inside or too poor to do anything else.  So what do you do to keep busy?

For those with a tanned fur laying around you might want to make something useful for rendezvous.  Locally you can purchase tanned furs at the store called Montgomery Furs in the Ogden area.  They have a whole lot of really classy red fox, coyotes etc for sale and the prices reflect the going rate for raw furs, plus the tanning.  So even though they aren’t “cheap”, they are great for doing something really cool with.

And I found this youtube video on how to make some mittens out of a coyote hide.

Have fun!  I have to get back to painting!

Bears Butt

Jan 7, 2013

Written on January 7th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Having received a very fine “a salt weapon” for Christmas, I feel it is my obligation to show the public that these are not toys and should only be handled in a safe way.  It clearly says on the box that it comes in, not to shoot into the eyes.  We should all be so safety conscious.

And so, I created and posted two youtube videos about this.

Bears Butt

Jan. 6, 2013

Written on January 6th, 2013 , Bug-A-Salt Adventures
By: Bears Butt

Today I’m going to make a batch of good old chili.  Last night I dumped a bag of red beans out onto the counter top in order to sort them and look for rocks and other debris that usually finds its way into the bag of beans.  This is something my dad taught me to do many, many years ago and its become a habit.

I recall quite a few years back an article in the newspaper that was supposedly from the USDA stating the need to look over beans before cooking them was not needed, as the process’ used to prepare the beans before packaging removed all the foreign things from the beans and the beans were all washed and ready for use.  Of course at the time I called hog wash to that.

As I sorted the beans last night I suddenly found a very sizable rock!  One that would certainly break a tooth if you bit into it.  I looked even closer for things after that.  And as I proceeded to sort I found more and more undesirable things.

Check out that big rock near the bottom of the picture.  The largest one I have ever found while sorting beans.  But near the center of the picture are three smaller rocks.  This is not a good thing to be finding in a bag of beans.

It’s a habit of mine to take some of the split beans out as well and some of the ones that have obvious dirt embedded in dimples.  But let it be known too I don’t take all the split beans out as I sort it.

The finding of 4 rocks in one bag of beans made me wonder if there was a warning on the package the beans came in.

Yep, right there “in plain sight”, IF you look for it.

So, again my curiosity started getting the best of me.  I have grown beans before but not the kind you make chili out of, they are called “dried beans”.  I’ve never grown them.  So my search began about how dried beans are grown and harvested.  It should have been a no brainer, but sometimes I think my brain has gone south.  Dry beans are grown just like any kind of bean, in rows planted fairly close together.  They are allowed to grow until the outside shell is rather crusty and begins to separate.  Then in moves a cutting machine that cuts the vines and puts them in windrows.  After that windrow has some time to dry as well, in comes a threshing machine that separates the beans from the rest of the vine and shell.

Here is a video I found:

Is it any wonder how rocks can get mixed up with the beans?  I had no idea this is how they harvested the beans.

And then the beans are sent to a packaging plant where they are washed and sorted by size etc. and put into bags for sale.  I never found a good video of the inside of one of the packaging plants, so there isn’t one on here for you to see.

So, I guess to find four rocks in one bag of beans isn’t such a bad deal given all the dirt that that harvester is kicking up.

So keep sorting those beans!

Bears Butt

Jan. 6, 2013


Written on January 6th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

We got a late start for our fishing trip this morning but we did finally make it.  We hit Hyrum for the second time since ice on and we expected to catch fish just like we did on New Years Eve…however, the fish gods had a different idea.

We set up camp in the exact spot we fished the other day and it just wasn’t as hot a fishing hole as it had been.  Still fun though.

Let me tell you this, when the outside temp is around 5 below zero, a tent is really a warm thing to have.  It has to be a full 20 degrees warmer inside the tent than it is outside, and I’m talking about right after it is set up.  Remarkable.  Then add a small propane heater and you can take your coat off!  I thank Sherry for giving “us” that tent and heater last year (2011) for Christmas!  It has made a whole lot of difference in how long the kids can stand to be out fishing.

So, as for the report, 8 of us only caught 5 fish all day!  Terrible.  And we didn’t miss too many either.  The go to bait today was terminal tackle in a reddish color and wax worms as the ultimate enticer.

Most of the fish were on the small size.  Like this little bass that Sydnie iced.

Size does not matter when a kid is catching something!  It meant a penny to her from each of the other fishing kids!  One happy girl there!  Good job Syd.

And so the day went on and everyone had at least a bite or two but in the end the real fish catchers were Syd and Conner.  Conner had on a very large fish that was trying its best to pull him into the ice hole, but before we even saw what kind of fish it was it spit the hook and was gone.  Too bad Conner, I think it had a big fish contest tag stuck on it.  That’s fishin!

From this spot we moved to join another friend just up the bank.  He had us talked into a bucket load of fish, as he and his friends were nailing them big time.  Sure Parker…just as we got there the fish moved over to where we left.

Just look at that grin!  Has he pulled us in or what?  It’s funny the picture isn’t blurry as I was wriggling all over the ice.

It was nice to run into a couple of friends like Parker and Shipley and re-acquaint ourselves with the cool part of fishing…camaraderie.

We left the ice in plenty of time to do something else at home before it got dark, but as we drove over the summit of Sardine Canyon we looked to our left and there was a couple struggling to get their truck un-stuck from the snow.  The dirt road from the summit over to Avon is not one to mess with at this time of year.  I don’t care what kind of high lift, power stoke 4X4 you have, I’ll bet you a six pack it won’t make it from one highway to the other!

My back is now very sore from the work of getting them un-stuck, but they were very grateful for our help.  They didn’t have a shovel, chains or anything.  While we were helping get them back onto the road and out of trouble several other cars and trucks stopped to offer assistance.  It is very nice to see there are people out there who really care about others and their problem  circumstances.

Fun time for sure!  Thanks to everyone!

Bears Butt

Jan. 5, 2013


Written on January 5th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt

Hey Security!  Turn on at least one light down here!

Thanks!  And how about some heat?  It’s cold as all get out!

I’ll be right back, I have to go put on a coat…….

There!  That’s a lot better.  Well, just like a bad penny, I’M BAAACCCCKKKK!

All the plugs plugged according to hoyle, the dust bunnies all left without an argument and the desk separated without too much of a struggle.  And then it all came together just about the time the sun was setting!  AHHHHHH!  The good life.

With that, I have been given a kitchen pass for tomorrow and actually asked to “go fishing”!  That never happens.  I have checked all the caller I.D.s, looked her Facebook over and checked her personal cell phone and everything looks like it’s up and up…so, I’ll go fishing.  She really loves me you know and after all, “what’s not to love”?

One of the boys has committed to going with me, the other has to check with his kids.  How bad did they freeze the last time out?  That will determine the fishing factor of them for this next trip.

The weather calls for a slight chance of snow in the morning and then just partly cloudy and cold.  It sounds perfect for a day on the ice.  I think a trip back to where we were the other day, but try and get in another area.

Meal worms, wax worms and of course the “secret” bait will be the baits of choice.  More will come tomorrow after the fishing has been concluded.  For those of you wishing to join us, you are more than welcome.  Give me a call, send a personal message or email and we will hook up, so to speak.

One thing I have noticed about being in this Underground area, is the computer is liking it a lot better than being in a hot environment.  It’s so COLD down here!  I’m heading out!

Bears Butt

Jan. 4, 2013

Written on January 4th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

We have all heard of The Bear Goes Over the Mountain, but in this house it looks like the Bears Butt may be going over the cliff.  Once the second painted bathroom is all put back together it will free up a lot of space in the small room down the hall.  It is in this small room that the majority of the bedroom stuff is to be stored (that explains to me why I can’t paint that room before the bedroom).

So, the Bears Butt’s computer is also going into that small room.  My house painting is going to affect the world at this point.  I never imagined in all my born days that this could ever happen.

And so to all my friends reading this in the countries of Japan, Russia, Germany, Spain, England, Ireland, Afghanistan, Guam, Australia, Canada and Tennessee, keep checking back on a regular basis.  If all goes well I will be able to maintain a trail from the doorway to the computer and occasionally be able to post up another story or two.

You might want to take a few moments and go stock up on fresh drinks and snacks and perhaps get your meds renewed as well.  After all, I’m sure there is a medical reason you are frequenting this site and without it you might need something stronger to get you through what could just be an “extended down time” as I unplug my computer from the world and attempt to re-attach it in the room just 10 feet down the hall.  Wish me luck.

As for you, I wish YOU luck as well.  Unless something of astronomical circumstances prevents me from getting back up and running, I will relay my progress, “on this site”, through my son the “Weasel”…he has a key to the doorway to this site.  Unlike myself, when I log in to post something on here it is like approaching the garage door from within the vehicle and hitting the garage door opener,  He, on the other hand must get out of the vehicle and open the garage door manually.  But it can be done.

Weasel, do you copy the Bears Butt?  Weasel, are you out there?

I figured if I gave him some AA batteries for Christmas that he would understand he needed to put them into his 2 way radio just in case my painting came to this.

Bears Butt, Out!

January 4, 2012

Oh My!  Suddenly the phone was ringing off the hook as my Security Team has advised me not to disclose the whereabouts of my move.  So, forget the fact that I was planning to move 10 feet down the hall, as in fact Security has me moving to an “underground” location.

Bears Butt, Roger Out!

Same day.

Written on January 4th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

January 3 and already I have painted the two bathrooms upstairs!  I’m going like gang busters on this painting deal I made with Sherry.  The ultimate goal is to paint the entire upstairs before trapping season begins.

I just found out there is a kink in my system.  I thought I would next move into the small room just off the hallway…I was just informed it’s our bedroom next….oooooo.

With the bedroom painting also comes new carpet….more delays.  It makes more sense to me to paint the small room and THEN the bedroom…but she is the boss.  Trapping season begins early in February.

On an UP note….I did hear her mumble under her breath something about ice fishing…………………………………………………..

Bears Butt

Jan. 3, 2013

Written on January 3rd, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

As most of you know, Sherry and I keep track of any money we find during the year.  We have a little contest to see who can find the most and the winner gets bragging rights.  Coins are found in parking lots, under the edge of the counter when paying for groceries or other goods and often times in the coin return of a “coinstar” machine.  Actually there is nowhere a coin can not be found.  I found on on the bottom shelf of a bread rack, delicately balanced on one of the wire rungs.  One must keep a close eye out all the time.

2012 was a very poor year for finding many coins, but she found a $50 bill early in the year.  My goal at that time was to also find a $50 bill, but it did not happen, I didn’t find any bills at all.  So with that she beat me really bad by finding $50.90, while my finds totaled $2.13, in my finds there was a Russian Ruble as well and I can’t count that, according to our rules.

We added another dimension to the game this year as when we find a coin, we get to scratch a lottery ticket with the lucky money.  I scratched $41 in winners while she scratched $25 worth of them.

As the population relys more and more on the use of credit and debit cards coins are becoming harder and harder to find.  I like the fact that High School kids think it is really fun to throw pennies at their buddies and also to drop change outside their vehicle at the McDonalds drive up window.  I wish each and every one of them handfuls of pennies wherever they go.

And so we begin 2013 with empty found coin jars in hopes to fill them to overflowing by this time next year!  Wish us luck!

Bears Butt

Jan. 3, 2013

Written on January 3rd, 2013 , Uncategorized | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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