By: Bears Butt

Except for a short blurb as we head out the door to go to this event on Friday, this will be the last I’m going to advertise this…You Comin?!?

Bears Butt

Jan. 23, 2013


Written on January 23rd, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

As you get older it is really fun to look back at the photo albums stuck in the drawer or on the shelf.  I found that old wallet I told you about a few stories back and in it was some pictures of our two boys.

I thought I would share them on here with you.

Here is a progression of Brandon as the years flew past:

And here is his younger brother Mitch:

Of course Grandma and I look at the older pictures (younger pictures) of the boys and compare them to their own children and there are a lot of similarities on both sides.

You have to love old pictures!

Bears Butt

Jan. 23, 2013

Written on January 23rd, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

I like visiting the outdoor forum called UtahWildlifeNet! (  It’s a wonderful site filled with great ideas, fishing and hunting reports and it has some very lively conversations with very opinionated folks.  Today during my visit I clicked on a topic about a fish de-boning device that someone has actually made and it is for sale.

It has a very practical purpose as it de-bones trout and other fish rather easily, well, at least the video makes it look easy.  Does it work?  I don’t really know and I probably don’t know anyone who has one.  Do you have one?  Does it work?

Anyway, I thought I would share the website with you and you can look at the video yourself.  A very good gift for the outdoors man/woman who has most everything.  Don’t let the name confuse you!

I almost put this in “Jokes I like!”


Bears Butt

Jan. 22, 2013

Written on January 22nd, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Those of you who know me know just how much of a “softy” I am.  I might look a little rough around the edges, but my heart is in the right place….at least that is what “I” think.

Anyway, I have a very tender part of my body that I like to keep clean and you do to.  A few days ago I told you about some toilet paper that Sherry bought at Smith and Edwards and how it just has its own way of being toilet paper.  I told her yesterday that those rolls sure do go a long way and that the usual toilet paper we buy from the grocery store always seems to run out quickly.

I think now that my sewer system is having a problem.  No, not backing up because of using this stuff.  What I think is happening is the toilet paper goes down the toilet and then somehow cleans itself up and comes back up through a hole somewhere under the bathroom sink.  There looks to be more rolls of that stuff in that cabinet than what she bought last week!  Talk about recycling!  We will never get rid of that stuff!

Bears Butt

Jan. 22, 2013

Written on January 22nd, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

It’s Monday and what better thing to do than go ice fishing?  Today I am headed off with a couple of old cronies I haven’t fished with in nearly a year.  And we are headed to a place I heard had some pretty good fishing.  AND BIG fish to boot.  We shall see.

I’ll post up a report when I get back.

Bears Butt

Jan. 21, 2013

Written on January 21st, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt

Hey Handy People!  Have you always wanted to shoot a bow and arrow but just can’t come away from the budget table with anything left to go out and purchase that bow?

Me too.  But I found a site that shows how you can make a pretty classy long bow out of every day common stuff that you or your neighbor might be throwing away.  They say this is a 60 pound pull bow and I suppose it is.  Really looks easy to make and shoots pretty good, at least in this guys hands.

Maybe someone would like to make some up for the rendezvous and we can give them away for raffle prizes!  I might even switch over to bow hunting deer if I had one of these bows.

Check it out at this web site:

Easy to do, simple tools used and even I think I could make one.

Bears Butt

Jan. 20, 2013

Written on January 20th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

This mornings breakfast consists of venison chunks, provided by Black Foot from this past years muzz deer hunt!  Thank you Black Foot!  Without the meat you provided I would be craving venison at this moment and probably eating pork instead.

Venison, chunked fried potatoes and eggs over medium!

Does it get any better than that?  I think not.

An another note, it looks like the volunteer list is coming together quite well for the upcoming kids ice fishing day to be held next Saturday…I can’t wait.

The weather forecast for the upcoming week, right through next Saturday is very good.  No real snow in the forecast and rather warm temps for this time of year, highs expected in the mid 30’s.

Talking with a fellow fisherman this morning on the cell phone, he said he went fishing yesterday and ended up taking off his warm weather apparel and fished most of the day in shirt sleeves and without gloves on!  Now that is warm for January!

Fishing?  Well he only caught one all day long, but it was a nice one, Cutthroat Trout, 22 inches long!  Nice fish in anyone’s book, he doesn’t keep his fish and so it is still swimming around in that lake.  He is heading to another lake as I am typing this.  He is to call me with his story later in the day.  He is also planning on going again in the morning and I just might have to join him.

I’ve been doing some research on another story I am planning to put up here but in my un-scientific mind I can not comprehend the following statement and hope someone reading this can help me make “common sense” of it.  What does it mean in laymen terms when someone says, “29.25 gr p/mole”?????

Is that a mole that weighs 29.25 grams?  It sounds like that to me.  But I was not researching the weight of a mole at the time, but that is what came up on my search.  There is a whole lot of weirdness going on in our world and people are making up stuff as they go.  At any rate a mole that weighs only 29.25 grams isn’t a very big mole is it?

Tomorrow is a holiday for a lot of you and I hope you make the best of it.  Keep in mind that tomorrow doesn’t mean much to us retired people, who have nothing to look forward to…no weekends, no holidays, no vacations…..

Enjoy your day!

Bears Butt

Jan. 20, 2013


Written on January 20th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Straw on Ice flyer

Click on the blue line and see what I’ve been talking about for a few weeks!  I hope to see you there!

Bears Butt

Jan. 19, 2013

Written on January 19th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

You have to be careful out in the world wide web area.  I just looked up the dangers of eating snow.  Yes, plain old every day snow.  Snow that has just fallen and is nice and fluffy and nobody has made any attempts at making it yellow, or stepped in it or anything.  Just plain snow.

One web site went into great detail making me think twice about eating snow.  They site the Canada Safety Council and go into great lengths telling me how snow is formed.

The atmosphere is filled with nasty little dusty bacteria particles floating around and circling the globe.  Suddenly moisture in the same general area gets really cold and water molecules begin to freeze, but they have to find a host to freeze come the bacteria, dirt and other undesirable things.  The molecules continue to form around this nasty host until it gets heavy enough for gravity to take hold of it and send it earthward.

Here I stand on earth with my face pointed upward and my tongue hanging out, my eyes focused on a potential snowflake descending to my position.  How lucky will I be to have it drop onto my tongue?  BUT WAIT!  That is not lucky…it’s lucky to have it MISS my tongue according to these guys!  Don’t eat it!  These CSC guys took 20 samples from all around the world and found loads and loads of bacteria crawling in the snow they sampled!  YUK!  Spit it out!

AND a direct quote from that article reads:  “The amount of bacteria in snow is comparable to the amount of bacteria children exposed to when they play in dirt”.   Read more: Is Eating Snow Safe? |

And so, they suggest you not eat snow, no way, no how.  But what if you were dieing of thirst and stranded somewhere away from help?  Would you take your chances?  Of course, but keep in mind, it would be better to melt it in a pot and let it boil for awhile if you have the capabilities to do that.

Now, as I continued to look on the web for the uglies of eating snow, I found a site that was completely the opposite.  And this site is one intended to teach kids about stuff.  The site is an answers web site named “”

Here is the question and the answer:

Can You Eat Snow?

Glad you asked…
Yes, of course you can eat snow. Snow is derived from water so it is completely safe to eat. It will probably melt in your hands though!

angeleyez410, Answers Expert

So, what do you believe?  I think I’ll take my chances and try and catch another snow flake.  Can’t my body take care of one more little bacteria bug?  If not, I guess I’ll go under having caught that last snow flake and bathed in my own glory knowing I could do it!

Bears Butt

Jan. 19, 2013


Written on January 19th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Broken shock continued:  Those of you who have read my early post about breaking a second shock on my 2002, Yamaha Big Bear 400 in less than 6 months should be aware that Yamaha has not had too many complaints about this sort of thing happening.

I have a tough time believing that I am the only person around who bought a machine with two defective shocks.

I called and talked to Yamaha, America, located in Southern California and the person I talked to was the same guy I talked to back in May when the first shock broke.  He is concerned and so has asked that I contact the local dealer in Hyde Park to investigate my issue.  That I need to take both broken parts in for them to analyze and get with corporate headquarters for further investigation.

I know that Hunter has the same model of machine I have and I am also concerned that he might just roll his machine if his shocks break.  Luckily for me, I was going slow enough both times to only cause the machine to tip, but had I been going even 10 miles per hour I think it would have flipped over.  In that regard I feel very lucky.

So, take note people, YAMAHA BIG BEAR 400 MODELS IN 4×4, could have a problem with shocks that are not safe.

Bears Butt

Jan. 18, 2013

Written on January 18th, 2013 , Uncategorized | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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