By: Bears Butt

The Weasel gave me a new Gerber multi tool for my birthday last year and it’s one of the best tools I have.  I use it daily and two weeks ago I was trying to cut come very tough wire with it when suddenly the cutting inserts shattered into many pieces.  This tool is called the 800 Legend and it has removable and replaceable tungsten carbide inserts.  If they get dull on one edge you can take them off and turn them up to three times, as they have three cutting edges.

So, here I am with my favorite tool without any wire cutting capabilities.

Back in the den, I googled Gerber and wrote to them about my predicament.  My email explained how I use my multi tool several times daily and just hated the thought of sending it off to be fixed, when the fix is something I could do if I had the replacement cutters.  I got no response to my email and thought that it went into the trash basket with other spam emails at Gerber’s site.

The Weasel told me to call them and find out about the warranty and my email.  I was going to do that tomorrow, but on that same day a small package arrived in the mail and it contained my new cutting edges!  YES!  My tool is whole again!

Thank you Gerber!  I am one with my Gerber!

Bears Butt

April 14, 2013

Written on April 14th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

The next time it rains or causes me to have to stay indoors I’m going to be working on a really cool little deal.  I have to do some painting, but it will be worth it.  When all done I will make a short video and post it up on here for everyone to see.  Who knows it just might become a theme of some sort on here…time will tell.

Right now it’s farm work and happy times like that.

Bears Butt

April 13, 2013

Written on April 13th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

So yesterday the tree man came and cut down my walnut tree and Brandons White Birch…all was well…Well sorta…his truck took a turn for the worse just as he was about here.  His clutch pedal hit the floor pretty hard and so he limped here.

He is a great guy with a good business and good reputation:  The Tree Surgeons of Utah and his name is Warren Smith 801-776-1566 if you need some tree work done.

So, with a broken down truck he commenced to cut down the tree he promised me to cut down…my walnut tree…he laid that baby down perfectly without so much as disturbing my coach which was 20 feet away…something I would have had to have moved if I would have done the job myself.  This guy is a pure professional when it comes to cutting down trees.  He does all sorts of tree stuff and is a certified Arborist.

Anyway, my neighbors all got in on the action…Mike Grimes, Mark Barlow, Bob and umpteen more to help fix his truck while he was busy doing my tree.  It was a pretty cool thing to see as everyone wanted to help this guy out with his problem.  In the end, Mark Barlow found the problem…Bailing Wire Failure!

The clutch linkage was being held together with bailing wire and it finally gave way to age and rust, causing the clutch petal to hit the floor…BANG!  Warren was able to limp to my place and park his truck.  He was a happy guy for that, but not that his truck was broken.  I reassured him life would be good and he could put his valuable tools in my garage for the night if need be and everything would be safe.  He was OK with that.

So, he put my tree on the ground and then walked down to Weasels place and dropped another…he made some bucks and was pretty happy about all of that.  Meanwhile Mark was working upside down under the dash of his truck and finally figured out what was wrong.  It was broken…..Of course it was broken!  No, Mark found the broken bailing wire and tried to fix it the right way…no way would it fix…bushings, pins etc.  were way to worn to work properly, so the part had to come off.

Warren had called his son to come and rescue him from all this hub-bub, but that didn’t happen until Cody Stone arrived…Cody is a long time friend of Warrens and just happens to be married to 0ne of my nieces…small world huh?

Cody is a strong man and was able to wrench the broken part off of Warrens truck and allow Mark to cut and drill it…when it was done, Mark had fixed it so well that that particular part will be the last thing that will melt down when that truck is finally taken to the melting pot!  Thanks Mark…and for doing that, Warren will cut and trim a nasty tree for Mark for nothing!  Thanks Warren!

What a great town I live in!

Today Weasel and I cut up the tree, salvaged as much wood as we could and took the excess branches to the field to be burned.  We ended up with 7 truckloads of junk, and two truck loads of good old Walnut firewood.  How can anything be better than that?  Well, except for my back which is killing me right now and I need to hit the hot tub!  Thanks Weasel!  For the price of a “Calls Burger” and some fries he worked his butt off for me today!

I think I will be able to type a story tomorrow…the hot tub should help tonight and we will see about what happens when the sun comes up!

Bears Butt

April 11, 2013

Written on April 11th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Spammers are starting to infiltrate my system on this site.  So far the spam filter is doing a very good job of detecting them but this morning two ugly little guys snuck under the radar.  My total count of spam messages is 19,975!  That’s a lot of stupid people out there trying to sell junk.

So, the rats are on ice waiting for the next big auction until a buyer gets serious about purchasing 780 of the prettiest rat hides on the market today.  In the meanwhile, you know I finished my painting duties, I have my Bears Butt Cave in order and it is changing slightly each day with more stuff being added all the time.  In a Cave such as this, I doubt it will ever stop changing.  The flooring in the house has all been changed out and now we have some trees that need to be taken down out in the yard.

So much for that stuff…more importantly is the UWC Youth Turkey hunt that is coming up in a couple of weeks.  This is where considerable energy is going to be spent.  I encourage you to donate to the UWC and plan on joining us on Saturday, April 27 for an afternoon of music, food and a turkey informational seminar that will be given by a guy who knows turkeys so well, if he had feathers he could be one!  No offense meant by that Mr. Gardner!

How can you donate?  Go to their website at and hit the donate button…$25 gets you in.  The location of the event on Saturday afternoon is:  The Whitear Pavillion, 4175 N. Morgan Valley Dr, Morgan, Ut 84050 (Actually Peterson, Ut is where it is located, but the official OKie-Dokie Address is listed as Morgan).  A Map Quest search on either city will land you at the same place.

I’m waiting for the cooking staff to come forward with their list of needs such as tables, chairs, cooking items, canopies, water etc. for me to get my team assigned items needed and then it’s off to the races to make sure everything will be in place when the time comes!

Excited is not the word to describe my feeling right now.  Jubilant!  What other words could be used?

Bears Butt

April, 10, 2013

Synonyms: celebrating, doing handsprings, elated, enraptured, euphoric, excited, exuberant, exultant, exulting, flipping, flying*, glad, gleeful, joyous, overjoyed, pleased, rejoicing, rhapsodic, thrilled, tickled, triumphal, triumphant


Written on April 10th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

With everything else that is going on, I finally got the painting done!  YEAH FOR ME!!!!

The tile guy came over yesterday and finished his job in the closets.  Today I put the base board down, caulked it top and bottom, did a little sanding and once it was dry, put on two coats of paint!  I’m a Happy Guy!  I’m a Happy Guy!  Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, Hubba, Hubba!!!!

I kissed Sherry and told her my job was done…she said…”You don’t know what else awaits”!  Oh No!  And I thought all I had to do was complete my promise to paint the house….

Oh Well!

Bears Butt

April 9, 2013


Written on April 9th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

The bidding has begun on our rats and it looks like we might just put them in the freezer this year.  We know the value of our rats, but the local buyers just don’t want to let loose with their money.

We can combine this years collection with what we catch next year and we might just want to send them to auction ourselves rather than deal with the cheap-o’s.  We still have one guy coming to look at the rats today and we will make our decision after he give us his bid.

Bears Butt

April 9, 2013

Well, the bids were pretty low, so we decided to freeze the hides for a later date.

Written on April 9th, 2013 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt

My first morning in the new Man Cave!  I love it, warm, bright, fresh!  A nice view out the window.

OK!  Today is a day for rat bids to come flying in.  I am waiting for a call from the out of state guys and Bob is waiting for a local buyer to contact him.  Everyone should have seen the video and the piles of rats posted right on this site last week.

I have had several comments about that story and if I had thought it through just a wee bit more, it would have been just a tad different, but what was done is what is done, can’t change that.

The auctions since late January through the end of March have shown the average price paid for muskrats has been in the low to mid $9 range, Bob and I know we have a higher quality of rat than average so our expectancy is pretty high.  We also know that the market can only stand so much and we don’t want to see our buyer Not Make Money.  We will be reasonable, if the buyers bids are reasonable.  Otherwise we will freeze the hides and hold out for a higher price later on.

There will be more on this as it unfolds.

Bears Butt

April 8, 2013

Written on April 8th, 2013 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt

Stylin in my new man cave!  Got a great view of the outside world, lots of room to kick back and right now I’m enjoying a cold brew!  How can things get any better?

I have a plan to put up a hat/coat rack in here soon…Sherry will like that and it will free up the backs of the kitchen chairs, which have become regular hat and coat racks for the past 38 years…that will be a tough change for me.

Sherry came in here and the first thing she said was “You hung your pictures pretty low”…..What in the heck does she know about hanging pictures in a Man Cave?!!!!  A Man Cave can have whatever the man wants, where he wants it!  Get Real!  I told her “I’m not decorating the ceiling”!  She just rolled her eyes…I know she was thinking…”you’re not decorating the floor either, but you are close”.

I like it.

Yes!  It’s bright and cheery.  Clean.  No more guards and darkness and of course there is heat and air conditioning if I need it…plus the control is just down the hall…no more calling for the warden and/or the guards…I’m in my comfort zone.  I can see anyone coming to the house via the driveway.  I can hear them coming down the side of the house.  This is great!  Plus I still have a full wall to put my turkey mount from the turkey I will kill this year.  I purposely left that wall open for that.

Oh, by the way, for those of you who might have to travel towards the salty city tomorrow….we are under a high East wind warning for tomorrow afternoon and night, into Tuesday.  Sustained winds to 40 mph with gusts over 60 mph…they are saying that trash, lawn furniture and assorted stuff might cross your path as you drive down the Wasatch Front, especially through the Farmington to North Salt Lake areas.   Drive safe!

Bears Butt

April 7, 2013

Written on April 7th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

A nice spring time rain is falling and it is a nice day to stay inside.  Maybe I can get some things caught up.  I have some loose ends that have been untied since Christmas time…and it doesn’t help for Sherry to find our auto insurance forms from last November, still hooked to the pages from the insurance company…sure glad we didn’t get in any auto accidents since then.

This rain reminds me that the upcoming youth turkey hunt could have this same weather fall on the fun.  We need to be prepared for this as well as the sun…I have to put that down on my preparation page to remind others to make sure they are prepared for rain during the hunt.

My “to do” list includes shampooing the carpet in the “man cave”, I’ll do that first and then will be able to move this computer into the room…I’ll be off line for a while…

Bears Butt

April 7, 2013

Written on April 7th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

So, what began back in early January has now been finished!  PAINTING!!!!!!  I’m done!  Sherry’s Christmas present is now complete!  Merry Christmas Dear!

The last step before I can move my office back up to the light of day is to shampoo the carpet…Bears Butt has not seen the goodness of carpet in a long, long time.  And not to mention the “heat”!  The warden has somehow forgotten about me down here in the darkness and has ignored my pleeeeeessss for heat to be sent in this direction….but I made it through the harshness and am now able to come out and once again see the sunlight.

You should notice an increase in very positive stories from this day forward…well maybe after I move to the “Man Cave” from down here.  I have gotten used to feeling for the things I need in this darkness and it will be quite the treat to be able to see the things I am reaching for.  The stories should unfold quicker and with that positiveness I talked about.  YES!  Finally a reprieve from this dark and cold place.  Guards….be off!!!!

And so, with all the trapping and the painting and the farm work and the whatever it has been that has taken all my time, I just discovered that the weeds and the asparagus are now growing!  I didn’t have time to get out and clean up the patch and suddenly God has decided to punish me more by making it impossible for me to clean the patch “easily” before the asparagus comes up.  Now I have to toil around the tender little plants that are poking their heads up to get the old dead and the new weeds out.  I need a servant.

Well, maybe just another beer.

Bears Butt

April 6, 2013



Written on April 6th, 2013 , Uncategorized | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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Just some of my old stories, new stories, and in general what is going on in my life.