By: Bears Butt


Well, this is Fathers Day weekend and most of you will read this maybe on Monday, but for me, I’m writing this on Friday night…seems like the Weasel wants to go fishing in the morning…What with Sherry working at Smith and Edwards, why not?!

We are heading off to Hyrum reservoir to try our hand at some bass and trout fishing… Weasel likes bass fishing and he picked himself up a couple of new lures…myself…I’ll stick to worms and a bobber…nothing better than to out fish old mister smarty with a worm…watch this..I’ll pick up a bass right out frum under that there log…BLAM!!!  Fish on!

So, that’s the plan for first thing in the morning…like 5:30…YUK…what happened to sleeping in?  Oh well, it’s Fathers Day weekend and there might as well be some sacrificing to  make the weekend memorable.

We had talked about all the Grandkids goin, but then Hot Spark got involved and decided it would be best for Weasel and Bears Butt to go out and try our hand at catching and the kids could go out on Sunday…works for me.

Weasel, you had best bring a lot of quarters, cuz I’m gonna kick you some fin!

Bears Butt

June 14, 2013

Written on June 14th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt


I just got a call from the Weasel…we are in for the Utah antlerless elk drawing.  Both of us have 3 points and that should just about guarantee us a tag!

Go baby Go!

Bears Butt

June 14, 2013

Written on June 14th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Yesterday marked the END of the 2012-2013 trapping season for us, Bob sold the rats!

It was sort of a let down as far as I was concerned because of the fact that the last auction sold rats at a record high of over $14 and even less than quality rats sold at over $13…that being said, it made our quality rats look like they should be worth over $12 to a buyer.  However, the local buyers didn’t see things that way.  Greedy I guess.

So, Bob was inclined to sell the rats for what he thought was a good price and so be it.  I’m happy, he is happy and the whole deal is over for another season.

The one thing it did do was make us think that maybe we should send our rats off to the auction in future years.  It’s a gamble for sure because in most cases you can’t say “I don’t want to sell for that price” and get your furs back.  It’s usually a send them off and hope you get a good price.    I’m willing to gamble on that one.  There is also the cost to ship the furs and there is always at least one ding for the auction house to make some money by charging you a processing fee for them doing your selling for you.  That is usually a percentage of the selling price.  At some auctions there is a handling fee up front and then a percentage of the selling price…double dings!

No matter, if we decide we will be sending off our furs next year, we won’t have to deal with the local buyers and take their price in the shorts.  We did get a good deal this year, it just wasn’t what the rats were really worth and the buyer will make at least $3 on each of the rats we sold him.

Did we cover our costs?  Yes, and then some, but it would have been nicer to have enough over the costs to cover the bed with money and jump in with the wife for a little play time.  Do people do that these days?  HAHAHA!

So there you have it…the Trappers catch the furs…the fur buyers catch the trappers!

Bears Butt

June 13, 2013

Written on June 13th, 2013 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


This morning finds the old Bears Butt waiting for Sherry to get home from a meeting at her work place…todays meeting is one that surprised almost all the employees of the local redneck culture store “Smith and Edwards”.  I suppose at this time I should tell you about this store, some of you might not have ever heard of it.

Smith and Edwards started out just after World War II as a War Surplus store.  A dream of one Mr. Smith and another Mr. Edwards.  After the war there were tons and tons of items that had been made in preparation to supply the troops, things like helmets, canteens, knives, uniforms, blankets, mess kits, cans of canned heat, C-rations (food), sleeping cots, medical items…the list goes on and on and on and on, and because the war was over, the government needed someplace to dispose of all this good stuff.  So along came Mr. Smith and Mr. Edwards and bought a bunch of it up and made it available for sale.  As a youngster in the middle 50’s, it was my favorite store of all.  For just a couple of bucks I could come out of there with a whole bag full of “necessary items” to meet my outdoors and scouting needs.

Smith and Edwards sign says “We have everything you want…If we can find it”, and believe me, they have a lot of things in there that makes you wonder why they have it, and if by chance you go in there for something and you can’t seem to find it, don’t give up, keep looking because somebody else may have picked one up and set it down in another department.  Just keep looking.

Today they don’t have so much war surplus, but they still have the department that carries a lot of that sort of thing, it is made up of surplus military stuff from many countries, not just the U.S.  They even have an outside lot full of old trucks and trailers used to transport troops and gear.  Plus, a ton of other stuff that they have gathered up over the years, everything from pipe to baskets.  The outside lot is worth wandering around looking at even if you have no need for any of it.  You will see some things that will make you scratch your head and wonder just what it is and what it could have possibly been used for.

A few years back, at a company party, one of the boss’ was giving a speech and said he liked to listen to the customers and when he heard a good statement he would write it down…this particular year he overheard a “one sided” conversation from a lady on a cell phone…here is how part of it went…”Well, I’m here in Smith and Edwards…what was that?….Oh, well, it’s sort of hard to say…I guess the best way to describe it is…It’s an Ikea for Rednecks”!!!!

That should give you some idea about what this store is all about.

Well, they are about to go HIGH TECH on us…yessireee bobby…they have created a new department and have hired a lady to run it…they are going “On line” and soon you will be able to purchase goods from them.  This means they will be expanding and adding a shipping department and who knows what else.

So todays meeting is about “customer service”…at least that is what Sherry has been lead to believe…we will find out when she gets back…in the meantime I have prepared a little breakfast for her when she gets home.  Sausage patties, fried potatoes from diced baked potato leftovers from the other night and when she gets home I’ll fry up an egg, pour up some milk for her and orange juice for me and there you have it…breakfast.

With some time on my hands I came in here to write up what you have been reading and I got curious just what other people eat for breakfast.  It was quite interesting what I came across…Breakfast in the South…Now I have tried Grits before and I just could not get the hankering for their taste and texture, but I won’t bad mouth them, they just were not something for me.  Most of the breakfasts I found on line include them but the most curious is some of the other things I saw that are cooked up for breakfast in the South…Biscuits and gravy…yummy to me…I could eat that!  Batter fried chicken gizzards…Oh Ya!  That would be good!  Corned Beef Hash…Had that and it’s super good, especially served with catchup!  Country fried steak…Great stuff right there…!Country ham!  That speaks for itself!  Cracklins.   Maybe for a snack.  Fatback…I’m not sure about that…never tried it.  Fried pork chops…I could do that every morning!  Hog head cheese and/or hog jowls….Naaa!  It just don’t sound right to me…especially for breakfast…I think I’d rather have a bowl of grits.

Some of the other things I found on the breakfast menu seems more to be an afternoon or evening meal to me, but I suppose if it meets your fancy go for it.

Fried chicken, fried squirrel, fried frog legs, Salmon patties and  deep fried fish….They all sound great, but I’d rather face a frog leg later in the day myself.

One thing I didn’t see on the breakfast menu for Southern style eating was pizza…That will come soon enough.

Bears Butt

June 11, 2013

Written on June 11th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


A heart felt THANK YOU to Dry Dog, Wapiti and Weasel for the huge help in  finishing our task for today.  Helping hands helping out where we could.

Dry Dog, I really feel badly that you went your direction so quickly and missed our stopping at a local establishment for a bite to eat.  I owe you one.

So, we did stop into a local place today and had a cold drink and a wonderful hamburger and some home made fries!


Also met a great guy and bartender, a Mr. Lee Jensen, what a great guy and a super cook as well!  Thank you Mr. Jensen!

And the name of the place?  Mims Bar and Grill in Corinne, Utah!

I have not been in that place since it was named something else and that was over 20 years ago.  Wapiti had not been in there since they had a snake skin hanging on the North wall and Weasel hadn’t been in there all his born days.

Some things never change and that is one thing that has only changed because of necessity.  It still looks just like it did back in the day.

Thanks again Lee!

Bears Butt

June 10, 2013

Written on June 10th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Lately there has been a lot of talk about survival kits and 72 hour kits for emergency use.  Actually, the talk has been going around for many years, but for some reason just recently there seems to be a bigger push. ( Is it because of Obama?)

I went on line looking at survival kits and there is such a wide variety and it’s sort of funny what people are thinking when they put together these kits.  One kit I looked at included a whole bunch of fishing stuff…from the basic hook and line to spinners and flies…loads of different sinkers etc.  As for me, if I was building a survival kit, I “might” have a fishing set up in the kit, but probably not…why take up valuable space and weight for that, when a few more high calorie candy bars would probably get you through the amount of time it would take you to catch a fish (maybe catch a fish).  Perhaps it was that persons idea to just give you something to do while waiting to be rescued…I don’t know.

Then there was the one with the emphasis on first aid.  It has the normal bandage stuff, tape, salves and antibiotic meds, aspirins and ibuprofen etc., but it also had splints, sewing needles and official stitching material thread.  That’s not something I think I would want to be doing out in the field…sewing up someone who has been injured that badly.  I would think it would be better to just keep the wound open and clean rather than sew into it the dirt, tree bark and rocks that were around while the person was getting cut up that bad.

Sure, stop the bleeding, calm them down, keep them relaxed and wait until help arrives.  Again, the space and weight taken up by those types of items should be used for something more useful like maybe “spinners for fishing”…just kidding.  Even a joke book would be better than that…again, in my opinion.

There were several sites that had 5 gallon buckets with toilet lids on them.  I’m sorry folks, but if I was in a survival mode, I would not care one iota about squatting in the open, or finding a bush to get behind while I did my daily daily.  Besides, the weight of the bucket would be better served to be a back pack and/or more high energy bars or drinking water packets.

Survival kits for the car, survival kits for home, survival kits for airplanes, survival kits for the work site, survival kits for camping, survival kits for hiking, survival kits for back country hunting/fishing base camps, survival kits for school, survival kits for you name it.  Each one seems to have some of the same stuff, but each one again has some unique things in them that just don’t seem to make a lot of sense.  Would you rather have a shining mirror or another book of waterproof matches?  With matches you could make a smoking fire to signal with.  Would you rather have a deck of cards or another high energy candy bar and another book of waterproof matches?  You can always entertain yourself when lost by talking to yourself…besides, if you are stranded with another person and wanted to play cards, they wouldn’t because they know you cheat, and to start a game of cards would probably end up with one of you having to need the sewing kit for stitching up the battle scars.  No, give me the candy bar.

Would you rather have a disposable shaving kit and toothbrush with paste, or another roll of toilet paper?   You are supposed to come out of a survival situation looking like Si on Duck Dynasty and your breath smelling like high energy candy bars and not have burdock leaves sticking out the back of your trousers.  Besides, toilet paper makes for a very good “short term” aerial signal when spread out on the ground. (Don’t forget to gather it up just before dark, you might need it in the morning).

Speaking of survival kits, don’t forget to check out

Bears Butt

June 10, 2013


Written on June 10th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Went to Tenderfoots wedding reception last night and it was a great one.  Normally I don’t really like to attend those sorts of things, but this was a very relaxed one with only a line consisted of the two groups of parents and the young married couple…the rest of the families were all laid back in their spots and greeting people they knew as they came in.  The cheesecake was super too!  Thanks to you all for pulling off a great wedding!  Empty nesters on one side for sure!

While there I talked to Lead Burn and our conversation went to the long range shooting school taught by one of the locals…His school guarantees you will hit your target after 3 days of training and that target will be sitting out at 1,000 yards!  That’s a long shot!

But, Lead Burn said the shells for the 338 rifle you will be shooting costs $5 p/shot!  OUCH!

So, I got up this morning and did some research on bullets for guns I own…my shock was that “if you can find them”, 22 shells are costing over $13 for a box of 50!!!!  WHAT?  Yes!  Over $10 for a box of 50 shells!  I better go clean out the jocky box in my truck before someone rips me off!

I used to think my friend Gattlin was crazy to go to garage sales and buy up all the ammo he could find and he didn’t even have a gun in the caliber he was buying!  A round of this, a half box of that…what the heck was he thinking?  Now I know!  I’ll bet he has enough shells to sell to buy a new 4 wheel drive truck!

I recall a few stories of his about going to a garage sale being put on by a little old lady and the old smoozer Gattlin would slide up along side her, make some kidding remark about getting older and ask her where the old man was…of course his intent was to find out if the old man had died recently and if she had any of his hunting and fishing stuff still in the house….Gattlin is sneeky like that.

When he found out that was the case he would get her to give up some of his nasty old useless guns and ammo, because we all know that guns around the grandkids is a bad deal and he would help her out by taking them all off her hands for say….(let’s not get too carried away, after all she looks like she is pretty well off)…$100…no that’s too much…say $78….And of course that was all he had in his wallet at the time.

So Gattlin would walk away with two bolt action 22’s, a 30-06, a pistol with a holster and a belt full of 45 cal rounds in it, plus since she didn’t have the guns anymore, she would toss in all the bullets she could find in the house…4 1/2 bricks of 22 shells, 1 1/2 boxes of ’06 and some 12 gauge shells kicking around in an old wood box that had written on the outside “Remington” and a flying duck painted on it….”Oh, by the way, I could use that box to carry all this stuff to the truck…do you mind?”    Of course not, deary, here take it….

Gattlin, how can you sleep at night?

Bears Butt

June 9, 2013

Written on June 9th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

This is cute!

Bears Butt

June 8, 2013

Written on June 8th, 2013 , Just more stories
By: Bears Butt


I haven’t posted anything on here for a couple of days..I apologize if you have been checking daily and not finding anything.  There are a lot of things going on that has consumed my time, some good, some not so good.

A very big thing that has been on going for a month or more is the making of this years rendezvous receipts.  You are going to love these things.  This year marks the 30th year of the Willow Creek Free Trappers having their own rendezvous and with Bones in charge we are going to have a great time…as usual!  Bones is a hard boss, a real pusher and goer and doer.  I suppose it’s a good thing too, because to have waited to do the receipts would have been a big mistake.  Each one has several parts that needs to be done before the next part and there are actually 5 distinct parts to putting together one piece.  As much as I would like to show you one of the finished products I won’t at this time, but they will be well worth your visiting the rendezvous and I hope you are planning on camping and enjoying the whole show!  It’s going to be a good one!

So, that is one thing that is ongoing in my life.  What else?

Fishing!  I was finally able to get the boat out for a shake down yesterday.  The Weasel was open to a “meeting with Willard” and so he put off his clients and went with me.  It is always better for two people to go out on the boat as it helps with launching and pulling out, plus it’s just plain safer for two to go on the boat in case of an accident or whatever.  There are just too many things that can happen to one person while trying to handle a boat…even a small boat like mine.

A guy who is actually a fish and game person in another state told me that 80 plus percent of all boating accidents involving a person being tossed out of the boat, had that person standing near the side of the boat and being thrown out by a wave or just plain carelessness on that persons part and every one of them that drowned had their zipper down!  Now what does that tell you?

So, we went for a boat ride and the boat and motor handled perfectly.  In reality the motor ran better than ever and I say it’s because it is getting more broken in as time goes on.  I don’t think it has even 100 hours of operation time on it and I’ve had it nearly 15 years.  I just don’t use it enough.  Cobwebs on a prop is not a good sign!

With the boat functioning very well, we decided to break out the fishing equipment and try our hand at some fishing.  Might as well, since we are right there and all.

The end result, sun burned arms, necks and faces and two nice cats.


Weasel caught the biggest one, but the quarters were shared one to the other….and even tie on the day.  These two cats made for some very nice fillets and in my opinion they are the perfect size for eating!

Today is National Fishing day and every water in the state of Utah is open for people to enjoy…no fees are being assessed for people wishing to go into the parks and use the facilities.  Also, all over the state are volunteers showing people how to fish, how to take care of the fish they catch and in general having a wonderful time teaching people the art of fishing.  No licenses are required either, but the fish limits are being watched closely by the law folks.

So, if you haven’t made a plan for today, you might want to head over to a local lake and give fishing a try!  It’s a great time to visit some of our state parks and get to see just what they offer.

Bears Butt

June 8, 2013

Written on June 8th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt


We have been holding our breath the past month checking the last of the big wild fur auctions and now the results are in.  The next to the last auction was the one by Fur Harvesters Auction Inc and muskrats averaged $12.15.  They had under 72,000 rats in that auction, but then most people have already sold or shipped to other auction houses by their May auction date.

The last auction was held this past weekend and muskrats were on the docket for Sunday…I had to wait until today to get the results…This is what the quote reads:

Over 300,000 muskrats sold 100% at the unbelievable, historically high price of $14.02 for the regular pelts and an overall average including lowgrades of $13.90.

The key words are “and an overall average including lowgrades of $13.90″…Low Grades are damaged furs, small hides and all the scruffy extra stuff that gets thrown into the pile.  We don’t have any of that in our 780 count.  We have the good stuff.

What does that mean for us?  I just talked to Bob and told him we should hold out for $11 on our top lot muskrats!  But then they are his rats and he will do whatever he wants, but nothing short of $12 for them at this point.  We have already held them this long and there isn’t any sense in letting them go for cheap.

The buyers from a month or so ago could have had them for $9 and would have made a whopping $5 profit…5 X 780 = $3900…They should be kicking themselves right square in the butt right now.

More to come as things unfold.

Bears Butt

June 4, 2013



Written on June 4th, 2013 , Daily Trapping Events | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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