By: Bears Butt


Aren’t these little silver elk antlers cool??????


Bears Butt

Oct. 20, 2013

Written on October 20th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

CompletedBearsButtDotComMonticello weather for today:

Morning sunshine, turning to partly cloudy throughout the day.  Highs in the mid 50’s, lows tonight right at freezing!  Light breezes.

We had our meeting yesterday to decide on all the stuff for the elk hunt.  A big decision was made NOT to take the atv’s (toys).  I sure hope we don’t regret that decision.  They would have given us more flexibility and maneuverability in some of the tighter spots but on the other hand it would have caused us to split up and we don’t want that.

So, it looks like two rigs will haul two trailers down and 3 guys will sleep in each of the trailers.  That will make it nice and not crowd us up.

Another great decision is to take Trackers dining fly down for comfort from any foul weather and it will add the bit of ambiance that is always nice in a camp.  We are meeting up on Wednesday to make an addition to it which will also be a nice thing.

On past dream hunts we have used EZ-Up canopies to cover the cooking area.  This modification will put a large tarp over the cooking area without detracting from the ambiance.  Nothing like a good elk hunt to get the brain thinking about how to make things better in camp!

This hunt is adding another dimension to my thinking and I guess I should just relax a bit and not over think the whole thing.  But it’s in my nature to worry some and make sure we have all the bases covered.  The biggest thing with me is how long to plan to be down there.  The hunt goes from Saturday through the following week and ends on Sunday.  It should not take that many days to find a shooter size elk and from the information I’ve been given by the experts in that area, a bull elk can be killed any given day…will the one that shows itself be big enough?  I guess we will see when that happens.

The days between our leaving and now are going to be dragging along and just like the hunt we just finished, it will be over before we know it.  That’s how they all go.

So, the six of us are going to be on the hunt from Thursday through Sunday and then half the crew have to leave to come home.  Monday morning will see Wapiti, Soft Ball and Edjukateer heading North on Highway 191 while Tracker, Weasel and I stay to keep trying to fill that tag.  Unless of course the tag gets filled on Saturday or Sunday…then all of us will be cruising North.

The three of us have made plans out to and including Wednesday.  If the tag is still unfilled by then, we will make a command decision at that time to stay or go home.  Time will tell and no matter what, it will be a very fun hunt with good company and in country filled with ancient ruins, hieroglyphics and beautiful landscape.  Red rock country contrasted with pine covered alpine ridges, canyons filled with aspens, trailing down to low country oak and eventually into the desert that the Moab area is known for.  I can hardly wait.

18 days!

Bears Butt

Oct. 20, 2013


Written on October 20th, 2013 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt


Lots of computer problems all of a sudden!  I had to go back and restore my system way back to Oct. 5….Virus?  Old system?  Tree fell on wires?  Sometimes I think smoke signals would work better.

This morning Weasel and I hit up the Lee Kay Center in SLC, where he quickly qualified for the cow elk hunt coming up on Dec. 3 of this year!  Fun times again!  We were very surprised at the number of people at the shooting range shooting.  We expected to be about the only ones there and to our surprise we had to wait for a lane to come open.

Today started the general season deer hunt in Utah…lots of folks up and down the mountain trying to fill their tags and all the while the deer are hiding deep in the brush.  Good luck to all of you out there trying!

Monticello weather:  Sunny, high 53, light breezes like yesterday.

Today is also the day we meet to discuss the details of the Elk Hunt (Dream Elk Hunt)…It will be a good time for sure.  Just a small group with lots to discuss!

So, you see old Bears Butt has a lot of things going on in his little life.

19 days and counting!

Bears Butt

Oct. 19, 2013





Written on October 19th, 2013 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt


Another chilly day on the Wasatch Front!  And what about down South?

Monticello weather for today calls for:  Partly cloudy this morning and then clearing with a high of about 50,  light NW breezes and a low about 30 tonight.

That sounds like a very nice day!

Yesterday I poured over a map I printed off and needed a magnifying glass to even read it.  But I did find out some interesting things about the area of the hunt.  It’s actually not too far from where I think we will be camping over to a staging area I was told about and if the weather continues to be nice like it is, the elk just might be hanging on that mesa.  So the plan is in place to maybe go over there one day during the hunt and check things out.

Of course if Dennis is right, the elk will be down and in the cooler before we even have time to pop a beer.

Speaking of beer, did I tell you he saw a Black Bear during his muzz deer hunt?  Again, if the weather remains mild, we just might get to see one of them critters ourselves!  That is something on my bucket list and this area is just the place to make that happen.  The conservation officer down there told me that they would all be hibernating by the time my hunt comes around…we will see, maybe a big old bore will still be out hunting up berries.

21 days and counting!

Bears Butt

Oct. 17, 2013

Written on October 17th, 2013 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt


Very cool morning!  Frost on the pumpkin for sure! And that is for Willard!  How about Monticello?

Sunny today, High expected to be 47 with winds WNW (that’s West North West), 5 to 10 mph…pretty nice day ahead!

I added 10 more situps to the routine this morning.  The first 10 were pretty easy and so I decided what the heck!  And did 10 more.  Ya, they were a bit shaky toward the end, but I got em dun!

More map study yesterday of the elk area.  I found a couple small ponds too..of course right now they might not have any water in them, but at least I know where they are and if I don’t have my elk down before then, I’ll make it over to have a look at them.

Both are near one another and both at the heads of draws with very tall trees around them.  They look like perfect elk sanctuaries quite a ways away from the nearest road or atv trails and tucked away where most people would not care to look.  I’ll mark them on my gps today.

Who’s thinking about elk anyway?

22 days and counting!

Bears Butt

Oct. 16, 2013


Written on October 16th, 2013 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt

CloseupWithCapoteIt’s getting colder outside and the old Bears Butt is getting all bundled up in his new capote!

The workout this morning was just over 30 minutes.  12 minutes at 5 to 10% incline with a minute on each one going up the scale and one more coming down the scale, all at 3.5 mph…not to bad, but the sweat was pouring off me by the time I got back down to 5% !

Then it was decrease the slope to 1% and increase the speed.  Again one minute at 5, 6 and then two full minutes at 7 mph.  I’m not much of a runner and so right now 7 mph is just about my max.  I’m a little afraid to go to 8 mph for fear of falling on the treadmill and killing myself.  I think I’ll stick with 7.

As for weight…well I have never considered it to be a problem, but I have  been 9 pounds lighter than when I started for the past 4 days.  I guess that means I’ve lost 9 pounds!?!

The 10 situps I incorporated are still a bit tough to accomplish but part of that is do to the fact that my feet come up off the floor.  This morning I put them near the edge of the couch and was able to get my toes to push hard enough against the couch to assist me.  Is that cheating?  I think not.

23 days until we head for the San Juan Mountains of Utah!

I’m watching the weather down that way and noting the conditions.  I think I will start to show you that on here beginning tomorrow.

Bears Butt

Oct. 15, 2013

Written on October 15th, 2013 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt


Today I broke away from the pre-programmed workout on the treadmill and made up my own routine.  30 minutes is pretty standard and should be plenty to get me into shape for the hills and with the incline part available on the treadmill, I decided I need to concentrate on my legs a little more.

So, with that, I set out to work up to the 10% incline for a pretty sustained period of time during the workout.  Well, that was my goal anyway.

What ended up to happen was I warmed up for the first 10 minutes, walking slowly and building up to a speed of 4 with no incline.  Then I settled in at 3.5 mph and jumped the incline to 7% right at the 10 minute mark.  Following the lights on the “laps” I went 1/2 lap and then increased the % to the next half.  At 10% I went one full lap around the track and then started back down in one half % decreases back down to 7%.  By this time I had done 15 minutes of incline workout, or half my total time.  My legs really feel it and so I must have made a good choice.

I think I will continue to do something on this order for the rest of the time until the hunt begins and I’ll try and increase the time spent at the 10% level.  The pre-programmed settings like a speed of 4 mph, but my short legs have a tough time at that speed when the incline is over 5%.  I have to jog to keep up.  But 3.5 is a good speed that allows me to keep up and still do the steeper incline.

It’s all part of what Todd Black told me to do…Get my wind and get my legs under me….This hunt is not going to be that easy according to him both mentally and physically, but if I don’t have to worry about the physical part so much, I should be able to handle the mental part.  Now I just have to start thinking like a big old bull elk.

I wonder if Winemaker would go along with what I think a big old bull elk thinks about?

Bears Butt

Oct. 14, 2013

Written on October 14th, 2013 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt

This is a short and very concise video on quartering and packing out an animal.

Written on October 13th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt


Lots going on around my house right now, but the main thing on my brain is…You guessed it….the elk hunt!

I decided I needed to add situps to my routine, and so after the 30 minute tread mill ordeal I did my normal stretching and 30 push ups and then popped over and did 10 situps…ya, only 10, but it wasn’t that easy.  Some of you may know this, but when I was in the 7th grade (Jr. High School) I set a new school record for the number of situps at 1,047…Don’t ever try that!  It surely is not worth it.  So, 10 today is a good number!

Again I spent a good portion of yesterdays time on the internet looking at elk related stories, videos etc.  I really think I have what I’m going to call…”ELK FEVER”!

Another thing I realized yesterday is that during this hunt, I am the only one in the group that is forced by law to wear hunter orange…booo…for me!  Great for the others.  I guess that is so the law guys can tell who has the tag and who is  there to help out.  Hunter orange is no big deal, I can dig through my old stack of hunting clothes and find something that resembles it.

Bears Butt

Oct. 12, 2013


Written on October 12th, 2013 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt

Could this me us in a few weeks? Time will tell!

Written on October 11th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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