By: Bears Butt


For you regular followers of this site, you will recall that some time back, not too far, but not a year ago either, I got a “recall notice” on one of my cars.

It was a recall that said they didn’t have any parts right now, but they wanted me to know that there was a recall on my drivers side airbag and how it could deploy without any warning.  Remember my rant?

That came and went and I had Crock and the boys in Logan fix it.  I was relieved when that was fixed.

So, about two months ago, I got another recall notice from the Pontiac guys, saying there was a recall but no parts yet on the Passenger side airbag…..hmmmm.  So, since it would be blowing up in my passengers face, I chose not to rant on here about it.  At least if it blew up on that side of the car, I, as the driver, would be able to respond accordingly and maybe keep the car from crashing.

Yesterday, I got a notice about this latest recall and they tell me they have the parts available for this repair and it would not cost me anything buy my time and gas to and from the repair shop (I threw that in), they said the repair would not cost me anything.

Here is what they said:

“Why is your vehicle being recalled?

Your vehicle is equipped with a front passenger airbag inflator which could have been assembled with improperly manufactured propellant wafers.  Improperly manufactured propellant wafers could cause the inflator to rupture and the front passenger airbag to deploy abnormally in the event of a crash, increasing the risk of injury to the occupant”.


This makes me feel a lot safer, knowing that the airbag won’t just suddenly blast into someones face, I have to get into an accident first and then the airbag will “probably” deploy in a way so as to either not protect my passenger, or deploy in a direction that would not help save their life, or maybe cause damage to them that otherwise would not have happened without the airbag deploying.


Improperly manufactured propellant wafers.

This makes me wonder if our local folks are making their airbag thingys correctly…I went searching a bit and found this on

TOKYO — Toyota, Nissan, Honda and Mazda, announcing in separate statements the recall of a combined 3.39 million vehicles, all cited the same malfunction of the Japanese-made passenger-side airbags.

A Toyota spokesman said his company was calling back 1.73 million vehicles, manufactured between November 2000 and March 2004 in Japan or abroad.

“The involved vehicles are equipped with front passenger airbag inflators which could have been assembled with improperly manufactured propellant wafers,” Toyota said.

“Improperly manufactured propellant wafers could cause the inflator to rupture and the front passenger airbag to deploy abnormally in the event of a crash.”

A company spokesman in Japan said this abnormal inflation “could also burn part of the vehicle’s inside and cause fire.” However, he said, there were no recorded instances of this happening.

Nissan and Honda released statements giving similar explanations.

A Nissan spokeswoman said the company was recalling a total of 480,000 vehicles globally, all of which were manufactured in Japan between August 2000 and January 2004.

The airbags were made by Tokyo-based Takata Corp, which said it deeply regrets the recall. “We will fully cooperate with the carmakers in replacing the parts by sharing some cost burden,” a spokesman said.

Honda, which is recalling 1.135 million vehicles, said it was “a global recall that affects all regions where we do our business”.

Mazda said 45,463 units worldwide came under the recall, around a tenth of which were in Japan.

“We will recall the cars at home while taking the same action in accordance with local regulations of each country,” a company spokeswoman said.

Shigeru Matsumura, an auto analyst with SMBC Friend Securities, said: “It was a typical incident caused by the use of common parts for cost-cutting efforts. All companies must be always aware of this risk.”

Matsumura said it was difficult to assess what impact the huge recall would have on the companies and their reputation with consumers. “It may cause safety concerns among customers, which could damage their brand image,” he said.

The recall is the latest in a series that have hit Japan’s auto industry, which once traded on its reputation for quality and reliability.

In January Toyota said it would recall nearly 1.3 million vehicles globally over airbag and windscreen wiper problems. The glitch announced Thursday is not related to the earlier airbag problem. At the end of last year the company it said it had agreed to pay about $1.1 billion to settle a class action lawsuit launched by U.S. vehicle owners affected by a series of mass recalls.

But despite its travails, Toyota recaptured the title of world’s biggest automaker from General Motors in 2012, selling 9.75 million vehicles around the planet.

Shingo Ito, AFP

Copyright Agence France-Presse, 2013


Well, I feel a bit better knowing it is not just Toyota/Pontiac that is being recalled for the same thing AND it makes me feel better about our guys in Ogden/Brigham City making the wafers and airbag parts…keep up the good work folks!

Hey Crock!  When can you get me scheduled for this fix…Recall 13112 in this case!???

If I don’t hear from Crock by Christmas Eve, I’ll give him a call and set something up for the first of the year.

Bears Butt

December 21, 2013

Written on December 21st, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Freezing rain during the night, turned to heavy wet snow by daylight and still snowing as I type!  Nasty day for sure!  So, don’t expect a gift from me for Christmas, today was one of my final shopping days and it looks like I’ll be plowing snow.

Maybe the neighbors will accept my plowing as their gift…HAH!   I have theirs already in the bag.

First things first this morning however, as we have a temporary horse renter moving his beast into the field by 10.  I need to be with him to let him through the gates and try and keep the horses from mixing with the neighbors while he drives through.  After that, it’s all on him to make sure things are secured, once he unloads his horse.

Today would actually be a great day to crank up a good fire, sit in the house and drink up some spiced apple juice and just watch it snow!  Maybe do a little Bears Butt research on the web and try to find something fun and enjoyable for you to see, read or whatever.  Ya!  That’s what I’ll do!  Unless it stops snowing and at that point I’ll be plowing.

Time to go!

Bears Butt

December 19, 2013

Written on December 19th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


With one PERSONAL exception, this year has been a great one!

What is the exception?  Losing my Great Grandfathers powder horn in the Crawford MountainS during the muzz deer hunt.

Hopefully someone will come across it some day and either use it, or try to get it back to me.  There are a couple of ways for them to find me.  The horn has a scratching that says “A. Zundel” on it along with his birth date and year of passing.  There is also a scrimshaw micarta tag with my squigglie symbol on it. That scrimshaw work was done by my good friend White Trapper many years ago and I really hate to have lost that along with the horn.  Bummer dude.


So, anyone with an imagination should be able to look at that and say…”Hey, it looks just like a bears butt”!  And go searching for just that…A Google Search will pop up this site!  And then we can get together and I’ll give them a HUGE reward and life will be good again!

Or they can Google “A. Zundel” and that search will put them onto Abraham Zundels web site and will also point  to this story!  Good plan!

There is hardly ever a year that goes by that doesn’t include the losing of someone near and dear to your heart and this year had several.  Rest in Peace all of you who went on ahead.

Bears Butt

December 18, 2013



Written on December 18th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


The elk are all in the freezer and it’s time to do something different!  Today it’s a short trip to town for needed supplies (beer) and some Christmas shopping.

And I think I have found the gift that would be perfect for the hunter on your list who also is the one you call on to help you with your garden in the Spring Time!

Many months ago, maybe years (like 2 or less), I contacted Barnes bullet company and asked them if they thought it feasible to make a bullet out of some bio-friendly material that would be capable of carrying a payload of seeds.  My idea was that in areas devastated by fire the bullets carrying seeds could be shot from guns and cover the landscape where the fire ravaged it.

I really had only thought about having the military people use those projectiles to ran-sack the country side and plant the seeds using 50 caliber machine guns and Huey type guns and be able to plant a billion and six seeds all over a fire area.  They could hold some sort of “excersize” in the area, co-or din the area off to keep people and animals out and do their shooting!

I see it as a totally feasible thing.

Well, today I heard bout a company that sells shotgun shells that are loaded with seeds!  “”!  Yes!


A bit on the pricey side for me, but for your reloaders out there…give em hell Harry!

I’ll have a box of Wildflower mix and some Daffodills!

Bears Butt

December 17, 2013

Written on December 17th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Today is the day to cut up Weasels elk and hopefully end the years dealing with elk all together.

It has been a wonderful ride, but now it is time to do something different….maybe go fishing!

When we went to Hardware Ranch last Saturday, we made it a point to travel past Hyrum Dam and sure enough there were fishermen standing on the ice!  Whether they were catching anything or not, we do not know, but the ice was thick enough that there were several of them out on it.  Mantua also held a substantial number of fishermen on it.

More to come later in the day!  As for now it’s time to head on over to the butcher shop and begin the cutting!

Bears Butt

December 16, 2013

Written on December 16th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


The annual Elk Festival at the Hardware Ranch in Northern Utah was held yesterday, December 14th!  A beautiful day to be up in the mountains!  The ranch has about 200 elk in the meadow right now and it’s a really great outing for a family.  Take a ride out in and among the elk and you get almost close enough to touch them!  Please keep your hands inside the rails of the wagon at all times…these are wild animals capable of great injury to you!


But yesterday it wasn’t ALL about elk.  There were several things going on to entertain young and old alike!  Kids could learn about animal tracks!  Stamp out a fish outline on paper and paint it up!  Make a bird feeder using peanut butter and bird seed!  Find out about the Bear River Bird Refuge!  And more!



You also have the opportunity to purchase a ticket to go out among the elk on the sleigh being pulled by the draft horses and listen to the guide tell you about the elk!


And you can learn about what bugs are found in the Blacksmith Fork river!


Of course an Elk Festival would not be the same without the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s representation!  Right?



Oh, and don’t forget!  You can even make yourself a Christmas ornament out of deer and elk br0wes material and for the brave at heart you can even add in a sampling of elk dung just to show your friends that “You Were There”!!!


To have a successful event like this one it takes a lot of coordination and hard work by those behind the scenes!  Marni Lee takes charge for this event and of course her husband helps as well.  This is truly a team effort and I wish I knew everyone’s name to tell you who is who, but for sure I know Marni and her husband Andy!


Hold on here!  That picture is of some Mountain Men with Marni!  Where is Andy?

Andy is busy working!


Now what was that with the Mountain Men?  Well, there was a small group of the Willow Creek Free Trappers at this event as well!  And why would they be there?  To break up the action and make things a bit more interesting for the folks who braved the cold and snow to come up to the ranch.  I think these Mountain Men have been coming to this event since its inception, some 10 or more years ago!  What do they bring to the event?

Guns, Mountain Man attire, Furs, Traps and information!  We have a really good selection of various tanned furs for people to study and to feel.  Most people have never actually touched the fur of several of the animals and this gives them a great chance to do just that!


The men and women at the table offer all the explanations needed for you to walk away with a good base knowledge about blackpowder rifles, pistols and shotguns, as well as flint and steel fire starting and of course the mountain man era and the fur bearing animals as well.




Not only do you get a fully rounded out lesson on the Mountain Man era in America, but you also have the chance to get to put on some Mountain Man attire and get your picture taken!

Here Sara and Bones are preparing for the day’s activities for the picture taking:



When it was all set up and ready to go, this is what the Willow Creek Free Trappers corner looked like!


Space hogs huh?  But we needed it!  Everything had to be “just right” in order for folks to come in, learn something about the Mountain Men of days past and then to prepare to get their pictures taken!

You have to pick out just the right Capote, hat and gun:


And then you have to make sure the pose is perfect:


Some of you will take this sort of thing really serious, but we just want to make sure you are enjoying yourself!  So, using your own camera, Bones, or one of us, will take your picture!


And you can be yourself!


Or not!  We don’t care!  It’s your picture!


Here is a picture of part of the Mountain Man crew!  The horny one is Edjukateer!


The background is a painting by a volunteer (Kevin Pence, I think) who loves to come to the ranch and make his mark!  A beautiful job for sure!


Well, I promised everyone that I would post pictures on this web site and I sure hope I didn’t leave anyone out!  I tried to be at each of the picture settings and if I missed you I’m very sorry about that!  But here is my collection of pictures and I tried to pick the best 0f the few I took of each group.  If you would like me to send you all of the pictures I took of your group, please email me at “” and let me know which picture is yours, there is a number to the left side, below your picture, let me know that number!

Enjoy these pictures!  I had a blast cropping them!

















































Do you know this guy, are you friends?  Nope, but we are now!

Bears Butt

December 15, 2013

Written on December 15th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


I thought a nice flower type picture was appropriate on such a cold day as it is today!

As you know, Weasel and I spent the day out playing in the mountains again yesterday.  What a great day it was too, nice and cool, sunny and just plain great!

We had decided that since the guides wanted us to check in at the Woodruff side ranch by 6:30 a.m. that we would spend the night in Evanston and so Weasel arranged for a room.  It wasn’t the type of room you might expect from a Howard Johnson, but it was what it was.  Long and narrow, but what do you need when all you need is a bathroom and a bed?



We did have a microwave, coffee maker, fridge and ironing board, but we could have done without all of that EXCEPT the coffee maker.  All that stuff just took up room in the already small place, but it was just fine for the two of us.  I have to say the bed was one of the most comfy I have ever stayed in for a motel.

The alarm(s) went off promptly at 4:30 a.m. and up we jumped, knowing we had a full day of hunting ahead of us.  So we went about making about 10 pots of coffee to fill our immediate needs and the cups for the road drive over to that ranch.

The roads were pretty slick all through Evanston and out to the ranch and so the drive was slow, but we made it and were the first ones there.

Speaking of roads in Evanston, I don’t think they have a budget for snow removal in that town.  I missed two turns in a row because I slid through the intersections…You guys need to work on that.

At the ranch, the first person to show up was an elderly guide named Amos.  Amos said he has been guiding at the ranch for over 40 years.  He doesn’t have a lot to say, but he means every word of it!  Welcome Amos, to Bears Butt Dot Com!  Hello Amos!


A hunter and trapper his entire life.  Lives somewhere around Woodruff.


So, next came another hunter and her escort.  Amos was quick to call the head guide and tell him there were too many people at the ranch.  He had room in his truck for the two hunters, but that left me and Pam’s escort and neighbor, Scott on our own.  We decided rather than to sit at the ranch and wait for a couple of hours for the other guide to come and pick us up that we would drive Pam’s truck and follow them, which we did.

The going was pretty slow and difficult for us.  Not that the truck couldn’t go in it, but it’s one of those beefed up high powered diesels with all the weight in the front and nothing in the back.


Amos was making the best trail he could for us to follow, but the wind had drifted the snow some and made it slow going.


The snow had a frozen crust on it as well and then under the crust was light powdery snow.  Some of the toughest snow to try and drive around in.

Besides the snow issues, we did start to see elk right off the bat, but couldn’t get on them.  Amos did give us a radio to communicate any sightings we might see, but we mostly just listened to what was going on.

Well, at the corner of Squaw and Trail, we met up with two other guides and one other set of hunters.


The other hunters were “guests of the ranch” as they did not hire a guide, but they had driven from the Tooele area to the meeting point at Lost Creek and had virtually ran themselves out of fuel.  So, we left their truck and Pam’s at this spot and climbed in with the guides.


For the time being, Scott and I were in guide Bryce’s truck, while Weasel and Pam were still with Amos.  Off we all went up the hill and in search of the mighty elk.  It didn’t take long before we were in an area where it looked like hundreds of elk had been feeding.  And then it happened.  The radio started to bark out elk being seen and elk being killed.  Two down here and one more over there.

Bryce turned his truck around and off we went to find Amos as both of his hunters had shot.  We arrived at Amos’ truck to find Weasel, Pam and Amos all out glassing the area.  They had shot at a couple of cows out on a knob around 400 yards down the hill.  Amos didn’t want to just go down there and look for blood until he had a spotter up high to see if any possible wounded ones were moving off.  So, that is why we found them where we did.  Besides, I wanted to be with Weasel when he kills his elk, as Scott did with Pam and so this put us back with them.

We went down to see if there was any blood and Weasel and I went off following a trail left by his elk.  Nothing.  But in our hike we went far enough looking that we had a heck of a hike back out.  Weasel was too layered up and had a bit of a heat stroke issue going on and was very light headed as we made the climb back to the truck.


You can see how steep the mountain is in this picture.

Well Amos, Pam and Scott didn’t want to wait for us to make the climb back up, so they headed off in search of more elk.  Meanwhile, Bryce waited the hour or so for us to make that climb up.

So, now we are together in Bryce’s truck and Scott and Pam are with Amos, this would be the pairing for the rest of the day.  By the way, Bryce doesn’t like to walk much and will drive to everywhere he wants to be.  Take that for what you think it means.  He is also always thinking ahead and wants to make the roads are as wide and clear of snow as he can for the next trip in…again, take that for what you might think I mean.

As the day progressed we saw hundreds of elk.  Bulls of all sizes and plenty of cows.  It is rumored that they want as many as 260 cows taken off the ranch this year and as of yesterday, they still had over 150 to go.  Good luck to all the hunters who have the tags!

Around 3 p.m. all the guides and hunters were down near the “black tank”.  Amos had found a band of cows mixed in with several bulls and couldn’t get his hunter a shot without some help from the rest.  So, with a similar ring as our last trip, the radio was blasting out who needed to be where and who was cutting them off and who was to turn them what direction.  The rodeo had begun!  Bryce came to a spot next to a fence, looking into a shallow draw and here came the elk, one behind the other and about 200, maybe 250 yards slightly down hill from us.  Weasel was out with the rifle resting solidly on the open door when one of the many, and I mean many, elk filing through, finally stopped and gave him enough time to drop it with a single shot!  Boom!! Elk down!  Good job Weasel!


A fat 2 and a half year old that will make for some mighty fine eating!  Thanks a million Bryce!  Great job of putting the Weasel on this one!

At the end of the day, 5 of 6 hunters had taken their cows and Pam was the only one that still had a tag, she will be coming back another day to try again.  She did have a couple chances to fill her tag, it just wasn’t meant to happen on this day!

Again, I have to say, this outfitting group (Wild Country Outfitters) of guides really work hard to get their hunters onto an elk!  They spend hundreds of hours out there and know exactly what to do and when.  If ever I get another chance to hunt on Deseret Land and Livestock property, I will absolutely go with the guided hunt option!  For the money, it sure beats trying to follow these guys around in your own truck, plus to be able to listen to the radio talk adds a lot more excitement to the whole experience!

Thanks again Bryce and all your crew for a most enjoyable couple of days this old man could have ever had in the outdoors!  You guys are the greatest!

Bears Butt

December 13, 2013


Written on December 13th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt

On our muzz hunts there are several vehicles to carry us about the mountain and one of those vehicles is owned and operated by our own Magpie…the vehicle is commonly known as the “Magpie Express”, and with him behind the wheel, it goes to places most other rigs would not dare to go.

I was sent this link and I believe not by accident. It is supposed to be a 1920’s film and if one was able to research the driver, I would make a beer bet that Magpie would be a direct decedent of him:

Written on December 11th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt


So, you now have your trophy of a lifetime on the ground or in your hand!  You will want to preserve it for time and eternity!  Be it fish, fowl or beast, Swampman’s Taxidermy is where you need to take it!  This guy is truly an artist in every sense of the word!  Not only does he get right into the feeling of your hunt or fishing trip, but he feels just what the animal was like before you pulled the trigger or put it in the net!  His finished work makes the animal appear to still be alive!  Awesome jobs!

AND he is very fair with his prices!

He doesn’t do this on a full time basis, so you might have to wait until he can work you into his busy schedule.

I was out there taking him my bull elk head so he could mount it up for me and he showed me his work load…lots of elk and deer heads to put on plaques and make head mounts out of.  He also showed me some fish he was working on!  Man, is this guy good!

He even showed me a master piece of his inside the house.  A tree limb frame, with a water scape background inside it, painted with schools of Cisco fish and a mounted Lake Trout and Cisco in the foreground!  Incredible work of art!

I have several beautiful pieces of his work in my home right now and like I said, another on the way!

Give him a call:  435-225-6330


I can see right now I need to do a story on his art work…lots of pictures!

Bears Butt

December 11, 2013

Written on December 11th, 2013 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Warm today, 2 degrees  right now with a high expected of 18, that will feel nice!  But, that is for here at home, what is the expected for Randolph?  You do realize that tonight Weasel and I are spending the night in Evanston Wyoming and then heading over to the Deseret Land and Livestock ranch for his cow elk hunt in the morning…You did know that didn’t you?

Right now in Randolph it is minus 5, but a warming trend is coming and they are expecting a high today of 20!  WOHOOOO!  Tomorrows high is expected to be 24!!!!  My goodness that will feel very warm!

Our expected high tomorrow is for Weasel to kill his cow elk!  That’s what I’m talking about!

Since the good folks of the DLL ranch are allowing me to tag along, I will be taking a lot of pictures, which is something I totally did not do on the last adventure at the ranch.  We have been told that I will be the 4th passenger in the guides truck with two hunters, Weasel and another person.  It will be a crowded truck.

So, the plan is just like the last one, leave home around 3ish today and head to Evanston to spend the night and then up around 4:30 in the morning and head over to the ranch by 6:30 to check in, load up into our guides vehicle and head out to shoot elk.  I’m hoping the herds are all right there in the pasture waiting to go home with us and that every hunter in the group kills early and we can get home before dark!

Wish us luck!

Bears Butt

December 11, 2013

Written on December 11th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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