By: Bears Butt

Tracker put together a condensed version of the San Juan Bull Elk dream hunt and now it is my pleasure to post it on here for you to see.  Keep in mind these are some of the highlights of the hunt and the full video he put together is a must see for those of you close enough to be able to attend a showing coming up in February of this year.

Thank you Tracker for doing this and allowing it to be shown on the world wide web.  Thank you too to Weasel for posting it up on

Bears Butt
January 16, 2014


Written on January 16th, 2014 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt


I have to admit something right now.  This morning when I woke up my mind was on what goal I was going to set for myself, that is kind of a given with me.  Well, I could not get my mind off of fishing, I even brought the rules of play for the Sulpher Creek ice fishing event into the living room when I brought in our coffee’s.

One thing lead to another and Winemaker asked me if I had ever texted Shipley about the Sulpher Creek event.  I hadn’t.  And so I grabbed up my phone and sent him a text.  Almost immediately Shipley is on the phone talking about Sulpher Creek and how he was planning on going alone if nobody else called.  He was glad to hear Weasel and I were going.  We talked about Ron Brown as well, and he said he would call Ron and see if he was planning on going and if so, we would take two vehicles, if not, then the three of us would ride in one rig.

Then he told me about his latest fishing trips to Mantua and Pineview and how well he was doing on a new lure he had picked up…a little minnow shaped lure with the hook attached to a beaded chain.  Odd.  And he went on that the only places you can find them is a single store in Salt Lake and our very own Anglers Den in Roy….My mind said I would take a trip to Roy today.

Shortly after Winemaker went off to work, I finished up my chores and called Weasel.  I told him about the “new lure” and asked if he wanted to go with me to Anglers Den (go to their website by clicking on the link on the right side of this story under “blogroll”, they are currently the second one down from the top)….Well, he would tell his clients about his emergency meeting and then he would go.

We found ourselves talking with the owner, Wade Jacklin (who by the way was our guide on the cow elk hunt the day I got mine) about hunting and fishing and he was telling us about his recent trip to Pineview and how he slayed the fish left and right using the little “new lures” we had in our hands.  He even showed us a picture of a PILE of perch he caught in just under an hour and a half last weekend!  Did I need more?  What I’m asking is, did I need more influence than that to make my mind up to go fishing today?  NO!

And of course on our drive home, Weasel had to inform his clients that the emergency meeting was going to take the rest of the day!  He wanted to go try out the new lures and of course check out Pineview to see if it would be a good choice of a fishing spot for this Saturday, with the kids!

We were on the lake by 12:30!  Started in 10 feet deep water and eventually moved out to about 20 feet.  We either caught fish or had bites at every depth we tried, drilling at least 8 holes during our move out.  Weasel had the most bites as almost every time he dropped his line in he would get a hit.  My line just sat there.  I did catch two fish and missed a few others, but the most bites were on his line.  He even employed his Jaw Jacker and danged if it didn’t go off a bunch of times, but no fish hook ups.  Once, I saw the pole bounce after it triggered, but the fish spit it out pretty quickly.

As for quarters….well, even after have over a thousand bites, Weasel only caught two fish…we traded my quarter back and forth until I finally I had it back in the end.  He is going to have to train that Jaw Jacker to catch the fish or he will never get it paid for.  He still needs 140 fish, before I catch one.

OK, so now you know what’s going on.  We are going fishing this Saturday, up to Hyrum with at least Weasels kids and hopefully Windy will go with his kids as well.  I haven’t talked to him about this yet.

Then on February 1st, we will be in Evanston Wyoming at Sulpher Creek for their big fish derby.

There just has to be at least one more fishing trip between this Saturday and February 1st don’t you think?  My goodness that’s two full weeks of time!

By the way, those new little lures caught all 4 of the fish today.  I think we would have been totally skunked without them!  Some day I will tell you what they are called and what they look like, until then…Quarters Up!  Of course if you happen to find me on the lake sometime I’ll show you what they look like.  I never would have purchased one had I not had two people tell me they worked.

Bears Butt

January 15, 2014

Written on January 15th, 2014 , Fishing Stories
By: Bears Butt


This time of year is all about ice fishing.  The transition time between hunting and trapping!  A good time of year.

And most of you know that Weasel has gone out and spent a ton of money on an automatic hook setter in order to capitalize on my pocketbook….At a rate of $.25/fish, in order for him to recoup his investment it will take him 140 fish to pay himself back for that contraption.

When he said he had it, I told him, via Facebook, that it would not count in the quarters bet….he said it would count.  I’m a fair and honest guy and so I will let him use it, he needs all the help he can get.  I’m really surprised that he doesn’t use his “two pole” permit card on me to boot.  But we have pretty much established that when someone is using two poles that they have to designate which one is the quarter bet pole.

So, again in fairness to Weasel and any other fisherman who cares to bet quarters with me,  I will honor his costly investment and hope that he can recover his investment before I get put six feet under.  140 fish will do it, but keep in mind, every time I catch a fish it makes his goal one fish farther away.

So, I’ve just been talking about me and him fishing, he has other buddies that I’m certain he can out fish regularly.  I’ll bet he spends more time fishing with them than he does with me, at least until he recovers his investment.

BUT, not to be outdone, and liking to think I can do as well or better than him, I went in search of “Do it Yourself” automatic hook setters and sure enough…I found a good one!

Copy and paste that one!

Yesterday, I started looking around the garage and the yard sheds and found all but two of the items needed to put one of these bad boys together and when I got back from town, having spent $4.48 for the two parts I didn’t have, I built one of my own!


This baby is ready for action and to fine tune the trigger does not take very long.  I can almost count the number of hooked fish I’ll be catching on my next trip out!  I can hardly wait!  FISH ON!!!!  And dancing to the tune “I’m in the money”!!!!!

The guy’s idea for this DIY rig, has you tying on a looped piece of line at the end eye of your rod and placing that loop over the middle nail and while that does work very well, I found that I can put my end eye on the trigger itself and still get the job done without having a loop that just might get tangled while fighting a fish.  I have yet to see if the looped line will be a problem or not.

So, since I have four ice fishing poles, I tried them all and one of them will not work with this setup…it’s too short of a pole.  Unless of course I wanted to drill another hole or two closer to the end of the setup.  I just might drill those holes…

So, Two of the remaining three poles can be set up using this idea, while the third one has to have a loop of line on it.



Of course any time you build something like this there will be some adjustments that need to be made and some fine tuning here and there.  I’m already thinking about taking the trigger assembly apart and making the holes a bit larger so the trigger is more “hairy”.

This is fun!

Bring LOTS of extra quarters fellas!

Bears Butt

January 14, 2014

(one, fourteen, fourteen)

Written on January 14th, 2014 , Fishing Stories
By: Bears Butt

FOOD!  I love food!  Especially Breakfast and REALLY ESPECIALLY if it involves steak!

But, today’s breakfast did not have a true steak involved, but the next best thing…a cubed pork steak!

I asked Winemaker if she would like her steak covered in gravy and served atop a piece of toast…she declined, but in my mind I just had to have it!

So, the plan was, hashbrowns, toast, breaded and fried cubed steak and two eggs cooked over medium.  Mine would have the addition of “drippins gravy” poured over my meat which of course would be atop my toast.

I went to work making sure I didn’t over salt the main portions and to make sure there were lots of drippins to make the gravy from.  Everything turned out perfectly.

So, there I was with the flour all stirred perfectly with the drippins and my thoughts went to the fridge where a cup of buttermilk remained in the carton.  I thought, well Bears Butt, you don’t have buttermilk biscuits, so why not make buttermilk gravy?  I have never heard of buttermilk gravy…again my mind raced to a new entry to Bears Butt Dot Com…No way could it be a repeat of “kipper/vienna enchiladas”….

And to the flour in the pan, went about a half cup of buttermilk right out of the carton.  A few quick stirs and it was ready!  MMMMM!  It smelled good and my mouth began to water.

After cooking up two eggs for each of us, I served up the concoction and we sat down to eat.  Winemakers  looked like “breakfast ordinaire”, while mine had a look of something from Moores restaurant!  There was a lot of gravy and so I even covered my spuds with it!

The meal was pretty good, but for you out there who might like to try this, I have to tell you the gravy was a bit rich for this kid.  If I ever have an inkling to make buttermilk gravy again, I will cut the buttermilk in half using water to dilute it.

Now I really like buttermilk on occasion but this gravy was pretty rich in my opinion, however, if you like that taste, don’t cut it at all, it still wasn’t bad.

Bears Butt

January 12, 2014


Written on January 12th, 2014 , Recipes
By: Bears Butt

Is this in your future?

Written on January 11th, 2014 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Today is Grandson Cody’s 8th birthday and he has invited Grandpa to go ice fishing with his dad and a few of his buddies!  It looks like he has the day pretty well planned out as we are leaving town at 10:30 and going to Hyrum to enjoy the fishing.  His mom is making each of us a tuna fish sandwich and Grandpa is bringing hot chocolate.  How much planning is needed?

I doubt it will be as enjoyable as it was New Years Eve day because of a new storm that is coming this way.  It is currently 45 degrees outside and it’s been thawing all night…we can expect some slush on the ice.  Then as the front comes in, the winds are expected to kick up to even 50 mph…I doubt we will see that strong of winds, but for sure we will see some.  I think I’ll leave the ice tent home, it won’t be that cold and the wind would want to take it away.

Sitting with Winemaker enjoying our morning cup(s) of coffee, it suddenly dawned on me that my license is expired!  I’ll make the trip to Smith and Edwards right at 9 to get my new one!  That would have made for an interesting lesson for a bunch of 7 and 8 year olds to see Grandpa get a ticket for fishing without a license!  Not a good lesson at all!


Let me explain officer……

So, how many of these kids will be prepared for slushy ice, cold feet and hands and just how long will be actually be on the ice fishing today?

Cody said when he called last week that a couple of the kids he has invited have never been fishing.  This will be a real treat for me today.  I can hardly wait, new kids to fishing…I love it!

More to come on here after we return!

Bears Butt

January 11, 2014

PM Edit:

The weather was quite nice in spite of the forecast!  There was a time today when wearing anything other than a t-shirt was too much!  But then the front came through and changed all of that really quick!  Before that happened the boys had made sure their clothing was good and wet…hats, gloves, snow pants, socks…it was all wet!  When the wind started to blow, it didn’t take but one announcement that we were going home and they were on the run for the truck!

It was a very fun day!







Everyone caught at least one fish even if it was with their hands (3 fish were caught that way).  The perch were small and the trout were all perfect for the pan, but all the fish went back into the holes!

For an eight year olds birthday fishing day, I’d have to say it was perfect!

Thanks for the invite Cody!  Happy Birthday!

Bears Butt

PM, Jan. 11, 2014


Written on January 11th, 2014 , Fishing Stories
By: Bears Butt

Today, since the snow Gods have thus far favored my schedule and I don’t have to plow as yet, I decided it would be a good day to make up a batch of Corned Elk Brisket in anticipation for whenever we decide to have corned meat.

I thawed out 6 1/2 pounds of brisket meat I had saved just for this when we cut up the elk.  I now have a batch of brine cooling and when that is cooled I’ll put the meat into a plastic bucket I have and pour the brine in on top of it.

The meat should be ready to go back into the freezer on Tuesday!

Bears Butt

January 9, 2014

Written on January 9th, 2014 , Recipes
By: Bears Butt


This morning I tried a new to us recipe on Winemaker.  Unlike the vienna, kipper, enchilada this one turned out pretty good.  It’s not a new one by any means, it just saved on having to do any dishes.

On this site,  you have probably seen the recipe for “Bowern Omlettes”, well this is pretty much the same with just some tweaks to make it interesting.  The end result was very good!

I’m calling this the “Bowern Buritto”.

For two people:

Toss in a pretty good handful of hash brown potatoes into a pan with only the spray non stick stuff as the grease.  Begin to get them frying.

In the mean time, cut up some ham into diced chunks, about 3/4 cup of ham chunks, toss them into the pan with the spuds.

Dice up some onions, green peppers and whatever other veggies you like, toss them into the pan, stir often.

Dice up a very nice sized dill pickle!  Yes Dill Pickle…toss it into the pan with the other stuff.  Now heat it all for a bit.  You want the pickle juice to permeate the rest of the ingredients.

Break and scramble three eggs into the mix!

Now, add a handful of shredded cheddar cheese.  Stir it up until the cheese is melted and thoroughly mixed.  Set the pan to the side.

Grab onto some burrito shells or even tortilla shells (they are smaller, but do the same thing).  Heat them one at a time flipping them over in a pan (please, NOT the same pan that has the mix in it) a few times, until it’s almost too hot to handle with the bare hand.

Place the hot burrito shell on a single piece of aluminum foil, put a nice glob of the mix from the pan onto the shell  keeping it in a heaping row and toward one side.  Now roll it up as you would any burrito and then roll that up in the foil.


You can change things up by adding salsa to the mix in the pan as well if you like.  One thing about this is you don’t have to add salt, pepper or any other seasonings.  There is plenty of salt in the ham.

As our breakfast turned out, I had used tortilla shells (small ones) and because of the potatoes in the mix and the flour shell, we were both very satisfied with one of these as the main course.  Add a half glass of orange juice or milk and you have just had a very, very good breakfast!

You read it first right here on Bears Butt Dot Com!

Bears Butt

January 9, 2014

Written on January 9th, 2014 , Recipes
By: Bears Butt


I just got back from visiting with Mr. White Trapper: Friend and Taxidermist…You have read about “Swamp Man Taxidermy” right?


Well, here is another fine example of his work!  My San Juan Elk Antlers!


I’m glad I didn’t shoot a really big one as this is enough for the space I have!  He did an excellent job mounting this big boy!  I had a tough time finding enough hardware to keep it held to the wall, but I finally did find a big enough molly bolt!


That’s my elk trophy and I’m very proud of it!  Thank You Mr. White Trapper for finishing off my dream!  I love it!

Bears Butt

January 7, 2014

Written on January 7th, 2014 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt


Today I had a response to an older post about tree climbing steps.  It’s the third one since posting up that article and video.  All three of the comments have been the same….Do I have any in inventory, how much are they and when can I ship them….

It’s funny how the story begins with me not being associated with the product in the first place, but I guess like a lot of things, when a person sees something they want really bad, they are locked into getting it and no matter what is being said around them, they can’t hear it.

That reminds me of the story that ended with Weasel getting his name changed.

At least I can see where there are a few readers out there that are finding this site.  That’s a good thing.  As for these tree climbing steps, someone really needs to start making them and getting them out to the people.  Go back and check out the story for yourself.  If you are into tree stands, or just like to climb trees, these steps are pretty neat!

Look for “Ever Want to Climb up a tree pretty fast” on this blog.

Bears Butt

January 7, 2014

Written on January 7th, 2014 , Uncategorized | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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