By: Bears Butt


I think someone up above is playing with me…we awoke to about 4 inches of fluffy white snow this morning.  My plan did not include shoveling snow today.

Am I supposed to be THAT flexible to include moving snow today?  I will go out and shovel my driveway and then make my decision to plow or not.  If I plow then the Sweetbreads on the stove will have to wait until late this afternoon.  I’d rather stand at the sink and pull sweetbreads apart for 4 hours than plow snow for 3 1/2 hours.  Have I ever told you how I hate to plow snow?  I think I’ve mentioned it on here before.

I have a pot of sweetbreads that includes 9 packages of the delicious little guys boiling as I am typing and they are my priority…sorry neighbors, it will melt by July I’m sure.

These sweetbreads are part of my trapping preparation this week, just like my atv trailer was yesterday and my newly developed trap is tomorrow.

Gotta go for now!

Bears Butt

February 4, 2014

Written on February 4th, 2014 , Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt


This picture is of my new toy hauling trailer rear gate!  Can you imagine yourself following me and my trailer down the road?  Almost brings a tear to your eye doesn’t it?

The trapping season for me will begin next week, probably Monday and from that day until I finally pull my traps I’ll be totally consumed with trapping and the activities that come (go) with that.

Bob has lined up Brek to be our skinner again and he will save us a bunch of time.    We have a much better plan this year than we have had in the past and the quality of the rat furs should be much better.  Not that we haven’t had the top lot every year, but we plan on doing a much better job of drying the furs and maybe even combing them before putting them on the stretchers.  Sure it will take more time, but we should net a very high price at auction by doing this extra step.

So, this week will be mine to get everything ready for the trapping season.  You think all that would have to be done is toss some traps into the truck and go, but that is not the case.  I have an atv with the snow plow still on it and the weather is calling for a chance of snow every day this week.  When do I dare take the plow off  ?  The trailer needs the bearings greased and the lights checked.  The traps are already to go, but I’ll need to go cut some extra stakes.  The rats always tend to eat a few stakes during the season.

I made a special trap that I’ll show you when I get it completed.  It’s called a floating colony trap and I sure hope it works.  If it does it has the potential to capture 10 or more rats in one night.  How awesome would that be?  I’ll have a lot of experimenting to do with it to make it work, but that will just add a little bit more fun to the trapping days.

Besides getting ready for trapping, I have a bunch of little things to get done around the house before the first setting day.  I’ll have a busy week!  It’s already started!

Bears Butt

February 3, 2014


Written on February 3rd, 2014 , Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt


This little cutie allowed me to take her picture and post it up on here.  Isn’t she a little doll?

Our day on Sulpher Creek was a great one!  Thanks to everyone who pulled this event off and to the many anglers that came to play in the cold wind!

The ice was over 20 inches thick and so if any of you have threatened to come to this event and chickened out because you thought you might fall through the ice…NOT TO WORRY!  20 inches of ice will hold “your truck”  (not mine, but yours) full of gear and beer…trust me…your truck will not fall through.

After a little bit of a rough start to my day, and after running a red light on Riverdale road later on, we made it to the lake at a perfect time!  Our short walk from the sign in trailer out to our spot didn’t take very long and suddenly, our camp was set up for the day.


As is always the case in Wyoming, the wind did not stop blowing all day, but the temperature did rise from near zero to a balmy 20 something before the tourney was over.  I had to place an ice spike into the ice to make sure my tent didn’t go tumbling down wind, but other than that it was a great day on the ice.

Fishing however was very slow for us.  We each did manage to catch a trout but all of them were cookie cutters in the 13 inch range and they had to be at least 16 inches in order to be measured for the contest.  In our group, Weasel had the most bites, but only landed one quarter for his efforts, and ended up giving that up to someone else.  Our quarters ended up as an even steven payout.

Once we were on the ice, we had several other groups come and join around us to share the area.  More is better in my opinion and of course those guys knew what to use and so they caught a whole heck of a lot more fish than we did.  They were not stingy on letting us know the secret, but when you are 15 miles from the nearest place that carries the secret lure, you are pretty much at your own imaginations’ mercy as to how to get the fish to bite.  I even tried my newly thought up, blue fan-dangle….


It didn’t work.

But, there is more to this ice fishing tourney than catching the biggest fish.  We get to meet some great people.


Here a couple of bearded guys from the Duck Dynasty group joined our Sulpher Creek friend and mentor, WyoGoob (middle) and even though they didn’t grow those beards themselves, the beards did save their faces from a good wind burn.  Thanks guys for joining in the fun!  AND for towing our sleds off the ice when the tourney was over!

These events are all about having fun and allowing those that do all the hard work to get to put some money towards a worthwhile cause.  This lady has been “The Boss” of this tourney since its inception and the money raised this year is going to the Primary Children’s Hospital…And extremely good cause!


A hearty THANK YOU Cassidy Tynsky and the rest of your “in the background” team for being so gracious as to sponsor this event and going through all the hard work making it happen.  May there be many more!

The poor fishing aside or should I say, the poor catching aside (the fishing was great, the catching was not) everyone seemed to be in great spirits.  Some in greater “spirits” than others, but everyone having a great time for sure.


Thanks to this guy for allowing me to take his picture.  This should convince you that it was pretty cold up there and should you decide to join us next year, you need to get prepared like him!  It’s easier to take stuff off, than to freeze your butt off and wish you had it.

So, when we were all gathered up around the event hosts trailer, the fishing winners were announced.  They gave out 3 cash awards to the three largest fish and the number one winner, with a fish right at 17 inches, landed a cool cash award of over $1,000!   He was a happy guy!  It was obvious he had been having a good party already, but this announcement really made him grin and dance….But wait…there is more!

Cassidy and her gang of helpers went all out this year with a bunch of great prizes to be raffled off and they also held what is called a 50/50 raffle.  One in which you purchase a ticket and if your ticket is drawn you get half the money collected.  I did not catch the exact amount of the 50/50 prize but it was over $200 and close to $300 if my recollector recollects correctly.

So I’d have to say most every fisherman on the ice bought at least one  ticket for that drawing.

So, the little girl sitting on the snowmobile at the top of this page, pulled out the winning ticket for the 50/50 raffle and guess who won?…..The same guy that caught the biggest fish!  WOW!  How can that be?  What a lucky guy and all the drinks are on him!

DoubleWinnerBiggestFishAnd5050TicketHolder$1200PlusA double winner with over $1200 for his “fishing” efforts!  Congratulations!  What a day it was for him!  I’ll bet he doesn’t get up until the big game starts today!  Party on!

Back to the raffle!  As I said they had some wonderful prizes to give out and almost every one of them were either purchased or donated by Sportsmans Wearhouse in Riverdale Utah!  (Thanks you guys!  I’ll be sending you a note today)!  Jaw Jackers!  Snow Shoes! Tackle bags! Buddy Heaters! And a big old ice fishing tent called an Eskimo Quick Fish 3 as the Grand Prize!  There were more prizes I just can’t remember what they were…my bad!

Everyone wishes their ticket would be drawn for any of the prizes being given away, and especially when the Grand Prize comes up.  Well, what would you know!  My ticket was drawn!  What a lucky day for me!


So, in spite of not catching a fish that could be measured for the contest and in spite of getting “chill blanes” on the backs of our hands, this group of contestants really had a great time!


From left to right, me, Shipley, Weasel and Rick Streble!

Thanks once again to Cassidy and gang, Sportsmans Wearhouse and whoever else donated to this great event!  We hope there is one scheduled for next year because if there is, you can expect this small group to grow exponentially!

Bears Butt

February 2, 2014




Written on February 2nd, 2014 , Fishing Stories
By: Bears Butt


This morning we are heading for the fishing tourney in Wyoming…I hope we make it there.

As usual when I get up this early 3:15, I try my best not to disturb my better half (3/4ths) and I tip toe around the place making sure the lights are not left on, or even turned on at all.  This morning has not been very friendly for her so far.

It started with me attempting to put one of two thermos bottles on the counter….I hit the bottom of one against the edge of the counter top and it flipped forward…the very loose lid came off and bounced forward and hit the small cutting board and Ulu knife that leans against the edge of the wall on the backside of the counter top, the lid then proceeded to fall into the sink, to an awaiting glass pan lid, while on top of the counter, the cutting board and Ulu knife slowly fell toward me and then crashed down hard on top of the counter.

That was a lot of racket and I’m quite surprised I didn’t hear something come yelling at me from the back bedroom.  I thought I would, but she must be in a good mood.

My mind raced as to why that just happened and could not come up with any explanation, except…repeat after me…Imma…dumbshit!

I picked things up and put them back in their relative positions and proceeded to gather more things up to heat my broth…yummy left over corned beef broth saved from the last time we had corned beef.  I filled the pan with the broth and the thermos with hot water.  Then proceeded into my den to begin writing something of entertainment for you to read.

As the computer was booting up the weather channel was hanging up and beginning to P.O. me….I could not get it to close down and let me open up the master playground of Bears Butt Dot Com…suddenly I heard the faint noise of something spilling against a hot cook plate…I rushed into the kitchen to find the broth boiling over the top and all over the stove!!!!!


I turned off the plate, grabbed a hot pad and moved the boiling over pan to a cold plate, of course spilling more contents across the top of the stove as I went.  A big old mess was before me!

My mind thought, what could happen next?

The pouring of the broth into the thermos was no big deal, but we will be short about a cup of broth…a small price to pay for the beating I’ll get when Winemaker turns that hot plate on next.  I did clean up the mess on top of the stove, but didn’t get underneath the hot plate.  My bad, but I have a fishing trip to make and no time to mess with the mess!  Sorry, I do have my priorities!

And besides I was able to make a second pot of coffee without incident!  My good!

As a side note, I received a base layer shirt for Christmas from Weasel and Hot Spark and until this morning I had always worn it on top of my red flannel underwear…not so today, I figure I’m going to need all the warmth I’ll be able to get for that Wyoming weather we are facing and so I put it on and then my red flannels over that…what a remarkable difference in the warmth…It’s too hot in this house right now!

I hope to have a success story of several huge fish caught and measured for today’s contest, but who knows….whatever happens will be reported, with pictures and even if the day turns out to be just another day on the ice with friends and no fish…so be it…it sure beats anything else I can think of doing today!

Wish us luck!

Bears Butt

February 1, 2014 (What happened to January?)

Written on February 1st, 2014 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


Headed for Evanston Wyoming in the morning…going with Weasel and Shipley to the Sulpher Creek fishing tourney.   Proceeds this year will go to the Primary Childrens Hospital.  We are looking forward to a great day on the ice!

The weather is expected to be partly cloudy with lows around ZERO!  It should be a great morning and then warming to about 20 during the day!  A great day for sure!

We have the magic fishing bait…gummy worms, orange marshmallows and of course Mac and Cheese!  All suggestions by the Ogden School district kids.

I was going to take the “spitter” and another can to try out the idea of keeping the holes clear of ice and I still might depending on space available.  We are traveling light tomorrow as we just don’t have much room.  When you weigh out whether to take a spitter or a sandwich, it’s pretty easy to figure out which one will win.

We have our visions of “The Big One” in our hog troughs and hope to catch one that can at least be measured for the contest…must be at least 16 inches long and a member of the trout family!

In years past we have not had much success, but who knows and we just might be the lucky ones this year….fishing is all about luck right?

Bears Butt



Written on January 31st, 2014 , Fishing Stories
By: Bears Butt

Here is a twist that Winemaker and I came up with, a left over Taco Burrito!

Whenever we make tacos, there is inevitably lots left over.  It’s kind of like making spaghetti,  I always make too much.

So, you make the taco’s like usual, a pound of ground meat, add the packet of taco seasoning, heat and mix as directed and serve with shredded cheese, shredded lettuce and assorted other stuff you like on your taco, add a side of re-fried beans and you are good to go!

After indulging in that to satiation (completely full), the leftovers of the ground meat mix is blended with the leftovers of the re-fried beans and put into the fridge for the next day’s lunch or whenever.

So, Winemaker was going through the fridge this morning and said, Hey, there is just enough left over taco stuff we could make a burrito for each of us for breakfast this morning.  Just add some egg and you’re done!  OK!  I said…done!

I got out a couple of large burrito shells and fired up the burner.  Put the taco blend into the microwave and heated it for 2 minutes.  Broke 3 eggs into the mix and blended that all up and back into the microwave for another minute.

In the meantime I timed the burrito shell being done at the same time as the taco mix.

I had to stir the egg/taco mix two times until the eggs were done and cooked for a total of 3 minutes with the eggs.  Then I added a cup of shredded cheese and stirred that in.

This mix was scooped into the burrito shells and rolled as usual to make a burrito.

I ended up with 4 burritos, and so there will be another breakfast with those!

Pretty yummy if you ask me.  It’s looking like almost anything can be made into a burrito, EXCEPT, Kipper Snacks and Viennas!  Stay away from that combo!

Bears Butt

January 31, 2014

Written on January 31st, 2014 , Recipes
By: Bears Butt

If everything goes as planned Weasel, Shipley and I will be on the ice at Sulpher Creek this Saturday.  We always have big plans for big fish and as long as a guy can dream, he will keep trying.

Well, I came across this today and thought you folks just might like to see it.  A word of caution however, since this is a “family show”, there are some swear words being used in this video.  You can turn off the sound if you want, the verbiage in the video really does not add much to it.

Bears Butt

January 29, 2014

Written on January 29th, 2014 , Fishing Stories
By: Bears Butt

Our home has had a bad case of “being sick” since before Christmas!  When will it end?  There are days when we feel pretty good and think it’s all over, and then whammo…the “feel bads” are winning again.  Yesterday was one of those days for me.  By 4 p.m. I could feel the fever beginning to attack and by 9 I was had!

Some day it will go away and it can’t be too soon.

So, about 3 a.m. this morning I awoke to the need to hit the bathroom and noticed my side of the bed was wringing wet from me sweating!  I did my duty and then drank 2 big glasses of water and went back to that damp environment.  At least it was warm.

Now is when things started to get interesting.  I could feel I had a fever and the sweating began almost immediately, but I lay there trying to go back to sleep.  For the next two hours this is what I remember:

I found myself at a rendezvous and I was carrying my possibles bag, rifle, powder horn, No Grimaces’ rifle and possibles bag, Trackers favorite movie camera and a tri-pod.  I was wandering around through this large gathering of mountain folks trying to find anyone that looked familiar.  None of them had I ever seen before.  All of them seemed to be “traders”, with their blankets stretched out and they were sitting in small groups discussing stuff and trying to lure people closer to look at their goods.  The land where this rendezvous was being held was not flat, it was filled with deep, rocky crevasses and cedar trees barely hanging on to the edges by what little root systems they had holding them up.

Somehow I  got away from the burden I was carrying….I laid it all down someplace…and now I was frantically trying to relocate it.

Still nobody looked familiar.  I scrambled trying to scale one of the many rocky cliffs to get up on the top of it.  The rocks I grabbed gave way and tumbled down the narrow crevasse below me.  People down there, out of sight from me, were yelling up for me to stop tumbling rocks down upon them.  I had to make a mad scramble back in the direction from where I had come.  A traders blanket drooped over the edge of the cliff I was on and partially kept me from reaching the far side.  I made it after a very tough struggle.  And there lay my rifle and all the other things I had misplaced.  I tried to pick it all up, but it was too much to carry.  I looked around and there were no people who looked trust worthy enough to leave any of it with.  I was in a very big dilemma.

And then, just as quickly as I had misplaced and found again, my load of guns and camera equipment, there were two young boys insisting I join them in finding something.  What that was I’ll never know, but we ended up at a large bleacher filled with people watching young people perform on a stage far below them.  And then I was alone.  Someone called out that they knew I hadn’t voted yet and that I needed to get down to “the building” and vote before it was too late.  I scrambled up the bleachers and over the other side, suddenly finding myself in a wood shack with extremely steep stairs leading down to a door.  The stairs were filled with old rusty tools of every sort.  A hammer fell and someone above me yelled at me and asked why I dropped that hammer down on the table below.  I looked down and there were lots of hammers laying there, I kept struggling to get down the stairs through all the tools, trying my best not to knock any others to the floor below.

When I made it to the door, I opened it to find a long narrow room filled with people.  It was pretty dark inside and a guy was carrying a wooden box, like an old fashioned shoe shine box and yelling if anyone wanted to vote as the time was closing fast.  I yelled out that I needed to vote and he proceeded to hand me a paper and pencil……


I awoke to Winemaker getting up to go and do her exercises.

So, what does a dream like this one tell you?  Pretty confusing if you ask me, but it was so vivid I was able to recall all of this later on when Winemaker and I were having coffee.  A fever dream for sure.

Bears Butt

January 29, 2014

Written on January 29th, 2014 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

I just came across this on the internet and thought I’d share with you guys.

Bears Butt
January 26, 2014

Written on January 26th, 2014 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt


These computers are really something else.  I remember when I was working (at a real job) and they brought in “MY” computer….it took the tech guys almost all day to get me hooked up and running.  And then in came the sweet little gal to teach this old dog how to operate it.  I didn’t have any clue as to how this thing was going to help me.  I was new to my job (the boss) and I was eager to learn and then to show “my people” how to make their computers work for them.

The whole deal of modernizing our office was in the hands of a few.  We were to become what eventually was state of the art in the world of aerial photography.  And here I sat, in total obliviousness!  The gal showed me and I took lots of notes.  She kept saying, “Now don’t write down your password!  Someone could come in and find it and get into your computer and really cause a lot of problems”!  But, how in the heck could I remember my password?  After all, by tomorrow I will have forgotten it.  Unknown to her I did write it down on a sticky note and put it in a special place only I could find it.  I used it every day, until finally I could remember it.  I also remember after a year of using my computer I had sticky notes all around the screen.  Notes of every kind!

Now, it seems like the computer is something I just can’t do without!  I use it every day…well, every day I’m not hunting or camping or whatever, away from the house.  But if I’m home, I use it daily and some days….ALL DAY LONG!

It can get frustrating and I really appreciate when someone calls and says something I have sent them won’t print.  Today was one of those days.

I sent out a “jpeg” file of the Super Bowl Board…gambling is illegal you know, so keep this one quiet….besides we aren’t gambling…we are going to enjoy watching a football game and have to have a reason to watch it…that is why we have this board.  It’s our incentive.  We could care less if the Broncos or the Sea Hawks beat each other up and one of them wins.  What matters is if our square on the “incentive” matches with the score when the game is done.

So, Muskrat was having a time trying to print the jpeg attachment I sent yesterday.  He was sort of “fit to be tied” and called asking if I could redo the attachment in “pdf” format and resend it….Of course I can.  I had to ask Winemaker how to do it, but together we got it done and off it went as another attachment to an email to Muskrat.

I waited a few minutes and then called him to make sure everything was alright.  He was sitting at his computer and just opened it up.  It was important that he get it printed and have it in his hand when he met the “boys” at the coffee shop this morning, I completely understand.

As we conversed and he was working diligently on his end talking to himself as he went…the mumbling kept reminding me of myself when I first started playing with my computer at work.  I also went on a short memory lane trip in my head about how fascinated I was the first time I sent an attachment from my office to an office in Washington DC….the person was on the phone to me and asked if I could sent a certain file I was in charge of keeping updated.  I sent it via the computer and while she was on the phone, she said…”OK, I got it!”  And the amazing thing was that I had just pushed the “enter” key…zingo!  She got it!  That was my first mouth dropping event of the “new age” of computers.

So, today as I listened to the mumblings on the phone I could not help but grin and think about what he was doing trying to get the document to print.

As it was looking very promising on his end, he related a story about “last week”, when he was having printer problems.  He said he printed these things over and over and nothing would come out of the computer.  His frustrations got the best of him and he left the room.  Later in the day, or the next day or whenever, he came back into his computer room and had pieces of printed papers all over the floor and in the printer catch bin!  How could I not laugh at that?  I laughed and laughed!

So, with my coffee cup in hand, I solute you Muskrat!  Job well done!

Bears Butt

January 26, 2014

Written on January 26th, 2014 , Uncategorized | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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