We headed off to our bow hunting camp on Thursday (Aug. 14, 2014) and since there were just the 4 of us with one small camp trailer, we decided to pick a small camp site further up the canyon than where we normally camp. Our thoughts were to get the camp set up and then spend the rest of the day checking things out. The next day as well would be spent looking for deer sign and trying to decide just where we might find a buck for Conner to shoot. Since this is his first ever hunt we wanted to make it a very positive experience and maybe, just maybe he would get a chance to shoot something. Success in a hunt is always dependent on the attitudes of the people. What constitutes a successful hunt in my mind may not necessarily be the same as yours. For me, a total successful hunt would be one where nobody gets hurt or sick, everyone gets along, there are no major vehicle problems and the entire time is spent in good humor, whether any pursued animals are seen or not. Bagging an animal is a bonus in my mind.
We had a great lunch and then headed off to see what we could find.
But wait! Why don’t I just tell you about our experience through the notes I took down while we were there? I’ll just type exactly what I wrote down. I was going to scan my notes and show them on here first, but my scanner isn’t working or at least not wanting to play today. Weasel will be looking into it. Here goes. Some of it you will have to decipher yourself, but it’s pretty well defined as it is written. Pictures will have to come later as you will read in the story, my camera battery had issues and we relied on Cody (age 7) was the main camera man and he has the camera at this point.
Trip to cam great–La Beaus 2–Raspberry shakes–arrive camp great time. Set up 2/4 way to Green Canyon turn off–Cows everywhere–lots of bulls. Trailer battery dead—a little reconnoiter trip–14 deer–1 buck in clear cut above camp. Made do in trailer with battery operated lanterns, flashlights, headlamps. Lights out by 930-10 first night. 2 a.m. thunder rolling, by 3:30 it was really pouring outside–probably 1/2 inch of rain over 3/4 hour–we were all dry and warm in the trailer. Woke at 4:30–coffee–chocolate-donuts-out of camp as it was just light enough to see sights–another reconnoiter day ahead.
The boys were excited, but soon Cody was sleeping–he slept quite a bit and went to bed early–8:30ish–back at camp about 2 or so for burger lunch and then some bow practice–had some cows and a bull near camp when we arrived–the bull was not happy and tore up a small quakie before he left. There was a small buck 20 yards out of camp as well. Not too many deer spotted–10, but 3 were bucks–one a very respectable 3 point with heavy, almost palmated antlers.
The rain made for a lot of gully washes in the roads, but still passable. No deer spotted in evening reconnoiter. We ate supper about 5:30 before going out and coming back by dark. In bed by 930–up at 4 a.m.–opening day–temp outside 38–inside 54–Cody still sleeping–Conner and Brandon left camp to set up at water hole before crushed Canteen Crossing–they left at 530 a.m.. Conner seems older than his 13 years and with some luck and Gods willingness he is very capable of filling his tag. Yesterdays practice shows his shooting abilities more than adequate. It is now 6 a.m. and light outside–time for me to do a little camp cleanup but not wake Cody. Almost forgot–0my camera battery is about dead–I forgot my charger—booooo–Just before retiring last night we were hearing coyote pups barking just South of camp, hoot owls hooting and assorted other wild game around camp.
Cody finally decided to wake up about 9 am and by 10 we were headed up the road on the toy. We met Weasel and Conner (B & C) coming down the road back to camp. I’m sure Cody was bummed but we turned around and headed back to camp. Seems B&C had a small herd of elk near the water hole that stampeded away as they approached in the early morning darkness. Dang!!!! An earlier start will be needed tomorrow. But, back at camp, as I waited for Cody to awake, the first rays of sunshine hit a small patch of green on the hill up and across from camp. I caught site of the orange glow of a deer and with binos could clearly see a small fork horn buck heading down toward the road. Didn’t see it again. Being Saturday and opening day, there were a lot of people riding the roads. Most hunting, but a lot just playing, pretty typical for the last weekend before school starting. We had to go to Randolph for gas and ice, I picked up a 12 pack of beer too, there must have been a thief in the night, as my supply has dwindled rapidly. For lunch the boys ate leftovers while B & I had ham and egg sandwiches. Supper was pork chops, hbooms and garlic toast. Does it get any better than that? We hit plan B for the evening hunt, hoping for a shot at the big 3 point. Saw 12 or so deer, no bucks. B & C were hidden well, while Cody and I glassed the hill. A group of 5 deer were working their way toward the spot but didn’t drop down like I thought they should. How do you predict wild animals? We hang out till dark before coming back to camp–lots of rabbits in the road. Back by just after 9, everyone tired and in bed by 030. Up again at 4. B&C headed back to plan !–left at 510. I think I’ll take a nap. Temp outside 36, inside 58–nice! 715, awakened by the noisy bull going past camp. Heated the coffee and watched as 2 bulls headed to water hole behind camp. With coffee in hand I stepped out to see a doe and 2 fawns right behind camp. Cody woke early–8 am–by 9 we were on the 4 wheeler—very little traffic for a Sunday. Ran into B&C coming down. They have seen 2 bucks in clear cut above camp..and got within 40 yards of one—too much brush for a shot—cool buck named Archy–2 pt X crooked spike. Conner had buck fever bad! Legs shaking—fell off the log he was standing on! Successful hunt! Cody and I went on up the road and back to camp by 1130 for lunch. Conner is pretty excited about the “almost buck”. Afternoon of sleeping, braiding rope, being lazy.
PM hunt–drive around then go sit till dark. Made our way saw 9 doe/fawn. Back to drop off point–doe and a buck—10 yards but no shot–too much brush. Headed out toward drop off point….BUCK!!!!! 100 yards or so out—2 point feeding. B & C made a slow move to close the gap…taking their time…buck aware of them at 60 yards—Cody and I watched, making small moves trying to get bucks attention. B & C at 50 yards…buck presents broad side…Conner shoots….Arrow hits shoulder blade, buck falls, loses arrow—we waited 1/2 hour—follow blood trail…not much blood…at 300 yards blood stops…buck going up hill. Dark. Exciting day…4 bucks seen…i hit but not mortal wound. In bed at 930—up at 4 am–B&C to clear cut to wait on trail…today is Monday, slight rain, 40 outside.
More to come later…stay tuned!
Bears Butt
August 21, 2014