By: Bears Butt

Suddenly we find ourselves faced with the Monday before we head off to the Crawford Mountains.  Fat Duck is down and out and will not be going on the hunt.  He is scheduled for some surgery tomorrow and we wish him all the best with that and a speedy recovery.  Sorry Duck, you will have to see the video later.

Plans have been altered, but only slightly.  Tracker, No Grimace and I are still planning on leaving town on Friday morning and venturing into the mountains as quickly as we can.    Baby Boy will join us either late Friday night or early Saturday morning.  Either way, he is one of the hunters and needs to be their.  Who knows, maybe his “Dream Buck” will be waiting just outside of camp…it has happened before.

The weather forecast looks very favorable for us as the day time highs are expected to be in the lower 40’s.  That will be nice.  Lows in the teens, which will also be nice.  The latest snow fall will make it easier to spot the big boys hanging on the mountain side and also make for good tracking if that is something that needs to be done.  My expectancies are high for the two hunters, No Grimace and Baby Boy, to fill their tags with their dream bucks.

As I understand it, No Grimace is looking for a “table top buck”.  One that has antlers extending very wide, but not so tall.  A buck of this caliber will be a real challenge in the Crawfords as most of them are not so wide, but are really tall.  Just opposite of what he wants to find.  We will find one that fits that bill.

Baby Boy has a dream buck in mind that may or may not be so large, but will have many points sticking out here and there.  This dream buck should be relatively easy to find as they are prevalent in the area.  Our spotting scopes will be trained on the small extra points sticking out the sides of the main rack.  This buck could possibly be taken this coming weekend.

Speaking of this coming weekend, remember fellas it is a “set up camp and reconnoiter” weekend.  You might want to leave your guns and caps at home….just kiddin!  Don’t forget your beaver sharns and bring your luckiest of the lucky rabbits foot.  And your license…don’t forget that!  Everything else is luxury and even though you might think it essential, beer is just more weight to carry.  I’ll have mine as I am in very good shape to carry a lot of it.

Bears Butt

Nov. 12, 2012

Written on November 12th, 2012 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt

Today 12

Clouds and sun; not as cold
37° Lo 17°

Hist. Avg.

44° Lo 21°


Partly sunny
39° Lo 20°

Hist. Avg.

43° Lo 21°


Partly sunny
44° Lo 21°

Hist. Avg.

43° Lo 20°


Times of clouds and sun
48° Lo 24°

Hist. Avg.

42° Lo 20°


Mostly cloudy
48° Lo 26°

Hist. Avg.

42° Lo 19°


Clouds and breaks of sun
45° Lo 24°

Hist. Avg.

41° Lo 19°

Written on November 12th, 2012 , DREAM HUNTS
By: Bears Butt

Ladies and Gentlemen, please pay close attention to the flight attendant standing in the door way before you.  We are preparing for take off in and will be taxiing to runway 71 for our departure from here to points before us.


Bears Butt

Nov. 11, 2012

Written on November 11th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Snowing outside and snowing harder in the Crawfords.  We don’t want to get stuck in camp like we did back a couple of years.  We need to be able to get to the big bucks.

Maybe this is the answer:

Bears Butt

Nov. 10, 2012

Written on November 10th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Currently snowing outside and a slight breeze blowing as well.  Forecast calls for off and on rain/snow mix until later tonight and then all snow through tomorrow.  Sounds like a great day to head off into the swamp and try a hand at shooting some ducks.

Edjukateer is expected here about 2 p.m. and we will head out until quiting time or we run out of shells, Get our limits, or Run out of shells, whichever comes first.

Knowing us, we will run out of shells first.

A full report will follow later on, don’t expect anything until after 7 mst.

Bears Butt

November 9, 2012


Wow, what a great evening for a duck hunt!

We arrived at the swamp and got set up about 3 p.m.  Loads of ducks trading back and forth.  Almost all of them Mallards and Pins.

Suddenly the wind picked up just a bit and the clouds decided it was time to teach us a lesson about snow and cold.  The sky opened up and the snow pelted us really good with heavy wet white guys.

A brace of Sprigs came winging in from the West, straight in and set their wings for a perfect cross shot approach…Edjukateer dumped the big male Sprig without any problem.  A great start to an evening hunt.

Next we noticed the big ducks were no where to be seen, but large flocks of smaller ducks were everywhere.  Teal!  Flocks of 5 to 50 were in the air and winging in every direction.  It was impossible to keep track of where they all were.  Suddenly a flock flared into our face and Weasel dumps a nice Greenwing with one shot!  NICE!

As the late afternoon went on and evening came forward with it’s darkness, the ducks provided us with plenty of entertainment.  Most came on fast and furious.  Some gave us a glimpse of themselves before blowing past at 2000 miles per hour.  And all mixed with the ever pounding wet snow from the north lands.  What a great evening for duck hunting.  At one point I asked the Weasel if he had ever wanted to hunt ducks during a snow storm…His answer……I had better hunts when the mosquitoes were out and it was 70 degrees.

We had our warmest clothes on and still the wind and wet penetrated our supposedly water proof coats and chest waders.  My ears got very cold and my trigger finger was beyond feeling and the ducks came in, wave after wave.

But the waves of ducks turned from the mallards and pins to teal…every where were teal spinning and turning.  And so we shot and shot and shot.  And the pellets penetrated the sky and more snow fell.  We were poking lots of holes into the sky causing such a spectacle.  And around us were others doing the same.  It was a wonderful evening of hunting.

Back at the truck we counted 5 ducks…….Edjukateer with 3 and Weasel with 2….I shot 4 times all afternoon and only touched one duck.  What a great afternoon.  Thank you Edjukateer and Weasel for the good time!

Bears Butt

Nov. 9, 2012

Written on November 9th, 2012 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt

WOOOHOOOO!  The Central RAC unanimously voted to ask the Wildlife Board to make an action item of my proposal to the DWR!  That means two of the 5 RACs will make that motion and probably after a bit of discussion at the Wildlife Board meeting on Dec. 7, the others will join in.

A hearty THANK YOU to Wapiti and Edjukateer for joining me on the very long trip to Springville last night for the meeting.

I have to say this about the RAC people.  They have a very big job and only the State Employees get paid to do it.  They have representatives on the committee representing Sportsmen, Agriculture, Non Consumptive, Forest Service, BLM interests and several who just represent “US” the bulk of hunters, fishermen and outdoors people who are just who we are and nothing more.

They work really hard to find out what the people want and try to make decisions that are best for the majority.  They can only do that if people attend the meetings and speak up about how they feel on the subjects at hand.  So, if you don’t like the way things are being run, get down to a RAC meeting and put in your two bits.

Thanks for all the support I’ve been given in the effort to get more muzzleloader hunting opportunities out there for antelope hunters.  It’s only the first step in a very long process, but my hope is it will be on the 2014 big game application.  Keep your fingers crossed!

Bears Butt

Nov. 9, 2012

Written on November 9th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Thumbing through the latest Ducks Unlimited magazine and reading the great stories about shooting limits of big ducks in all sorts of hunting environments, my mind could not help but wander to my own shooting inabilities.

Here these story tellers tell about shooting their limits in just a couple of hours and on my last two outings I had plenty of opportunities to do that as well.  However, as most of you know my wing shooting abilities are about as good as, well lets just stop talking about it.

As I thumbed through the book here popped up an ad about a devise that is designed to help the shotgun shooter properly get his head down on that stock and align the barrel with his target.

So, I got up from my reading and came to my computer and looked up the site.  It somehow snaps to the rib of the “single barrel” shotgun and forces the shooter to aim and see a single green dot when he is properly mounted on the gun.  Any sign of red and you are not on it the way you should be.

It also said that 40% of  shooters are “left eye” dominant.  I found that amusing.  I will use that at the next Un-Turkey shoot.  And unlike my friend Magpie, will not attempt to shoot a shotgun in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer or common sense.  In other words, I will not try and shoot my shotgun left handed to see if it would improve my clay bird hitting abilities.  Instead I will accept my one to four bird hits and continue with my life.

Also on this site for this sight, I found a video that was quite cute and to the point in trying to sell the thing.  Two young girls who couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, using the devise and both of them holding up a pheasant that appears they had taken.  And as all computer videos go, on the right side of the screen appears many more videos, some of which are on the same or similar subject to the one I just watched.  Again amused, I clicked on the one I have listed here and thought you just might want to watch it.  It too is cute and I hope you “get it”.  Copy and paste please.

Wish me luck tonight at the Central RAC meeting!

Bears Butt

November 8, 2012


Written on November 8th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

The 2012 Presidential election is over………My guy didn’t win……Did America win?    Time will tell.

We all know by now that Obama has four more years to do something and I sure as hell hope it’s in a positive way.

This morning is “the day after the election day”….so what has changed?  We awoke from our nights sleep.  Those who have jobs most likely went to take care of whatever they do, while we retired or unemployed sit in front of our computers and type or play games or surf or whatever.  I see no change from yesterday.

On a flip side, if you can show your voter registration and your “I voted” sticker, there is a restaurant offering you a FREE Dinner from 5 till 10 p.m. today, in Jacksonville, Florida.  You have to pay for your drinks from the bar however and the bar will remain open until the last customer leaves.  They have room for 200 people so get there early!

On a down side, the stock market opened very low this morning.  All my money is tied up in cash, so it doesn’t effect me.

Ok, now that it’s over, we don’t have all those political ads to contend with, only the signs stuck in the ground everywhere we go.  How long will it take those responsible for putting them all out to pick them all up?  What do they do with all those plastic signs anyway?

If you have some of those signs and want a place to dispose of them, bring them to me, I have an idea for a few of them.  I don’t want 20,000 of them just a few, like maybe 100.

What’s my idea?  For one, maybe I could make up some “deer crossing” signs and place them strategically in the Crawford Mountains for the upcoming hunt.  Perhaps cut out some duck silhouettes and paint them up all ducky looking and use them as decoys.  Maybe some of my famous (or not) cooler can saver dividers.  Or put them on the trapping shed like shingles…that would be cool.  Maybe I do need a few thousand of them afterall.

So, for you reading this, cheer up if your guy didn’t get in.  In four more years the “bad guy” will be gone and out of mind just like Bill Clinton is for most of us.  Stock up on some ammo and go buy yourself a remorse gift, like a new 45 auto and a leather holster.  I like that.

Bears Butt

November 7, 2012  Don’t forget to wish No Grimace a Happy Birthday today!


Written on November 7th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Many, many years ago this could have quite possibly been a reality holiday, but today it would be really hard to pull it off.

National Marooned Without A Compass Day.  Do they even make compass’ any more?  I have a small one that I was given a couple of years ago by my friend Gatlin, and he said as long as I have it close by I can still find my behind (of course that wasn’t exactly how he said it).

With all of today’s technology GPS units, phones with GPS, cell phones in general and towers on top of nearly every mountain.  How on earth would anyone be able to get far enough away from some land mark to even remotely get lost?

Oh, I just re-read the holiday…not lost…Marooned.

And so I went in search of the definition of “Marooned” and boy did I get an eye full.  Most definitions said to be stranded, abandoned or however you get there, alone on an island.  But there was another place that said you were considered Marooned if you took in too much of a good thing, either drink or smoke, and you were so “marooned” you could do nothing but sit there in your own little world until some of it wore off.

So, let’s get back to the holiday at hand.  National Marooned Without a Compass.  By most definitions you really wouldn’t have any problem, afterall how big is this island you are stuck on?  Does it really matter to you if you go North or South, East or West?  Pretty soon you are going to hit the beach and then you will have to go left or right or just sit down and dig it in your own little world.  The bottom line is you are stuck there and a compass would be of no value what so ever.

If you suddenly find yourself  “marooned” by the other definition, the use of a compass would again be of no value because you probably could not even focus on the compass, let alone tell which direction the little pointer was pointing and for sure you would not be able to get up and walk in any direction.

Well, besides being our day to vote for elected officials, let’s go one step farther with it and Maroon the Moron we know deserves to be Marooned!

Bears Butt

November 6, 2012

Written on November 6th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Today was Monday, not anything real exciting going on.  I picked up all the leaves in the yard, vacuumed the house and made ready for supper and still there was plenty of time for something else to do.

I had wanted to go on a little afternoon duck hunt even though it was a blue bird day.  I just could not get last Friday out of my head.

Well after making lots of calls and finding myself the only one with time to go hunting, I decide to heck with it, I’m going to go.

I don’t like to hunt alone and this trip was sort of a Reconnoiter trip, more than a hunt.   I took a 5 gallon bucket, my shotgun and a box of shells and headed out.

In the swamp I walked along slowly making notes of the increase in the water around the area.  Where Weasel and I had hunted last Friday it was at least 2 inches deeper.  I had waded through lots more water getting out to that spot than we had last week.  Things are looking up.  OH.  And I saw some geese sitting in the same place Weasel and I had seen them last week.

Well it was nearly 2:30 p.m. and only about 3 hours till closing time.

I sat on my bucket and watched the birds fly around, landing ever so much closer to where I was hiding.  Soon there was a flock going to cross over my hiding place…I jumped…lead the bird and popped the cap…Down he went…a nice male Pintail.  I sat back and waited until the birds settled down and then went out and gathered my trophy.

Well, long story short, I shot 14 shells!  14 shells!  Crazy huh?  I did not have any decoys out and still they offered me 14 chances to shoot.

I ended up with 2 birds.  And one heck of a memorable afternoon of hunting.

More fine eating!

Bears Butt

Nov. 5, 2012

Written on November 5th, 2012 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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