By: Bears Butt

Yesterday was a rather overwhelming day in the field and let me explain why you did not see a P.M. report from me.  This is a combination report for yesterdays “on the trap line” and this mornings expectations.

My Grandson, Conner, accompanied me on the days trapping activities and while we were in progress driving out to the site, I showed him an older camera I have and asked him to learn how it worked.  I could explain a little as I drove and it didn’t take him long to figure it all out.  I told him he could take pictures of whatever he wanted and that there was really no limit to the recording disc.  He clicked on and on.

At the trap line we hit Little Spring and left the Big Spring line for today.  I needed about 45 minutes at the end of the day in order to get ready for a date Sherry and I had planned.  Later in the day I must admit, we needed every minute of that 45.

On Little Spring I have been trying to capture one little rat that has tripped my trap 3 different occasions and when this happens it becomes sort of an obsession on my part to do whatever it takes to make the capture.  This was one of those times, and yesterday that little bugger was held fast in the coni!  I was as happy to see it as was Conner.


Photo courtesy of Conner…..I went to great lengths to finally capture that rat.  I guess whatever it was I did, confused it enough to get it’s head in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It would not be right for me to write the story of yesterdays events without first inviting Conner to do the honors and then I would post it on here for you to read at 12 year olds view of an old man and a day of trapping.  I’ll see if he will do that.

In the meantime trust me when I say that the day was a beauty.  Nice weather, nice company, nice wildlife and all in all a very wonderful day.

We checked the traps on Little Spring and only caught the one rat.  The colony trap that was covered up the day before and that I moved a short distance had a plug in the one end.  I removed the plug but left the trap in place.  If it scores today or not, I will remove it and place it in a new line.  The rat or two left in that spot are too smart for me to spend any more time trying to catch them (it).

Over on the Trellis line we quickly headed to the West end where I have eight traps, we scored one down there.  As we proceeded East from the truck, Bob came driving up so we turned around to B.S. with him.  He was going to go check out an area up near the ranch owners home, the head water spring for a drainage that usually only holds a few rats and a ton of raccoons.  A place we try to avoid, but he is antsy to get some iron in the water and start to catch rats.  When we were done with the B.S.’n we went back to business.

With two rats in the bag I was feeling like we just might find as many as 10 rats by the end of the day.  But the Trellis line yielded up a total of seven rats!  That meant eight rats were in the bag.  Wow!

I gave Conner the option of eating lunch right there or heading over to Bull Run and continue to check traps…he opted for Bull Run.  I quickly loaded up the toy and headed over to that line.

As we started down that line I told him that the first 18 traps had been checked the day before and had good results and that they should only produce maybe 4 or 5 rats, but that the remaining 12 traps had only been set yesterday and they should have about a 50% yield.  What I have to say right now is something that has never happened in my life.  Those 30 traps yielded 16 rats!  For a total catch of the day of 24 rats!  Give it up for one heck of a day of trapping!  I think it was Conner luck that came through for us.

Back at home, Bob brought in one rat…total catch for the day of 25 rats!  A most excellent day.

After the checking and all the gear loaded up, Conner and I ate our lunch on the way back home.  It was running late and with 24 rats to skin my time was going to be very short.  We called the Weasel to come and help us, which he did, but Conner wanted to try his hand at skinning and so we dressed him up in the apron and rubber pants, handed him the knife and the Weasel explained the process and Conner ended up skinning two rats!  Great Job Conner!

We finished the job of skinning and hanging them to dry about 4:20…Just enough time to get a shower and cleaned up for our date….right on time.

As for today:  As we were finishing up the skinning job yesterday, Shipley called and said his fishing partner wasn’t feeling all that well and that if the invitation to go out on the trap line was still there he would like to go with me today.  Absolutely!  He will be here about 9 a.m.

My intent is to check the Big Spring line today and I have not decided if I should check the Little Spring line or not.  My tendency is not to check it as the line is made up of mostly conibears and the two leg holds have not had any rat activity in almost a week.  One of them has not had a rat at all since it was set.  I’ll decide out there whether to check the line or not.

The weather is supposed to be the nicest temperature day so far this calendar year with a high in the upper 40’s.  It was warm last night and so there should have been some rat movement.  If Big Spring kicks out a couple of rats, I’ll be forced to check Little Spring, which would not be a burden, I am just thinking about Shipley’s time.

My expected catch is NOT anywhere near yesterdays catch and I don’t even expect half that many.  Yesterday was an exception to all rules.  I hope to have a P.M. report today as Sherry and I don’t have any post trapping plans except to enjoy each other’s company when I’m done with it all.

Bob and I have 40 rats all dried and ready to flesh and stretch once we get through checking traps and skinning the days catch.  It will be an “after 5” day for us.  I don’t know how much of the “fur shed” activities Shipley is interested in, but maybe he will join us in seeing what goes on once the furs are caught.

Bears Butt

March 2, 2013


Written on March 2nd, 2013 , Daily Trapping Events

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