After the trapping chores were done yesterday, Weasel and I decided we probably should go the the range and shoot our week 5 league scores. We have a very busy “today” with farm work and the high probability of me hitting the trap line after that, which means a late night in the shed and so to go shoot today would be near impossible. Sunday, the range is open but with Sunday comes church and catching up on home duties, so that is out. Besides, Weasel and his family might head to Heber for their indoor 3D shoot. So, off we went!
The place wasn’t too full, but had a group of fun archers. Some were on the serious side while shooting, but came around with a smile after they were off the line. Being new to this whole thing, I can see where the seriousness can come in to play. I’m pretty serious when I’m settling in for a shot too.
Remember, my goal is to hit the paper, all 24 inches by 24 inches of it! The circles on it are bonus if the arrow finds its place among them for a score. I missed the paper several times last night and I wasn’t real happy about that. I kept trading out one arrow for another until I decided to just stick with one arrow and learn to shoot it. The other 4 are made for my bow and shoot just fine. By the time I decided to keep shooting the same arrow, I was nearly at the half way point in my “ends” (rounds, frames, holes….each game has its own “what they are called”). I was actually feeling pretty good about my score to that point. And then it happened! My weird arrow found its way to the white circle! A very solid 5 points. I made it a point to shoot the weird arrow first to get it out of the way, then I could concentrate on the good arrows and hope to put them into the ring area of the paper.
What ended up happening during the last half of my shooting was that more arrows found there way into the rings, than did find themselves outside the rings and the points began to stack up. I ended the night with 5 “X’s”! Count em….FIVE! 1 little, 2 little, 3 little X’s! 4 little, 5 little X’s!!!!!! On top of that there were a few more in the 5 ring than I’m used to seeing.
Without adding up the score I just knew in my heart I had just bested my best to date….but after a double count using a calculator, Weasel couldn’t squeeze out another point and I came away with a 136. It would have been much lower without hitting those 5’s. To say I feel good about my shooting last night is an understatement. To close off a game shooting 60 rounds and ending with the last two shots being 5 point X’s is making me want to hit the range even more! Obsession? Maybe the beginning of it.
Bears Butt
March 7, 2015
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