People are very resourceful and there is something for everyone. Maybe what I should be saying is, People are crazy and there is something for everyone. Anyway, I was surfing the web today and discovered this. Can you imagine someone who has the time and thoughts to melt aluminum cans to about 1200 degrees Fahrenheit and then pour it down an ant hole. Why would anyone want to do that? Especially the first person that did it. Were they just so bored they wanted to see a million ants come jumping out of the ground all around the ant hill or were they so terrified of ants that they would go to this extreme to get rid of the ants? It’s anyone’s guess about the first guy, but after that and the end results I can now see why someone would do it….it’s cool.
Bears Butt
April 1, 2014
That was pretty neat but I think I would rather spray them and hope I get them all.