So, you now have your trophy of a lifetime on the ground or in your hand! You will want to preserve it for time and eternity! Be it fish, fowl or beast, Swampman’s Taxidermy is where you need to take it! This guy is truly an artist in every sense of the word! Not only does he get right into the feeling of your hunt or fishing trip, but he feels just what the animal was like before you pulled the trigger or put it in the net! His finished work makes the animal appear to still be alive! Awesome jobs!
AND he is very fair with his prices!
He doesn’t do this on a full time basis, so you might have to wait until he can work you into his busy schedule.
I was out there taking him my bull elk head so he could mount it up for me and he showed me his work load…lots of elk and deer heads to put on plaques and make head mounts out of. He also showed me some fish he was working on! Man, is this guy good!
He even showed me a master piece of his inside the house. A tree limb frame, with a water scape background inside it, painted with schools of Cisco fish and a mounted Lake Trout and Cisco in the foreground! Incredible work of art!
I have several beautiful pieces of his work in my home right now and like I said, another on the way!
Give him a call: 435-225-6330
I can see right now I need to do a story on his art work…lots of pictures!
Bears Butt
December 11, 2013
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