So, let’s not relax just yet. The trapping season is coming to a close, but that does not mean things are going into a depression…quite the contrary. I was able to finish up what I could with the base boards on the new tile…double coat of paint and the caulking all done…there is still more to do, but the tile guy needs to come and finish with his part. In the background another crew is getting prepared to attack the house and lay down some carpet…that is to happen tomorrow…my job now shifts to clearing the way for them to do their job….up against the blue wall everyone! Stand back!
But WHOAAAA! There are some lucky kids that need me to help them bag a wild turkey! Well, I won’t be actually helping them bag the bird, but I will be doing some part to help them enjoy the hunt…and tonight Weasel and I will be attending a meeting to discuss whatever it is we need to discuss with the guys in charge of the event…the United Wildlife Cooperative….If YOU have not joined this group of dedicated people yet…YOU NEED TO! Just go on their web site and sign up! It’s easy, painless and free….what more could you want. Oh, and make a donation to their cause, it won’t be wasted money, it goes toward doing something for our wildlife and our heritage as outdoors men and women.
And you don’t have to live in Utah to join them!
I have made up a bunch of “turkey dream catchers” that will be given to the kids who are lucky enough to be drawn for this event.
That looks like enough to give one to everyone…but I’m sorry…There are only enough for the kids, their guardians and the guides…The rest of you will have to make your own.
If there is anything that can catch a dream of bagging a big old tom turkey, these little bad boys should do it!
Earlier I mentioned my next adventure…well this is it! The 2013 Youth Turkey Hunt! If it is anything like it was last year it will be a awesome event!
Bears Butt
April 2, 2013