The other day we were in a local thrift store called the Deseret Industries and we ran into a good friend. We visited with her for a few minutes and then decided it was time to go. She went on shopping and before we got out of the store, she came running up with a small wooden carving in her hand and said “You Need This”! I took one look at it and said…Yes I do need this! And I bought it.
Today I added some paint to it and now you need to see just what it was I bought and painted.
Thanks for visiting Bears Butt Dot Com! Enjoy your day!
Bears Butt
April 14, 2013
That is exactly the way most people would picture you typing out the words to
“Bears Butt.Com”
And this friend is so tickled you got right on it and painted it up! Perfect find for such a “Bears Butt”!
I love it!! ♥
LOL!!! 😀