By: Bears Butt

March one!  Hard to believe that February is gone.  Last night it did not get down to freezing and there was a lot of snow melt, I love that.  High for today is low 40’s and cloudy…more snow melt!

I heard there wasn’t any school today and so I asked if Conner would like to go with me on the trap line…he does!  So I’m excited to have him come along.  It will be a long day for him but I think he will have fun.  Departure time 9:30 and I have to be home as quickly as I can because Sherry and I have a date to be somewhere at 6…We might have to leave the rats for another day to skin but that will be determined by the number we catch.  I don’t expect a day like yesterday, but with the warm night I might be surprised.

Gotta get goin!

Bears Butt

March 1, 2013

Written on March 1st, 2013 , Daily Trapping Events

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