By: Bears Butt

The huge snow storm that hit the New England states has me worried a whole bunch.  First off, I have many visitors to this blog that live in that area.  They are experiencing large areas of power outs and power outs means they can’t log on and read this stuff.  What can I do?  I know…I’ll send my signal to a satellite and they can beam it down to their cell phones.  Brandon, do you copy?

When they do finally get their power back on it will take them several days to get caught up, but that should be a relief over shoveling snow.  And I’m sure many of them will have stoved up backs and will be just laying around with hot pads on while they read.  Hey guys, don’t forget to read the archives on here too.  Oh ya, and check out some of the ads.

So, yesterday was a full day of moving snow…10 till 1:30…maybe not a full day to you, but it was for me.  Nice pretty white fluffy snow about 4 inches deep, with a thick layer of heavy wet snow underneath and dog poop mixed in because the dog can’t find a path to the tree.  I love winter, but this has been enough.  The snow is piled up higher than I ever recall and there is no place to put any more of it…and still overnight we have had another 3 inches and I look out at the snow still falling…ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!  GUARDS…FOCUS SOME MORE HEAT DOWN HERE!

My focus is on those poor people in the N.E.  A picture in todays paper shows a street with cars lined up on both sides, mostly only the tops of the cars are sticking above the snow.  No sidewalks can be seen and three people are out there shoveling what appears to be their cars out of the drifts.  Why on earth would they want to try and get their cars out of that nice snow drift?  So they can go slide into another one?  Get serious folks.  There isn’t a tyrant boss anywhere that expects to see your smiling face at work.  Heck, he isn’t even going to be there.  The power is out, which means the heat is off, you can’t make coffee, or see your computer and worst yet, the donut shop down on the street isn’t open either.  Go back into your home, apartment, studio or where ever and relax.

So, now all of that rhetoric above has lead me to my REAL concerns for those folks stuck in all of that snow.  Beer!  They could not have fathomed all of that snow and the loss of wheels to get them to the store.  The distributors could not have had the foresight to convince the stores and bars to stock up in preparation for all of these people to be off work, with nothing to do but look at the big drifts outside.  Power outages doesn’t  effect chilling of beer, especially when the power outage is caused by snow…snow chills beer.

Here are thousands of people who like to drink beer and all of them are out of stock.  The bars are out of stock.  The stores are out of stock.  The distributors can’t get their trucks out on the road to stock up any one and so, they will have to become retail outlets for the brave walk-in crowd.  How many cases of beer can you carry and walk through 4 foot drifts back to your apartment?  And watch out for the guys that can’t walk that far, they are going to want your beer and with your arms full, you can’t get to your concealed carry weapon to stop them.  This is bad folks!

And a reminder to you bar owners who just happen to have some beer on hand.  Remember, these patrons are there because you are within walking distance of where they live.  They may frequent your place on occasion when the snow is not so deep as it is now, but they are there now because of a dire situation beyond their control.  Not because you are the best in the area.  So, my advise to you is “DO NOT GOUGE” their pocketbooks.  They will remember when this is all over and if you don’t treat them right, they will shut you down!  It’s a time for everyone to work together.

As for me, I have a pretty good stock on hand but my time is limited.  I must now venture out into the falling white flakes and push the snow that lays on the ground.  One more day of pushing snow in a series.

And a hearty THANK YOU to No Grimace for coming down and making me a turn around area for when I finally do get to go trapping and forget about moving snow and ice.

snow cooler

Frosty the Bears Butt

Feb. 10, 2013

OK, so I posted this up yesterday and today Budwiser (one of my friends on Facebook posted this)…exactly what I had in mind.


Bears Butt

Feb. 11, 2013



Written on February 10th, 2013 , Uncategorized

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