By: Bears Butt

Today I would like to introduce you to “Excellent Service” from one of the companies listed on the right side of this page.  Go ahead, scroll down past all the categories and the archives listed to a heading called “Blog Roll”.  Those are listings of companies I have personally dealt with and who also have a website of their own.

I have listed them because of various reasons and one of the most important to me is the Service and/or Product they have provided or delivered.  Both must meet some pretty stringent requirements on my behalf otherwise they would not be listed there.

So as not to be taken wrongly, there are other companies out there that provide the same services/products and do as good or perhaps better than these I have listed, but I have yet to discover them and when I do, I will include them as well.  But, why I’m writing today is about one of these listed.

Whenever I find a good, honest, reputable company, I will personally continue to frequent their establishment and I will continue to honor them by letting others know just how good they are at whatever they are in business to do.  My oldest brother “Just Bob” needed some work done on his truck.  It had a hard time starting.  Click.  Click.  Click.  Click.  Click. Click. Click…Vrooooom!  Finally it would start.  To the novice (me, him, others who don’t know much of anything about mechanics), it must be the starter solenoid or worse, the starter itself.

One always thinks of the worst of the worst when something like this happens.  A quick check at the local auto parts place, a tester put on the trucks computer to determine the issue and $150 later and new battery is in place.  The tester gives out some sort of code number to tell the trained user just what is wrong.  Is the tester perfect?  Nope.  What it does is give a code number that when referenced back to the “code book”, points to several things that could be the issue.  In this case, battery, solenoid, starter motor, ignition key, computer relay of some sort and the list goes on.

So the “trained technician” at the auto parts place, who by the way just graduated from “know it all auto mechanics and coffee shop” and got excellent grades in all categories, says the most likely thing wrong with your truck Mr. Just Bob, is your battery is not putting out enough voltage for the solenoid to engage and turn over the starter motor.  You need one of these Platinum batteries, with 750,000 cold cranking amps and a 3 year full replacement guarantee, to replace your piece of junk worn out old battery you bought last year.  Only $150!

Ok, so enough beating up the auto parts guys and place.  Did the battery fix Just Bob’s problem…nope.

Just Bob calls me up, “Where is the place you always take your cars”?  My answer is “Woodruff Auto Service!  Why, do you have a car problem”?  “Yes, my truck won’t start and it’s almost trapping season.  I need a reliable truck to go trapping.  What is their number and where are they located?”

Woodruff Auto Service

801- 782-6294

3896 N. Hwy 89, Pleasant View, Utah

I follow Just Bob down to Woodys (that’s what the owner is called, sort of the Bears Butt of the auto mechanic world) and we drop off his truck and head back home.

The next day rolls around and Just Bob calls me up and says…”Bears Butt (not exactly what he called me) you saved me a whole lot of money by telling me about Woodruff Auto Service, my trucks problem is just loose terminal connectors.  All they have to do is clean and tighten them and I’ll be good to go”!

Now folks THAT is GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE right there!  They could have put in a new starter and charged him $380, plus labor and he would not have known any difference!  There are a ton of things they could have done and his truck would not have started any better than it does right now with only the terminals cleaned and tightened.

Trust me when I say, I personally have had the same thing happen to my vehicles when dealing with Woody and the gang.  If you want a testimony about my cars just ask.  I have several!

So, for you folks living in and around the Ogden area and need some auto machanic work or maybe even just a state inspection…check out Woodruff Auto Service….Oh and tell them Bears Butt sent you.  When you do be prepared to duck, because they just might throw something at you.

Bears Butt

Jan. 10, 2013

Written on January 10th, 2013 , Uncategorized

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