By: Bears Butt

I believe that each and every one of us has had or will have some divine inspiration come along in our lives.  Something that just suddenly appears or a voice is heard or just a gut feeling about what is going to happen.

I’ve been reading a life sketch of a man who helped settle Utah way back in the mid 1800’s…George W. Hill…anyway he was a devout LDS guy who taught a lot of Native Americans about the LDS faith and baptized thousands of them into the religion.  But, he had a lot of visions in his life as well.  These are the types of things I’m talking about.

And so as we progress in our daily lives we often will see a vision or a little devil sitting on our shoulder will whisper something in our ear, or we will see something in the twirling dirt or waves and it will be a sign of some sort.  We will pay attention to it because it was meant for us to see and follow.  We may not know exactly what it all means at the time, but there will come a time when the bigger picture will present itself and suddenly it will all make sense.

Today a little something happened in my life that just made me take a picture of it.  As strange as it might seem to you, the moment I saw it I had to capture it on my camera.  As Sherry was getting ready to go to work, I was busy making us a little breakfast.  We don’t usually eat a whole lot as we have learned as we get older, we just don’t need a whole lot to eat at any one time.  And so it was with breakfast this morning.  Some warmed up cheese potatoes, a small venison steak for her, a couple slices of bacon for me and one egg apiece.  A nice little breakfast.

I had everything ready except the eggs and so I wait until she says she is ready and then I cook them.  This is where it happened!  I broke the eggs into the cast iron pan and suddenly right there before my eyes was a sign!  I spun around and grabbed the camera from the bag on the counter.  The camera is always right there for those instant “gotta take a picture” moments.  I didn’t even have to look at it to find the snap that allowed the camera case to open…out came the camera, on it went and as I turned toward the pan, the camera came to my eye and snap!  I had it…the sign was permanently captured on my Fuji disc.  I was so happy.

I finished making the breakfast and served it up.  Sherry asked, why did you take a picture of the eggs?  I had to show her and so I got the camera and turned it on so she could see the sign I had taken.  She smiled and went back to eating without saying a word.

And so to you my dear readers of this insanity, here is the picture I took:

I hope you are smiling right now!  Have a wonderful day!

Bears Butt

Dec. 10, 2012

Written on December 10th, 2012 , Uncategorized

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