November 20…that’s today! YAAAAA! What else is going on? Well for one it is National Absurdity Day! Do something really dumb and you will fit right in. If you are reading this before going to work, this is your chance to wear that Hawaiian shirt to your big business meeting and be able to get away with it. Or place a special order with the hospital staff saying your doctor ordered you to eat some crazy food that they normally don’t serve patients (you see I don’t know who is reading this or where they are reading it from).
The bottom line is today is Absurdity day and anything out of the ordinary is perfectly justified. I suggest you keep it legal however. And maybe just inside the sane line or your tomorrow might not be too fun.
I looked up the word on line and found a definition that allowed viewers to make comments…I think that is absurd, and I told them as much.
As for my personal life, I’m just too set in my ways to be too absurd, besides I’m still in Crawford Hunt Mode…which to some may seem absurd. To me it is perfectly normal and I know of 10 people who agree with me and several more that are fighting the urge to join the 10 of us, as they have to work, which to them is absurd. I agree. Just because they have recently changed jobs, I find it absurd that their new boss can’t let them have some time off to come up and join us in the hunt. The boss on the other hand thinks it absurd that the newly hired pee-on is even asking that he have time off to go on a stupid hunt in the first place. You see how absurd things can get in a hurry. So, enjoy the day.
What’s absurd?
Frying your donut. Wearing shorts in a snow storm (that could be confused with freezing your butt off). Or Softballs normal “colder than cold” statement: “Standing on a wind swept, blowing snow mountain with nothing on but a wet sheet” (which IS freezing your butt off). Pouring an entire bottle of ketchup on your fries. Dipping the same fries in a beer before eating them. Asking your brother for $20. Fishing off the Golden Gate Bridge. Desiring to get between a cow moose and her offspring. Adding mustard to your coffee. Washing the red flannel underwear with the white shorts.
You see the list goes on and on and is only limited by YOUR imagination. You don’t have an imagination? That’s absurd….of course you do.
Bears Butt
Nov 20, 2012
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