By: Bears Butt

Tomorrow, Oct. 4, 2012 is the last day of the muzzleload deer season.  I have prepared some baked chicken for our lunch, packed the truck, packed the cooler and am preparing to go to bed in anticipation of this “end of the season day of hunting”.

So long to come, so short to go.

Weasel, Winemaker and myself (along with the pup, MAPA’s) are heading out for a day of driving around the mountains and enjoying the beauty of it all.  The fall colors are wonderful and my wife needs to get out and see some of it.  Of course with nobody home, the dog, MAPAs gets to go along.  He was fun last year.  Who knows maybe we will have to use him to find our wounded animal…?  I hope not.

Roadhunting!  What a scorned practice.  Hunters all over the U.S.A. frown on this sort of “hunting” and yet it is probably the most actively sought after way of hunting there is.  Look around…atv’s, utv’s, golf carts, 4 wheel drive vehicles, bicycles and even family cars are being built to double as a vehicle that can be driven up the back roads of our mountains while  all the occupants are looking for the deer that daddy can shoot.

It’s a fun way to get out and have a good time.  But the anti-road hunters disagree…plastic water bottles are tossed and lay along side the roads everywhere, and what about the beer cans and bottles and plastic wrappers from the donuts the kids ate?  The empty 30 pack boxes from the Keystone Lights drinkers.  But wait!  I found a very large plastic tarp this year with nice heavy duty ropes that once held it down…well it was being held down until apparently the wind lifted it up off  the truck it was on and tossed it down the hill.

I know the garbage we see along side the roads is “peoples fault”, it is also peoples fault for letting it lay there.  I have picked up a bunch and plan on doing more tomorrow.  No sense letting the upcoming elk hunters see what the muzzleloader hunters left behind…those trashy muzzleloader hunters anyway.

I’ll have an update for you tomorrow evening, or maybe the next morning on what our day was like.  Afterall, we are out to fill a couple of deer tags, ROAD HUNTING, and enjoying ourselves.  I hope someone doesn’t mind if I build a small fire in the middle of the road to roast a hot dog for lunch, oh never mind, I have some left over chicken.

Bears Butt

Oct. 4 (predated), 2012

Written on October 3rd, 2012 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories

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