By: Bears Butt

I had no idea there were soooo very many spammers and phishers out there in web land.  Thanks to the Weasel, I have to approve any comments that are made to my posts.  I’ll guarantee you one thing for sure, tomorrow I will have a minimum of 5 comments to this posting and they will say something like this:

“I’m so glad I post did find.  This is such information valuable to me.  Keep up the posting and to rid yourself of excess fat…..”


“Glad I found you post, such good information, I bookmark for sure and all friends do to, but I have problem with rss feed so please email me at my posting address.  Keep up the good information posts”.


“My friend told me about how well you write all of this valuable information may I use it on my blog site at “some site name”, I write paper and need this valuable information would you please give me your phone number so we can talk sometime soon.  This is such good site”.

WOW!  Can you believe such bologna?  For all the phishers and spammers out there…PLEASE TAKE A HIKE!  It will do you good, and maybe you will fall down and break a few fingers and be unable to type such foolishness.

I have my anti hacker, anti phisher, anti spammer knobs turned up on full and your system will go down very soon and cost you your home and apartment and hovel and bike and shoes and socks to get a new one.  Enjoy!

There!  My rant is over.

Bears Butt

Sept. 11, 2012

Written on September 11th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Who says the upcoming muzz deer hunt doesn’t have me excited already?  So far I have smoked some trout, made a big batch of jerky and winterized the hunting trailer.  Sorry fellas, no running water again this hunting season!

And since it’s raining a little, I think I’ll go poke around my muzz hunting box and make sure all the essentials are in there.

Planning meeting at Bones’ this Saturday at 2:30!  See you there!

Bears Butt

Sept. 20, 2012

Written on September 10th, 2012 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt

Sometimes I question the intelligence of some people.

High above the sleepy little town in which I live are three peaks that extend skyward and offer a spectacular view of the Wasatch Front mountains.  And in my opinion the view is the prettiest along the front.

Mountain Above Willard

The three highest points are called different things by different people, some call them the three sisters, but I call them North Peak, Middle Peak and South Peak.  Middle Peak has a flag pole on it and the flag waves beautifully in the breezes.  High winds up there have been known to topple the flag pole and rip the flag to tiny pieces.  What I’m saying is, even with all its beauty, it can be perilous to journey up there.  Even in good weather like we had yesterday.

The South Peak was yesterdays focus of an attempt to rescue two stranded hikers.  Why they were out on the edge of that peak is a mystery to me as there is no trail down off the face of it and only if you were a daring rock climber dude should you venture out to the edge as it is as close to vertical as rock edges can get without being vertical.

This is the view of a portion of that peak from above.

Just the edge showing of the South Peak

It looks from here to be an easy decent down to it and a quick look over the edge to get that breathtaking view of the town and land below.  Let’s go Joe, it’ll only take an hour.

After just 30 minutes of hiking we are almost to the peak.

South Peak

Isn’t that a pretty view of the peak Joe?


A mountain goat running down the backside of the peak

WOW!  Look Joe, a mountain goat is running down the backside of the peak.  Let’s go get a closer look!

Sure enough Joe and his buddy continue toward the backside of that peak and then climb up the edge you see in this picture.  Once on top the view is quite a bit like this one off the Middle Peak.

Middle Peak with the flag flying!

View from Middle Peak

Now, for those of you reading this and thinking it would not be so scary to be up there you might want to think again.  The South Peak is higher than Middle Peak, and in my mind it’s steeper.  And looking at this view down toward Willard, it is almost vertical.  South Peak is even more vertical.

This is a picture of the North side of South Peak and it looks like you could traverse that edge pretty easily, but again, one slip and you are going down!

North side of South Peak

No, that’s not Joe in the picture, that is my son Mitch, but you are looking at the North side of South Peak in the background.  The South side is almost a mirror image of this side, trust me.

Well Joe and his buddy did in fact climb up to the top of that peak yesterday and then Joe slipped and fell breaking both of his legs!  Now what?  Oh heck that’s an easy one, call 911 and everything will be better soon.

And that is what they did.  They were in a very ugly position high up on that mountain and Joe is down with two broken legs and his buddy needs to take care of him.  And in came life flight to the rescue.

Trying to find a landing place but unable

Several passes around the peak, Life Flight finally decided (wisely I might add) that is was not safe to land anywhere up there.  And so they dropped off water and other supplies to help the two spend the night.  Give Joe some morphine and tie him down so he won’t fall off the cliff and we will see you in the morning.

Leaving the scene

And so, it is now up to the Search and Rescue people to risk their lives to go and get Joe and his buddy off of a cliff they had no business being on the first place.  I feel a bit sorry that Joe broke his legs, I hate to see anyone in pain, but I also think it’s absolutely stupid for someone to put not only their own lives in a perilous spot, but to drag others into it as well.

I herald the bravery and dedication of the Search and Rescue people, the Life Flight pilots and crew, the volunteer fire departments and the police.  What a wonderful bunch of dedicated people we have at our finger tips.  We can be as stupid as we want and when we get in trouble, we can always count on them to save us.

Joe and Buddy…I’ll bet you will not do this stupid thing again….Please leave these mountain peaks to these guys!

Goat can be seen in Cabelas Store in Lehi!

Bears Butt

Sept. 9, 2012







Written on September 9th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

It was such a beautiful early Fall day today and instead of doing what I really need to do, I called up the Weasel and he and I took a short trip to the Perry, Utah Gun Range.

In an earlier post on this site I told you about their hours etc.  It is a brand spanking new gun range in Northern Utah and is something we have been needing for a very long time!  Thanks to folks like the Friends of the NRA (Cache), the National NRA, private local companies etc. the range has been partially completed and is up and running on Saturdays only right now.

We talked with a couple of the range masters today and they told us that a cover for the cement range is due to be installed beginning next week and should be done in a week or so.  It will be very nice when that gets done.

So, where is this range?

Turn West off of highway 89-91 at 3000 South, Go west on this street for about 3 blocks (to the stop sign) and then turn right on 1200 West, you are only going to travel about 1/4 of a block before you turn left on 2950 South.  Follow 2950 until you pass under the interstate and then make another left turn, about 1/2 a block later you will turn right and be on the road that takes you to the gun range.

Heck…here is a picture to help you:

West on 3000 South, Right on 1200 W, Left on 2950 South, Left after the interstate underpass, Right on the road to the range.

As you enter the range area there is a warning sign telling you about shooting and fun stuff like that and the view looks like this:

So far they only have cement down where the shooting platform is and it is nice and wide.  They currently have six shooting tables, but have five more being made to place between each of the ones they have up now.

End of range looking South


End of range looking North

All of this cement will be covered with an awning in a couple of weeks but as for today, it was very pleasant to be sitting in the sunshine.

Again, talking with the range masters, they are currently only open on Saturdays and open the range at 10 a.m. and they shut the range down every 30 minutes for people to set up new targets.  You can plan your day around that.  The range is closed at 2 p.m.  The days and times will change as more interest is shown in using the facility.

Currently the range has four basic distances at which to shoot.

Plinking and 50 yard distances:

Swinging plinking targets and the 50 yard range

Range distances of 100 yards and 150 yards

100 and 150 yards

And the farthest today is 200 yards.  Believe me, when they said it was 200 yards I about crapped!  It looks like 300 yards and I would have lost a six pack of Oly on that one.

200 yards

As time goes on, they plan on removing that big berm you see beyond the 200 yard range and will open things up to 1,000 yards!  That will be a fun deal to watch someone shoot.  No way in heck could I ever hit a target out that far.  I have doubts about the 200 yard distance right now.

At any rate, there you have it and it will be a great addition to our area in the shooting sport world!

Get on out there and support it.  Let’s make them all know we need it open more hours than the four currently being done.

Bears Butt

Sept. 8, 2012


The range master for this range has indicated the range is now open from 9-5 on Saturdays and Sundays!  And you can go to Perry cities web page at to see current pictures of the range and see upcoming events!  I thank him greatly for this information!  I wonder how he found this site?





Written on September 8th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Today’s bizzare holiday is “National Neither Rain Nor Snow” day!  The local forecast calls for clear today, but in my search for where it might rain or snow I found something that is really amazing to me!

A website specifically dedicated to “snow” and it covers the entire world.  Of course its main aim is on ski resorts, but their forecast folks don’t let the rest of the world go either.

Now, my question is just how accurate are these guys!

If you look at their maps, you can see that they are predicting snow in the Bear Lake Area of Utah (North East part of the state) for this Sunday, Sept 9, 2012!  SNOW?  It’s only Sept. 7 today.  Do we ever get snow this early in the year?  Have the hummingbirds been telling us this all along? (read earlier posts)

And then they say there will be snow in the Evanston Wyoming area, plus the Uintah mountains and of course our hunting area on Monday, Tuesday and into Wednesday, next week.  HMMMMM.

Check it out:

Bears Butt

Sept. 7, 2012

Written on September 7th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Just when you think anyone that is more than 5 years old has been fishing, up pops someone who has never held a fishing rod!  How can that be?

Well today, Sherry and I are taking a special gal with us on an outing to Blacksmith Fork Canyon to do a little fishing.  Her name is Beth and many of you met her at the rendezvous.  She had never been to a rendezvous and of course never shot a muzzleloader…she did both this last weekend and said she had a really good time!

At 26 years old, she says she has never been fishing.  So today is the day.  We have picked a nice easy place to pull off the highway, a place that is pretty and there is a “potential” to catch a fish.  We are going to make an afternoon of it with a picnic and hopefully catch a fish or two.

More on the subject will be posted after we return!

Bears Butt

Sept. 6, 2012


We made it to the “lake” about 1 p.m. or so.  The wind was blowing but only slightly more than the usual wind in that part of the canyon.  We mixed it up with the bait, Beth chose Powerbait in “Sherbert” color, Sherry chose worm and marshmallow and I chose Garlic Powerbait.

I just got Beth’s line in the water when Sherry is yelling “Fish On”!!!  and sure enough in comes a nice healthy trout.


Before long she has another one on, and another bite and then another!  It’s crazy and only Sherry can get the bites.  After the second fish, we switched Beth over to worm and marshmallow.

But the bite turned off.

Another hour went by without so much as a tickle to the lines.  And then the clouds rolled in and it started to sprinkle.  Suddenly the fish bite began again.

Beth landed her first EVER trout!


Sherry said it was because it was “lunch time” when we got there and now it was “break time”.

During the lull in the action we ate lunch and I had switched Beth over to a bubble and fly…a number 18 fly I call the Green Maiden.  Beth began to catch on to hooking the fish as they pulled on the fly and very soon here was the sequence:

Fish number 2

Fish number 3

Fish number 4!

Well it began to rain with more earnest and we decided we had better get on for home.  A wonderful day fishing with two wonderful ladies!

Oh, How did Bears Butt do?  Not even a bite!

Beth caught 5 fish for the day, Sherry caught 3 fish for the day, they kept 4 to eat! Bears Butt didn’t even have a bite!

So there you have it and it was a great day!

Bears Butt

Sept. 6, 2012


Written on September 6th, 2012 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt

I can see from the Facebook group on Willow Creek Free Trappers that folks are getting excited about this years muzzy deer hunt….me too!

Bones is having the planning meeting and that word is out.

Folks who are going to be at the hunt have already put their bids in on creating special meals for everyone!

Others have unique and special things to hand out at the hunt.

Of course we all have our own story to tell around the fire about past hunts or what they expect to happen this season.

It all comes so slowly during the year and then when it happens it seems to be over in a couple of days!  It’s my favorite time of year.

The leaves are just now beginning to turn their fall colors and by the time our hunting season ends, the leaves will almost all be on the ground and being covered with dustings of snow.  How fun can it be?

Bears Butt

September 6, 2012

Written on September 6th, 2012 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories
By: Bears Butt

Magpie was kind enough to call me and ask me to post up the following information.  Thanks Magpie!

2012 Deer hunting information:

After the big game drawing in Utah there were 682 remaining archery deer tags and 339 remaining muzzleloader tags for Unit 2.  These tags became available for over the counter purchase on July 19th.

The Utah DWR has recently announced there are still 296 archery tags available for unit 2, but no word on how many of the muzzleloader tags are still left.

BUT, beginning Sept. 17th, any unsold archery tags will automatically convert to muzzleloader tags.  There is a better than good chance there will be some of those tags left that will convert.  SO, if you did not draw a muzzy tag and wish to do so, you need to get ready to purchase one beginning at 8 a.m. on Sept 17th.

Another note:  All unsold muzzy tags automatically convert to general rifle deer tags on October 9th for those who wish to purchase one at that time for the general rifle season.

Since Utah’s deer hunt areas have been split up into 30 different units, not every unit had left over tags after the drawing.

Good luck to all!

Bears Butt

Sept. 5, 2012

Written on September 5th, 2012 , Uncategorized
By: Bears Butt

Team 3!

At rendezvous this past weekend we had the pleasure to sign up to participate in what Muskrat has coined the “Mountain Man Lympics”.  $5 p/person sign up, 4 person teams to be chosen at random and then the teams had to make up their strategies.  All proceeds go to helping veterans in some fashion and of course a small portion goes to the winning team.

Going into the games, we knew we had to set a trap, start a fire using primitive methods, shoot a bow, throw a tomahawk and toss a frying pan for accuracy.

All methodical and strategic events.  What we didn’t know were the small details of each of the events and so comes our strategies.

Team 3 was made up of Tara and  Natalie (the two younguns), Reed and myself (the two old farts).  Tara was off doing something very important when Natalie, Reed and I finally got together to begin our strategies.

We decided that with the fire starting there would be the need to pop a kernel of popcorn out of a frying pan.  But, in order to pop that corn quickly, we would have to have a small type of pan.  Our minds worked quickly and came up with the bottom of a soda can as the pan of choice.

Never mind the fuzzy pictures, as some of the details have been withheld to protect our unpatented ideas.

Once the pan’s basic shape and depth was designed, a handle was fashioned out of good old mountain man expertise and will not be divulged in this write up.

More to the design was also crafted to give us the best of the best of advantages and again, will not be disclosed here.

We discussed all of the possibilities we could think of and came up with what we thought would be the best plan for acquiring a quickly built fire, fire intensity and popcorn popping capabilities.  You see the popcorn kernel has to clear the pan in order to count.  That means it has to come cleanly out of the pan to count.

The other skills were pretty much in the bag for this team as we all consider ourselves experts in the diverse mountain man/women world of survival.  We had a lot riding on our abilities both individually and as a team.

This is Team 3, you can clearly see my rear end on the far left, then Reeds rear end, Natalie and then Tara.  A team to be reckoned with.

When the call came for the beginning of the Lympics, we stood ready to whatever task the Lympic master threw our way.  We were called to the Lympic Archery range!

Skilled archers take their task very seriously and so we as Team 3 did also!  And the results are recorded in this professionally taken picture.  It clearly shows 3 out of 4 hits and if memory serves me correctly the fourth shot had a clear passthrough with out being recorded.

Next was the tomahawk throw.  Each member was afforded ONE chance to throw a tomahawk and stick it in a log.  The log had painted rings with which to score.  Closest to the center of the log scored higher than any other stick in the log.  When our turn was over, three hawks stuck clearly for all to see, with several very close to the center of the log.

(sorry no picture taken, as the professional following our team was still awestruck by our archery performance).

Soon after our display of hawk throwing abilities we were called  to the “Frying Pan Toss for Accuracy” venue.  Bears Butt chose to be last of the four and so the tosses were made.  All three of the “before Bears Butt” tosses landed and stuck in true Lympic style and the officials measuring the tosses had a very easy job of counting their fingers and toes to come up with the total.  However, they had to add up all their fingers and toes with my toss to come up with the grand total for the Team 3 tosses.  In true Lympic style Team 3 did an awesome job!

And now it’s on to the Lympic Pool for the next event!

Aside from the pool being so large and deep, there lurks in the depth of the black water, critters of unknown origin.  If you look very closely you can see just the top of the jaws of a number 3 double long spring trap.  The darkness of the water makes this a very dangerous event for the contestants.

With this event all four members of the team play an important part.  First off, time begins as soon as team member one jumps into the pool.  That contestant will then proceed to set the trap as quickly as they can, trying at all costs to keep fingers and other parts of the body from getting caught up in the jaws, springs or other assembly of the trap itself.  Once set the trap is then placed deep into the murky water of the pool and that contestant jumps out of the pool.  As soon as team member one’s feet hit the dirt outside the pool, team member two jumps into the murky water, trying to avoid the set trap with body parts.  They jamb a stick into the jaws setting the trap off and capturing the stick.  That contestant then jumps out of the water with the trap held quickly in the jaws, and hands the stick, trap and all to team member number 3.  That team member then runs the gauntlet and places the ring of the trap chain onto a waiting stake driven into the ground.  Team member number 4 is waiting to remove the trap ring from the stake, pick it all up and return to the depths of the murky pool water, into which they jump with trap and all and remove the stick from the jaws of the trap and then jump out of the pool.  Once team member number 4’s feet hit the ground outside the pool the team’s time is recorded.

WOW!  What an event!  Team 3 did all of this in less than one minute!  A time to beat in future held Lympics for sure and it will probably be this teams all time record for many Mountain Man Lympics to come.

Lastly, Team 3 had to go to the fire pit for the big event of starting a fire using primitive methods.  Be that method flint and steel, magnifying glass, bow and stick…however that team chooses.  Our team chose the magnifying glass method.

We had carefully gathered some of the finest fire making materials to be found anywhere near the rendezv0us site and made a nest of the most flammable of it all.  Our methodology can be found on and we followed that method almost exactly under survival pursuits.  The fire lite quickly, and burned hotter than any previous fire had burned at this Lympics.

With flames licking our eyebrows, the oil in our well designed pan began to boil almost immediately and the popcorn kernel popped out of the pan within less than 1 minute and 15 seconds (if memory serves me).

As the days events drew to an end, it was clearly a hands down call that Team 3 had won the entire Lympics events and was crowned victors for another year!

GO TEAM 3!!!!!!!

Thank you Lympics Master Muskrat for pulling off such a spectacular event.  Like none other in all of the rendezvous land it was something special to behold and we look forward to next years event!  Will the same members of Team 3 be pulled to become one again?  I doubt it!  But until then TEAM 3!  TEAM 3!  TEAM 3!!!!

Bears Butt

Sept. 5, 2012




Written on September 5th, 2012 , Just more stories
By: Bears Butt

Today’s special holiday should not be difficult for most to accomplish.  It seems that most peoples attitudes are “I’ll get there when I get there”.  And so, with that, today is,  “National Be Late for Something” day!

For those of you who are planning on attending a great party tonight, you might not want to be too late, as the ice might melt and you will have to consume warm drinks.

If you have a doctors appointment, you might not want to be late for that either, because just like going to doctors offices everywhere, you get there on time, sign in, wait and wait and finally get called back to a waiting room (imagine a waiting room after waiting in a room for a long time), where you wait some more until the doc finally comes in to see you.

In these cases, if you are late for your appointment, you will be put on a back burner until the next late person arrives, when your appointment will be put into their time slot.  I’d try and get there early and not support today’s important holiday.

Bill, if you are reading this, you might not want to be late for your plane ride back home….just sayin.

So, how in the heck can you enjoy todays Be Late for Something day?

That is actually harder to decide than most things.  Most people have scheduled things they feel important enough to make an appointment for and don’t really want to miss that appointment.  Hair cuts, lawyer visits, bank appointments, weddings, funerals (of friends of course), fishing or hunting times, surgeries, dates with very special friends…the list goes on and on.

AH HA!  I have it, but for most of you it’s too late because you are already there.  WORK!  Be late to go into work!  The boss has to excuse you doesn’t he/she?  After all this is a NATIONAL HOLIDAY for heaven sakes!

I wish you the best with that one, but it is the only one I can see being late for.

Enjoy your day!

Bears Butt

Sept. 5, 2012

Written on September 5th, 2012 , Uncategorized | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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