I had a cousin and her husband come visiting our home yesterday and we had a very wonderful visit to say the least. During the day we were swapping hunting stories with him (Mike). His son lives in Illinois and of course out in the mid west most if not all of the land is privately owned. Most people who hunt out there have to either join a club that has leased hunting rights or they lease their own. At any rate, their hunting camps are just like my hunting camp. They are all there for a “good time” and the bagging of a buck is a bonus.
From all of the conversations came the thought that perhaps Bears Butt should create another category called Hunting/Fishing stories and I could share some of our experiences at both events with you on this site. All for fun you know!
Give me some comments. Should I or not? Or should I just include them in “Just more stories”?
Bears Butt
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