Sunny, high 48, low 27 light breezes NW changing to NNE by this evening.
It looks like the long range forecast for Monticello is going to be just about like this. The hunt will be held in perfect conditions!
Continuing to study elk habits, more videos, and reading about the 10 best ways to get close enough to a bull elk for a shot, has taken me all over the map. Well, the map of my area of hunting that is. I have tried to locate a detailed enough map on-line that we could use it to know where we are during the hunt, but so far no real success. I’ll probably have to rely on my GPS to let us know where we are and how to get to where we might want to be and then back again. We will get it all figured out.
I have often wondered about the daily habits of deer to mostly show up just before dark or be out in the open at first light. The morning time sightings are while they are working their way back to a sleeping hideout somewhere, while the evening ones are when they are coming out to eat and party all night.
This same activity applies to elk. Oh, and bears…we will be hunting in bear country you know.
So, some smarty gave this type of behavior a name…”Crepuscular”….From Wikipedia:
The word crepuscular is derived from the Latin crepusculum, meaning “twilight”.[1] Its sense accordingly differs from diurnal and nocturnal behavior, which respectively peak during hours of daylight and dark. The distinction is not absolute however, because crepuscular animals may also be active on a bright moonlit night or on a dull day. The use of the terms often is vague; for example, some animals that are casually described as nocturnal are in fact crepuscular.[2]
I suppose single people over the age of 21 could be classified as crepuscular, heck maybe even some not single people could be classified as that too. And when the spouse finds out about it, they begin to name call! “You Creep!” “You Scumbag”!! “You Liar”!!!! Can you see the connection here? Crep…uscu…lar! Correlations are everywhere if you look for them!
6 days!
Bears Butt
NOV! 1, 2013