By: Bears Butt

Merry Christmas!
It’s just a sugar cookie, said the boy to his friend, but the friend knew better. Look again he said. And the boy looked the cookie over and then replied…you are right. It isn’t just another cookie. It looks like it is in the shape of a bear and the bear is looking over it’s left shoulder, back toward me.
You are absolutely right said the friend. It’s the famous Bears Butt cookie! They only come about once in a great while when your mother or grandmother are making sugar cookies. Maybe one in ten thousand will turn out to look like this one. They are special…my grand father told me about them.
What did your grand father say?
Well, he said that when grandma was making sugar cookies long ago, one of them turned out to look like a bears butt only when he bit into it there was some magic in it. The cookie tasted like none other he had ever had. It was sweeter than the others and made him smile and feel warm all over. These kind of cookies are just for special friends like you are to me.
Wow! I feel really special, said the young boy. Thanks a million for this cookie. But, now I don’t want to eat it. I want to save it and maybe even give it to another one of my friends so they will feel good about it too.
Well, do with it what you want to, but I gave it to you so your could eat it. But I understand you not wanting to eat it and if you give it to another one of your friends I hope you tell them the story too. If they eat it I’m sure they will think it is very special and that it will give them a happy and warm feeling, just like my grand father said.
Have you ever eaten a cookie that looks like a bears butt? Asked the boy to his friend.
Nope. This cookie was given to me a long time ago and I’ve been saving it for you. Although I didn’t know it was for you that I was saving it. I just knew I was saving it for someone special.
WOW! Thanks again! I am a special person. Said the boy with great enthusiasm. I never thought of myself as anyone special, but you have made be believe I am. You are a great friend.
Well, the boy took that special cookie shaped like a bears butt and wrapped it carefully in a napkin and put it in his pocket. The two friends played for the rest of the day and then the boy had to go home.
When he got home he took the cookie out of his coat pocket and put it on the top of the dressing room table. He carefully unfolded the napkin and left it laying there while he went and ate his supper and went to bed.
The next morning the first thing he did was go over and look again at the cookie. It was just as he had left it. Later in the day, his mother asked him about the cookie and why he hadn’t eaten it. The boy beamed with delight as he told his mother about the special cookie and how his friend had given it to him. He delighted in telling her the story about how sweet the cookie tasted and how it made you smile and warm all over. Of course, she questioned him about this because he hadn’t eaten the cookie. How did he know how sweet it tasted? How did he know it would make you smile and warm all over?
Well, he said, my friends grand father told him it was sweeter than any of the other cookies and it made him smile and feel warm all over when he ate it. And if he said it, then it must be so.
The boys mother was very happy for her young son and asked him what he was going to do with the cookie. The boy replied he was going to give it to another of his friends so that he could know the story of the cookie. But what if he eats it? She asked. That’s OK. If he eats it then he will know for sure the story is true and that the cookie is the sweetest he had ever eaten and he will smile and get a warm feeling all over his body. It will be fine if he eats it.
Well, the boys mother reminded him that he had his chores to do and then went off to do what she had to do. The boy in the meantime looked that cookie over and over again. It was a very nice looking cookie and it looked like it would be very sweet indeed. But even though he was tempted to eat it, he didn’t and he went about getting his chores all done for the day. Later on, he asked his mother if he could go to his other friends house and give him the cookie. His mother asked first about the chores and were they all done and then said it would be fine for him to go. Then off the boy went to his other friends home.
Hey! Yelled the boy to his other friend. Guess what I’ve got? Heck, I don’t know. Replied the other friend. I have a special cookie for you! Said the boy. What makes it so special? Asked the other friend. Well, here look at it. And he handed the bears butt cookie over to his friend.
Puzzled the friend looked the cookie over and over. Occasionally he would look up at the boy and then back at the cookie. Well, what does it look like to you? Asked the boy. Well… well, it sort of looks like a bear looking over its shoulder back at me. Replied the friend. IT IS! Said the boy. It is exactly that. A bears butt cookie! And they only happen every once in a million cookies that are made! My friend gave it to me yesterday and now I’m giving it to you! It has special powers, he said. My friends grand father told him a story about the bears butt cookie. He said that when he ate one a long, long time ago that the cookie was the sweetest cookie he had ever tasted and it made him smile and warm all over.
So, why didn’t you eat it yesterday? Asked the friend. Well, I wanted you to have it. You are a very special friend of mine and I wanted you to enjoy it and smile and get warm all over. Said the boy.
But, I don’t want to eat it. I want to save it and give it to one of my friends in the big city. He would never get a cookie like this ever in all his born life! I want to give it to him! Is that ok with you? Is it ok if I don’t eat it but that I give it to my city friend? Asked the boys friend. Yes! If that is what you want to do. It’s your cookie and you can give it to your city friend if you would like. Said the boy. But make sure he knows the story of the bears butt cookie.
So, the young friend wrapped his cookie up in a napkin and placed it in the house. Then the two boys went about playing for the rest of the day.
Later on when the young friend was eating his supper, his mother asked him about the cookie. The boy was very happy to tell her about his friend giving it to him and about the magic that the cookie had inside. How very sweet the cookie tasted and how it made you smile and warm all over inside. Of course the mother questioned him about such knowledge when he hadn’t eaten the cookie. Well, he said, his friends friends grand father had told him about the special taste and feelings the cookie gave him when he ate one a long, long, long time ago. And if he said it then it must be true. The mother smiled, then asked what he was going to do with it.
The young man didn’t even hesitate and said, when we go to the city to visit grandma, I’m going to give it to my friend who I haven’t seen since last Christmas. He would never ever get to eat a cookie that looked like a bears butt. The taste of the cookie will be the sweetest he has ever eaten and he will smile and get a warm feeling all over his body! It will be the best ever.
Well, the mother said, make sure it stays wrapped up really good. We won’t be going to grandmas place for a couple of days yet.
And the boy put the cookie away in a small box.
A few days later they all went to see grandma in the city and the young man took the box that held the cookie. After they had eaten a really big meal that grandma had made for them and all the older folks were sitting around relaxing and talking about the past year and everything, the young boy asked if he could go down the street to his good friends home to play. Of course he could, but he was to be back to grandmas place before dark. The young man raced out of the house as quick as a wink, the box that held the cookie tightly clinched in his fist!
Down the sidewalk he ran, all the way to his good friends home without stopping!
He rang the doorbell and to the door came the friends father! Well, lookie here! Who do we have the pleasure of seeing? Merry Christmas! You must be here to see Billie! Come in, come in!!! Billie is up in his room. Go on up!
The young man raced up to Billies room. Billie was really glad to see him and they talked and talked about what had gone on since the last time they had seen each other. They had a lot to talk about too and after awhile, the young boy remembered the box and the cookie. Hey Billie! I have something for you! And he handed the box to Billie. Billie looked a bit caught off guard and slowly took the box from the young man. He opened the lid carefully as sometimes things like this have a tendency to pop up and get you if you aren’t careful, but that didn’t happen this time. Billie gently took the wrapped up cookie out of the box and opened up the napkin covering it. He glanced up at the young man and then back to the cookie.
The young man asked Billie if he could tell what the cookie looked like. Billie’s eyes got really wide and he said, It looks like a bears butt and the bear is looking at me over its shoulder! IT IS! Yelled the young man and then continued to tell Billie the story about the cookie. They only happen once in a billion cookies. All the other cookies will look like they are supposed to, but when one comes out of the oven and looks like this, you know it is very special and will be the sweetest one ever made and when you eat it it will melt in your mouth and make you smile and feel warm all over! This is one very special cookie and you will probably never see another one like this in your whole life! It’s yours and I want you to enjoy it!
But, Billie started, how did you get it? He asked.
Well, my friend gave it to me back home and he told me the story about how his friend had given it to him and that his friends grand father had told him the story about how they only happen to come along every once in a great while when someone is making sugar cookies and how it is the sweetest tasting one ever and how it makes you smile when you eat it and you get a very warm feeling all through your body. So, I wanted you to have it because you are a very special friend of mine and I want you to eat it and enjoy the sweet taste and how happy it will make you.
Would it be ok with you if I didn’t eat it, but that I give it to a very special girl friend of mine? Asked Billie.
Sure, if that is what you want to do with it. It’s your cookie and if you want a girl friend of yours to have it, that would be great with me! But be sure and tell her the story about how a cookie like this only happens once every billion cookies and how sweet it is and how it makes you smile and warm all over when you eat it. Said the young man. And then he looked at the clock on the wall and realized he had to get back to grandmas before it got dark. The two boys said their goodbyes and out the door he ran back to grandmas.
So, you see the story of the bears butt cookie has been around a very long time. If you get the chance to have such a cookie you best cherish it and eat it slowly. These cookies only come along every once in a trillion cookies. It is the sweetest cookie ever made and will make you smile and warm all over when you eat it. Never mind that it might be a little brittle and crunchy, remember a very good friend gave it to you.
Merry Christmas….enjoy your cookie!
Bears Butt
December 2014