By: Bears Butt

Getting old(er) ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.  The first thing that goes is the eye sight….well, actually mine got better with my lasik….And then my ears….HUH?…..It’s getting worse as each day goes by.  My latest experience with how bad it is was when I went hunting with my grandson’s friend the other day….whatshisname….he would talk about things and I kept asking him to repeat and to speak up.  That could explain why we didn’t see many ducks that day.  My back is sore from helping Weasel move a big old hide a bed couch and we did some more moving today (just when I thought my back was healed from the other move)….it’s back to its pains.  My knees….well, it could be because of the extra big belly I have gotten lately…I have always felt the extra pounds put on this time of year….any my knees are the first to let me know about that extra weight.  And try sleeping all night long….up at 11, 1:30, 3 and then finally just before the alarm goes off.  Why set an alarm?  BUT, sharp as a tack, my mind is not leaving just yet.  Sure I forgot the kids name, but what the heck, Trevor is his name….see, I didn’t forget, just a loss for a bit.  You would not have known if I had moved my cursor up and put his name in on that line, but I didn’t.  I’m an honest man.

There are other parts of my body that require a bit of extra scientific medication to get to work, but I’m not alone in that either….can any of you old people relate to what I’m saying here?  I’m not sure if Winemaker likes the “new me” once I take my meds or if she would rather I spend all that money on something else.   She is such a sweetheart….always entertaining me.

My muscles are holding up really well too.  Just yesterday I went to the field and watched as a young man loaded his moms truck up with hay.  He didn’t complain one bit either.  Good boy.  What I mean by this is that I was able to go down to the field, open the gates, walk back and forth opening and closing those gates and standing long enough to see the load get loaded.  For a really out of shape guy, he would be happy as punch just to do one of those things….You see, I did them all.

Well, I found this song that pretty much sums up what happens to ‘old’ people.  I’m far from it, but you might be one of those who relate:

I hope you enjoy it! Twister, maybe you should learn how to play this thing. It’s in “g” minor, so git out yer G string and git ta pracktasin.


Bears Butt
December 7, 2014

Written on December 7th, 2014 , Uncategorized

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