By: Bears Butt


I haven’t posted anything on here for a couple of days..I apologize if you have been checking daily and not finding anything.  There are a lot of things going on that has consumed my time, some good, some not so good.

A very big thing that has been on going for a month or more is the making of this years rendezvous receipts.  You are going to love these things.  This year marks the 30th year of the Willow Creek Free Trappers having their own rendezvous and with Bones in charge we are going to have a great time…as usual!  Bones is a hard boss, a real pusher and goer and doer.  I suppose it’s a good thing too, because to have waited to do the receipts would have been a big mistake.  Each one has several parts that needs to be done before the next part and there are actually 5 distinct parts to putting together one piece.  As much as I would like to show you one of the finished products I won’t at this time, but they will be well worth your visiting the rendezvous and I hope you are planning on camping and enjoying the whole show!  It’s going to be a good one!

So, that is one thing that is ongoing in my life.  What else?

Fishing!  I was finally able to get the boat out for a shake down yesterday.  The Weasel was open to a “meeting with Willard” and so he put off his clients and went with me.  It is always better for two people to go out on the boat as it helps with launching and pulling out, plus it’s just plain safer for two to go on the boat in case of an accident or whatever.  There are just too many things that can happen to one person while trying to handle a boat…even a small boat like mine.

A guy who is actually a fish and game person in another state told me that 80 plus percent of all boating accidents involving a person being tossed out of the boat, had that person standing near the side of the boat and being thrown out by a wave or just plain carelessness on that persons part and every one of them that drowned had their zipper down!  Now what does that tell you?

So, we went for a boat ride and the boat and motor handled perfectly.  In reality the motor ran better than ever and I say it’s because it is getting more broken in as time goes on.  I don’t think it has even 100 hours of operation time on it and I’ve had it nearly 15 years.  I just don’t use it enough.  Cobwebs on a prop is not a good sign!

With the boat functioning very well, we decided to break out the fishing equipment and try our hand at some fishing.  Might as well, since we are right there and all.

The end result, sun burned arms, necks and faces and two nice cats.


Weasel caught the biggest one, but the quarters were shared one to the other….and even tie on the day.  These two cats made for some very nice fillets and in my opinion they are the perfect size for eating!

Today is National Fishing day and every water in the state of Utah is open for people to enjoy…no fees are being assessed for people wishing to go into the parks and use the facilities.  Also, all over the state are volunteers showing people how to fish, how to take care of the fish they catch and in general having a wonderful time teaching people the art of fishing.  No licenses are required either, but the fish limits are being watched closely by the law folks.

So, if you haven’t made a plan for today, you might want to head over to a local lake and give fishing a try!  It’s a great time to visit some of our state parks and get to see just what they offer.

Bears Butt

June 8, 2013

Written on June 8th, 2013 , Hunting/Fishing/Trapping Stories

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