By: Bears Butt

Took a drive today out to Promontory to check out the snow and trapping situation.  It does not look good.  I called Doris and told her we were coming out and would be driving around her house looking at the pond and things.  She was OK with that.

The guys have really done a lot with that little pond since last year.  I guess my trapping has gotten them a little excited to fix it up and maybe even plant some trout in it.  They put a very nice head gate in on the down stream side and made the pond deeper (2 feet deeper).  That depth has pushed the island that was sticking up in the middle down and drowned out any rats that were living in it.  A very good move on their part.  Also, without walking around the pond I’m sure the bank rat houses also were covered over with water and drowned those rats as well.  Another good move on their part.

That should keep their rats population in check for a year, until a new batch comes along and begins to dig at the banks again.

I still plan on going out and setting a few traps around the pond, most likely I’ll use floats as the water will be to deep to set anything around the edge.  I will be prepared to set a few traps if there are any high runs.  Then set a few traps down the drain ditch that leads away from the pond.

Other than that, the snow is way too deep to even pull off the highway.  6 to 10 inches and very wet.  If a guy pulled off while pulling a small trailer like mine, he would be stuck very quickly.  And even if he was able to pull off the highway and unload a toy, the toy would most likely get high centered as you tried to drive next to the ditches and trapping areas out there.

So, it looks dim for now.  Maybe in an other week, maybe two.  That sucks big time.

Bears Butt

Feb. 17, 2013

Written on February 17th, 2013 , Daily Trapping Events

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