By: Bears Butt

I must be getting old.  Today I logged into my regular Firefox account and expected everything to be same-o, same-o….not so.  I was not really happy until I found a little folder looking thingy in the upper left side of the menu bar a thing called “most visited”.  I clicked on it and there I found my old favorites…like this site.  I was a happy guy once again.

I wish they could leave things the way they were.  Old people have a tough time adapting.  Maybe they are trying to weed us out by making us frustrated and have heart attacks.

Anyway, back to the reason I’m sitting here.

I am a firm believer that when you get a cold or just about any kind of sickness that puts you out of commission, and especially if you are running a fever, there is nothing better to fix you up than chicken fat and onion.  So, here is what I prescribe the next time you are down and out.  You can trust Dr. Bears Butt.

You will have to prepare a bit ahead of time and save the skin off a few pieces of chicken.  And don’t forget to save those large chunks of fat as well.  It’s great to eat healthy, but that is when you ARE healthy, this recipe is for when you are NOT healthy.  It will pick you up better than a Z-pack, trust me.

Take that bag of chicken skin and fat out of the freezer and toss it into a pan of water.  Bring to a boil and while waiting for the boiling to begin, dice up a whole yellow onion and put it in the pan with the chicken skin.  Salt and pepper to taste as things progress.

After about a half hour of boiling, carefully remove each of the pieces of skin and cut them up into smaller pieces and put back into the boiling pan.  Once you have all the bigger pieces of skin cut up, that broth you are looking at is ready for you to enjoy!

Pour it into a cup and settle in to a comfy couch with your warmest robe around you, curl your legs up under your butt and sip away.  Breath in the vapors wafting out of the cup and smile often.  If after one cup you are sleepy, go ahead and take a nap, but don’t forget to turn the stove off first.  If you are not sleepy, have another cup and keep drinking it until it’s all gone.

You will begin to feel better almost instantly.

I don’t know what it is that is in chicken fat and onions but those two things always make me a happy guy when combined in a broth and salted down.

Enjoy and good night!  You will feel better real soon!

Bears Butt

Feb. 1, 2013 (Oh my heck, it’s already February)

Written on February 1st, 2013 , Recipes

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