By: Bears Butt

YO!  February 2, 2013…Ground Hog Day…Punks-ta-wanie (Punxsutawney)Phil will pop out sometime and tell us about how much longer we have to put up with winter.

As for me, I’m heading up into Wyoming for a little fishing day. Spose ta be a nice 40 degree day.  Evanston…better yet, Sulpher Creek Reservoir…there is a little fishing contest up there that starts at 7:30 a.m. and goes to 2 p.m. and it has my interest big time.

First off Shipley and I have not played in the fishing tourney in a couple of years.  Usually Edjukateer would be joining us, but he has a new job…blah..blah…blah…and can’t go….Edjukateer, this is the one you should be at, we ARE GONNA WIN!!!!  Remember, one win..we all win!  We are excited to be in this tourney and we plan on winning.

So, this little contest only costs $25 to enter and the proceeds go to a girls softball team for things like beer and clothing and stuff that young girls playing softball really need.  So why not hold an ice fishing contest and give away 60% of the total take?  Nothing wrong with that at all!

This give me an idea to hold a Bears Butt fishing contest and I’ll keep 40% of the total take for things I need, like, beer and gear!  I love the idea.  Maybe even give away a Bears Butt T-Shirt in the 50/50 raffle!  More to come on that.

Anyway, there won’t be much for sleeping time tonight.  My alarm is set for 2:30 a.m….gotta meet Shipley at 4 a.m. for the ride up there.

Now listen folks, all we have to do is land a fish bigger than 16 inches and it qualifies for the contest.  16 inches!  That’s all!  Last year the guy who caught the winning fish took a whole heap of money home and if my memory is correct his fish was just around 17 inches!  Good Grief, that’s nothing!  I use bait bigger than that!

So the goal is to catch a 22 inch fish and clinch the deal without any sort of sweat.  You know how sweating on the ice can get real sticky and cold and all sorts of things can happen to the sweat-er.  We have some secret weapons in our possession and will use them post haste once the contest starts.  We hold no prisoners!

If you are up in that neck of the woods, come and look for me and my buddy Shipley and whoever is also close by.  We will be the ones in the brown and/or black insulated bib overalls, and the warm hats and dark glasses, wearing our warmest gloves and drinking hot coffee and home made chicken broth (chicken skin and onion).  You will know it’s us because we will be right over there……..see the direction my finger is pointing?  NO!  NOT STRAIGHT UP!  It’s my index you know which one that is?

See you at the weigh in…or is it…measure in?  2:30 to 3 p.m. fellas and gals…come and see our 22 inch Rainbow!

I better go get it out of the freezer now.

Bears Butt

February 1 almost 2, 2013

Written on February 1st, 2013 , Uncategorized

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