By: Bears Butt

As I look out the window from my nice warm home I have decided that tomorrow I will be pushing snow with the toy.  That means at least 4 hours of my day will be used up and depending on the depth of the snow it might take longer than that.

However, I would rather have to use my whole day up moving the snow from the neighborhood than driving to work in it.

Without a doubt, this is the biggest snow storm of the year so far and even though they have been telling us it was coming for two days, when it finally gets here it’s just not a fun thing to see.

With it comes moving it so we can get around with our vehicles, but it also might lead to the need to feed animals.  Time will tell on that one.  But at least we have our warm homes to stay secure in.

Speaking of which, as I was about to head for bed last night, I looked outside and up toward the mountain and saw a bright flashlight about half way up the red rocks near the South waterfall.  That was an odd thing to be seeing at 10 p.m.  on a very cold winter night.  I told Sherry to go on and head for bed and that I was going to call the sheriff’s office.

Dispatch answered and I said, “This is not an emergency as far as I am concerned, but my name is Bears Butt (not really, I told her my real name) and I’m from Willard and I can see a flashlight up in the canyon about half way up the red rocks.  Someone might be stranded or in some trouble way up there.  I’m just calling to make you aware.”  She responded, “We have men in the area, thank you for calling”.

HMMMM.  I wonder what was going on?

So, with all the snow coming down here we just might lose our power and so as not to disappoint those of you reading this site and ruining you day tomorrow 😉 I’m posting this up tonight as I might not be able to post anything in the morning.  I hope your day is a wonderful one!  Hot coffee is going to be the order of the day tomorrow!

Bears Butt

Jan. 11, 2013

Written on January 10th, 2013 , Uncategorized

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