By: Bears Butt
Well, it took so very long for No Grimace and Baby Boy to draw the coveted Dream Hunt tags for the Crawford Mountains and now the hunt is over. One of the longest hunts in Utah, it began November 17th and ended Dec. 2., 16 full days. One would think it impossible not to fill their tag on a long hunt like that.
However, weather plays the biggest part on that hunt. If the snows don’t cover the mountains in Wyoming, the deer have no reason to migrate out and into their usual wintering range, the Crawford Mountains area. If the snow does come and drive the deer into the area and then it melts, the deer will move back out. If it snows too much to allow traveling around the mountain, then the deer get stuck somewhere in between and suffer by not being able to get to the wintering area.
Let’s look at this years weather. Snows did hit the high country in Wyoming and the migration did happen. Upon our arrival into the mountains there were plenty of deer and as the hunt progressed many more bucks migrated into the area. But as the middle of the season arrived, the weather was unseasonably warm, melting the snow and allowing the deer to move back into Wyoming and out of the hunting area. If you were unable to fill your tag before the middle of the season, your picking of a big buck chances were diminishing quickly each day.
Well, let’s chalk it up as an “Oh Well, that’s the way it goes”.
I have posted up a lot of pictures of some of the animals we saw while hunting the mountain and now, this is the last of the series of stories and it’s time to show some of the really nice bucks we did see. Most of them did not afford No Grimace and/or Baby Boy an opportunity for a shot, but some did. Forgive me when I write about who did what and when, because the days all run together for me after being in the mountains that long. I need to be more diligent like Tracker and take notes each day. I’m not that ambitious however and just want to be in the moment at the moment.

Tall Boy
Big bucks come in all sorts of packages. This guy is very tall, and typical of a 4X4, but not much for eye guards. Only about 20 inches wide, but still a nice buck.

Being a betting kind of guy, I’d say this is the same buck Mr. Hardman took off the mountain. It looks to have an extra tine on the right antler. A very respectable buck no matter. Was this buck seen early in the hunt? I’m not sure, but either way neither hunter thought is worth shooting at the time.

Pretty Four Point
Typical 4X4 but no eye guards.

This is a classic Management buck. Look at the length of the forward tine on the left side…WOW! Nice buck. Lots of character on the right antler as well.

One of the widest
You have seen this buck in previous postings. This guy ended up 28 inches wide as reported by the man who shot it. Very, very nice buck.

Baby Boys First Missed Shot
The Weasel posted this picture of the buck that Baby Boy had a chance at taking. Unfortunately the shot was a running shot at about 100 yards, according to Baby Boys estimations. The last time I saw this buck he was high tailing it for Randolph! What is your estimate of the width? 30 is my guess. Close to a 200 inch buck as well.

Buck On The Hill
We spotted this one laying down and after a whole lot of debate decided to pass on it. The right antler is almost 45 degrees out from the base, while the left has the typical curvature. Would you pass on it? Here is a closer look even though it’s not a real clear picture.

If you haven’t already gotten the feeling about the quality of bucks found on this mountain you had better just keep putting in for the Henries or Pauns areas.

One Horn
This bruiser only had one antler left in tact. The left side had been broken off just above a 5 inch eye guard. You will see a better picture of it next.

Every hunter we encountered has seen this guy and had he had both antlers would have been killed the opening day. What a big buck he was. Tracker has a theory that the buck intentionally broke off the antler just so he could stay alive. Not a bad theory Tracker.


I’m pretty sure this buck was taken by the California hunter. Nice 4X4, eye guards, tall and wide. We wanted this buck in a bad way, but he was way too smart for us.

Big bucks don’t get big by being dumb. With his harem of does this one walked rather easily out of sight and never to be seen again. But then, we had already decided not to shoot it.

A tough judgement on this one. Rather spindly, but still wide and tall. They don’t always give you a chance to really study them before going out of range or out of site quickly.

Oh boy. Perhaps we should have looked a bit closer at the one on the right. But then we may have taken a prize away from another hunter in the area.

Drop Horn 2012
This picture was posted again by the Weasel. I was way to involved with the m0ment to take any pictures. At any rate, this buck had lots of character, what with matching paddle drop horns. Baby Boy missed this one at about 70 yards standing. And then less than an hour later we caught up with it again and he nicked it with a shot, while No Grimace missed a running shot at it. I picked up some blood where it was hit and we followed it until too dark to see. We marked the trail and were going to go back in the following morning to find it.
On the way in the next morning it was standing with some does and another small buck in the exact spot Baby Boy missed it the evening before. It was not hurt as it walked and ran as perfectly as any healthy buck moves. The hunters had an almost perfect approach on the buck again. One from above the other below. The doe busted No Grimace and the buck ran off only affording No Grimace a running shot at 90 or so yards. The shot missed cleanly and we never saw the buck again.
And last buy certainly not the least. Here is Baby Boy with his VERY NICE buck of his dreams!

Baby Boy and His Big Buck 2012
Congratulations to both hunters. Baby Boy with a fine buck and No Grimace with a tag still in hand. Sometimes it’s better to save the tag and let a big buck spread its genes through the pool.
Thank you for letting me play. Thanks to everyone who came to enjoy the camp and the fun involved with the hunt in every way. A special thanks to the people we met while on the mountain and I hope to see you again. Happy Hunting one and all!
Until next time!
Bears Butt
Dec. 3, 2012
And this is No Grimaces comments to several of us after the hunt was over.
The Final Chapter on the 2012 Crawford’s Muzz hunt!
Baby Boy got a very nice Buck on Monday, 26 Nov. A great shot!
Bears Butt, Tracker, Baby Boy and I returned home on Thursday Evening.
Baby Boy and I went back into the Crawford’s on Saturday to try and get mine, however the big ones had taken to hiding. We did talk to Walley, he had some more shots but had failed to fill his tag of late Saturday night when we talked to him. We told him was a pleasure to have met him and wished him luck on filling his tag Sunday.
We seen a few small 4 points, hunted the mountains behind our camp Saturday morning, then went to the south range for the afternoon.
Seen a few bucks but nothing worth bringing home. In Hidden Valley as we were leaving we had 4 bucks close, but none of the 4 points were any wider than their ears and no guard horns. We made the entire loop again and ended up by Release Society hill at 450 when we spotted “One Horn”, he was 200 years laying down watching the ladies so I let one rip at him for closesure to the hunt. Miss as normal and he was gone.
All in all I don’t feel bad for not shooting one, I did have a great chance at a very big buck but blew it when I went around to the front of the Yukon to get a better shot and he took off. I have only myself to blame for that mistake.
I would rather have “One” live to be bigger next year for those Lucky folks that draw out, perhaps it will be one of you!
We had a great time, it was great to have so many come and play during the hunt, really appreciate Bears Butt and Tracker for the Guide service and putting us up as camp kings for 10 days, don’t get any better than that.
Thanks again for all the great company and hunting experience with you all.
Next year I hope we get to go up and be with some of you if you draw out.
Tracker and Butt, I need you guys to let me know what I owe for the gas and the tire we lost. I need to pay my share!
Duck, Thanks for letting us barrow your trailer, it was nice. It’s back down at its wintering grounds and I have your two battery’s and trailer keys. I put the hitch in the trailer but need to know if you want me to bring it to your house in case you need it for your little trailer, if so I will get it down to you this coming week along with the keys and batteries. Once again, thanks for the use of it and once it “Airs” out, it should be good as new.
Thanks again