By: Bears Butt

With the Dream Hunt beginning in the morning, we are taking the camp up and setting things up today.

Tracker, No Grimace, Baby Boy and myself with two trailers and a bunch of the gear.

Leaving town at 8 a.m., about an hour from now for all intents and purposes.  Our travel plans will take us through Evanston and then into the Crawford Mountains from there.  We hope to land the same camp location we have had the past two years and unless there are others camped there already that is the plan.

For the next two days we will reconnoiter the area looking for the largest bucks on the mountains.  The ones that meet the hunters demands and dreams.

Until my return, this will be the last posting, but don’t give up.  When I return you will see many pictures of the landscape and what we saw while up on the mountain.  Stay Tuned!

Bears Butt

Nov. 16, 2012

Written on November 16th, 2012 , DREAM HUNTS

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