For those of you who don’t have a calculator Bob and I ended up with 677 rats this year.
Bob started early in January and ended with a total of 311 rats. I started the second week of February and ended with a total of 365 and No Grimace came through with one rat!
We have the last 122 drying in the shed right now and are patiently waiting for a buyer.
There is a very important auction happening this week in Klamath Falls Oregon and after that auction the buyers will be coming out of the woodwork.
What does not make sense to me is that if I was a buyer I would be making us offers to get our rats at a lower price because once the Klamath auction is over, everyone will see that the rat prices will be very high…could be as high as $11 or maybe more! None of this hurts my feelings. Every penny is $6.77 more. That is like saying, every penny is another 12 pack of Oly. Works for me!
I’ll keep you posted on the sale of our rats!
Bears Butt
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