By: Bears Butt

Have you ever wondered where the word “Windfall” came from?  We have all heard the term and most of us associate it with the receipt of  “out of the blue, money”.  Perhaps a rich relative who left us some of his/her estate or the winning of a lottery.  Here is my take on it.  I like to think way back to where a statement or word might have come into play.

My thinking takes me back to Europe where the people were basically classed in one of two classes.  “The Haves”.  The” Have Nots”.  Almost like today if you think about it.

All of the land was divided up among “The Haves” and the “Have Nots” worked for them, keeping the boundaries repaired, yards cleaned, and whatever other duties “The Haves” wanted them to do.

Back then the homes were heated with wood and fireplaces were the main heat and cooking area within the shelter of the home.  Castles of course were the homes to “The Haves”.  None of the land was free for the “Have Nots” to wander on, have picnics or for any pleasure of their own.  On the other hand “The Haves” could do anything they wished upon their own land, so long as they did not cross the border onto the adjacent “Haves” property.  Wars have been caused by such as that.

Trails, roads, pathways etc. wandered through “The Haves” properties and those were rights of ways for everyone to travel on.  “The Haves” could not stop you from using the path to go into town or between towns.  The old story of Robin Hood comes to mind doesn’t it?

With wood being in such demand by everyone, a “Have Not” could not just go out and cut down a tree and use the wood.  NO! NO!  That tree belongs to one of “The Haves”.  Nor could a “Have Not” pick fruit growing along side the trail.  That tree or vine filled with delicious fruit legally belongs to a “Have” person.

But “Haves” don’t eat fruit that has touched the ground.  They are very much above that habit!  Fruit which has touched the ground is dirty, bug infested and nasty.  Probably nearly rotten.  YUK!  As a “Have” would you eat fruit which had fallen from the tree and hit the ground?  Never!

And so, “The Have Nots” got together and petitioned the “Haves” for permission to gather up fruit which had fallen from the tree or vine.  It did not take long for “The Haves” to decide it would be a good thing for the “Have Nots” to pick up the fruit along the trail.  It would keep their own horses hooves from getting all sticky and such from stepping on the rotten fruit in the road.

And along with the fruit a later petition was filed to have the original petition for picking up fruit, also include the picking up of wood that had fallen into the roadway as well.  Of course the “Haves” were in full agreement with this, because the wood was making their wagons bump and jar as they traveled the road.  Now the roadways would be clear of fruit and wood and make their journey to town much better.  And the “Have Nots” would still be working for the “Haves” in a very much round about way.

So, one might ask how does the fruit and wood get into the roadway in the first place?  Those little devils of the “Have Nots” would shake the trees and cause the fruit and wood to fall.  Totally illegal, but we know they did it.  Or, on the legal side, the wind would cause it to fall…and so…Windfall!

That is my story!

Bears Butt

July 2011


Written on July 9th, 2011 , Uncategorized

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