By: Bears Butt

Most ever body likes a good piece of jerky meat now an agin.  I like jerky ever now an agin more than sum, so when I make sum up I make lots an it keeps in the cooler fer quite sum time.  Corse ifn ya is gonna make jerky, ya gotta have sum meat on the meat pole.  Ever fall we goes huntin fer ven, an sum time we goes after elk too which makes sum very good jerk meat.  But ven aint bad nether so here is my recipe fer jerk meat an aginst my normal recipe handlin teckneeks ya best faller the ingredients perty much like they is listed, cuz sum of them is more important than others an you will see why as ya read on.  I’d give ya pictures if I had um, so if ya kint read, well ya better let sumbody else do the readin.

Git yerself about 3 pounds of ground up meat.  Try not to have too much sinyou in it, cuz sinyou makes it perty stringy and you don’t want that when you is chewin on jerky.

Over at the general store ya need ta pick up sum of what’s called Liquid Smoke.  I don’t know how they get the smoke inta a liquid, but I guess that don’t make no nevermind anyway, just git it and put in about 3 of them big spoon fulls in it.  Big spoonfuls is what sum call a spoon fer the table, ya know table spoon.

Ya know, ya might want ta make a list of stuff you is gonna buy at the general store, cuz yer own storehouse might not have all the stuff you is gonna need for this here recipe.

You is gonna need sum mustard seeds.  It’s a whole lot easier to let sum body else harvest them little things, so I always go to the general store an git mine.  How ever you wanna do it, you is gonna need about one of those little spoonfuls.  Now don’t leave them things out, cuz they is a purdy important part of how the jerky is gonna taste later on.

This next part is the most important part next ta the meat fer yer jerky.  It’s called Mortons Tenderquick salt.  I guess there is a place called Morton sum wheres and this is the onlyest place what you kin git this salt.  It has sum special stuff in it called nitrites an this here nitrite stuff is what kills the bad bugs what is in ground up meat.  This here salt is might finely ground up and it kin blow in the wind purdy easy, so when you go to pour this stuff in a container to measure with, make sure you git behind a wagon or wall or turn yur back ta the wind.  I recon you are gonna want ta measure out one of those big spoonfuls fer each pound of ground up meat ya got.  Since we is using 3 pounds of meat in this here recipe, ya best measure out 3 of those big spoonfuls an add it to the meat an other stuff.

In yer cupboard git out sum garlic powder, black pepper an the onion powder.  Measure out a tiny bit of garlic powder an black pepper, bout  one fourth of one of them little spoons worth of each of these two things an a half of a little spoonful of the onion powder.  Add these to the mix.  Kin ya smell how good it is?  I kin, an I’m just writin this down fer you an I ain’t even makin jerk.

Last thing ta add is a full cup of water.  Make sure that when ya dip the water out of the crick it aint got no bugs er floaty stuff in it.  The less stuff what goes in this jerky that ain’t been listed here is better.

You might want ta wash yer hands about now, cuz you is gonna mix all of this up usin yer hands.  Mix it up till the mustard seed seem ta be spread out about even thru the whole mix.  The water is gonna mix up purt near dry with the whole deal too.  Once ya got this done, just put the whole bowl of stuff in a cool place, cuz ya aint gonna do nuthin now but let them nitrites kill all them bugs.  Don’t do nuthin with it until tomorrow bout this time.

Is it tomorrow yet?  If it is, now ya kin dry the meat.  You kin make really thin patties with it an dry it in the sun, er oven, er dry rack what ever ya have.  I heard sum folks have what they call a jerky shooter an they press the meat out in what looks like pencil shaped meat strips.  You do it however you want cuz it’s your jerky meat an only you an whoever you want will be eatin it.  Dry it until you just kint stand it no more an then it’s ready ta eat.  Ifn’ I use a oven, I leave it in about 20 hours when the oven is just warm nuff ta make ya git yer finger offn the rack fast when ya touch it.  That’s hot enough to dry jerky.  Dryin in the sun is differnt an you is gonna have ta figger that one out yerself.

Well, that’s all there is ta makin good jerky.  Good luck this year makin meat fur the meat pole an give this here recipe a try.  I knowed ya is gonna like it.  Goes real good with a beer too.

I dun dig jus find out bout makin jerky wid duck an goose meat.  An it tastes right gud, but you is gonna hafta make sum modifercations ta the mixin fer it ta taste reel gud, if ya knowed what I dun mean.  So, keep everthing the same ceppen put in triple times as much black pepper in the mixin.  An if you is reel brave, add sum o that stuff what is liquid an reel hot like.  Tabasco or other such hot liquid stuff.

Bears Butt

June 3, 2011

Modified Nov. 13, 2011 to add the duck part

Written on June 3rd, 2011 , Recipes

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