Well, well, well, this San Juan hunt just keeps getting more and more interesting.
My workouts are going very well and my left knee has completely quit aching. I suppose I have finally found out the doctors were right all along…get some exercise! I feel a whole lot better as well. After just one week I have gotten better at the workout I have decided on for both leg strength and cardio. Today I went up a couple of notches to a program called “Canyon Run”. It’s a 30 minute baby that starts you off walking at a pace of 2.0, incline 1 (Duh) and about 7 minutes into it you are jogging at 4, incline of 5….10 minutes later you realize you were running at a pace of 6 and an incline of 8…10 minutes of running time! Boy howdy was I ever sweating. Then of course it slows down but still has you jogging at 4 up inclines varying from 4 to 8 again. It doesn’t slow down past 4 until the last 4 minutes. A very good workout for legs and cardio if you ask me. I think from now on I’ll mix the two best ones I’ve found so far and alternate them. They are both 30 minute workouts and do the speed and the inclines. Good stuff!
Well, now after the qualifying (or not) at the range for the cow elk hunt, Weasel and I went on over to Smithfield and picked up Black Arrows, rocking horse. He is lending it to us for the rendezvous and the plan for it is included in the Mountain Man Limpics and the Booshway Shoot. We brought it back and I put a wrench to it to make sure it will hold up under the pressure. It looks really good!
Black Arrow had planned on pulling off a special shoot using it this year, but his health got in the way. HOWEVER! He did take me up on the use of my Homeless Mountain Man Trailer and WILL BE AT RENDEZVOUS!!!!! We are very glad he and his bride “Sly Mouse” will be there! Good times will be had by all!
So, after the horse is on the lawn I looked over toward Windy’s place and see a good friend Cody standing there. I called him on the cell and told him there was something he had to see…over he came. The “pony” was a hit and he had a million questions about it. Like always I invited him to attend the rendezvous but he said his wife’s family have their own deal and he feels obligated to attend that event. Family life begins with a happy wife!
So, small talk leads to smaller talk and pretty soon we are talking about the upcoming hunts. He told me when the drawing was taking place and he realized it was the last day to apply, he went on line to do just that and it was then that he realized his combination license had expired and he had no time nor money to buy one and so he had to let the application go undone! Bum deal right there.
But his uncle and his dad both got their applications in and both drew their deer tags and his uncle drew out on a Limited Entry elk tag! Happy times! Cody and his dad are both planning on going with his uncle to help with the elk hunt.
Well a couple of weeks ago, his dad got a call from the DWR saying they had a tag turned in and he had the option to turn it down or take it! Of course he took it (sound familiar?). I asked Cody where the tag was for and he said the same area that his uncle drew…some place that starts with an “S” and the hunt doesn’t start until sometime in November!
He is going to check with his dad, but could it be that they both have the late San Juan tags also? That would be great!!!! A chance to meet his famous uncle and a chance to hunt with his dad (I like his dad) and him! I’ll keep you posted on this “possible” change of events!
Bears Butt
August 22, 2013