By: Bears Butt


It just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t show you one of my two catches from yesterday…pretty little kittie!  Not so when you are looking at his defense mechanism almost eye to…well, you know.

I have a really nice little 22 pistol that I carry with me on the trap line to take care of little guys like this one, my biggest problem however is getting the bullet to fly where I want it to fly.  Would you say I need more practice shooting it?  The answer is obviously YES!

So, from this distance to the skunk, I made my attempt to “one shot” dispatch him.  After eight failed tries, I finally got number nine to go where it needed to go.  And then I got the heck out of there!  Not a good odor was in the air and for some odd reason, the odor seems to be heavier than air and since I was down in a gully looking up, it found me quickly.

The second skunk I caught yesterday was below me when I dispatched him (with one shot I might add) and it  sprayed in the opposite direction and I was glad for that.  The odor around the area still was not pretty and like Skinner Man told us the other day, when you get a direct hit from one of those little guys, the odor starts to smell more like “Starburst Candies” after about 15 minutes.  Another example of “Olfactory Overload”.

Away from the skunks now for awhile, I just have to show you one of my missed rat traps!


I have never liked these traps, they just aren’t “Victor” brand.  They rust terribly, they are stiff springed, the bolt and nut swivel that holds the pan is tacky and they take a lot of adjusting to finally make them work properly.  This one got through our local quality check, where the bottom of the pan connector meets the stop loss spring.  I picked this trap up from its place in the swamp and brought it straight to the toy for this picture.  An untrained trappers eye would have looked at this set and made the decision that the trap was still fine and no rats had visited the site that night.

A good look at the trap up close shows exactly how a lucky rat got away to live another day.


Notice too just how close the “dog” is from being released from the pan trigger.  That was one very lucky rat.  Rest assured this trap pan will never again be hindered from firing because of the stop loss spring under it…I fixed it REAL good!

By the way, these traps are called “Bridger Stop Loss” and as far as I’m concerned are the worst traps of its kind out there.  That is just this trappers opinion and does not reflect the opinion of any of my advertisers nor affiliates.  Just sayin!

Bears Butt

February 16, 2014


Written on February 16th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt

Well today is Saturday and sort of a relaxed day on the line.  No traps will be set today because I take Sundays off.  A guy can go hard and strong for six days, but needs a day off once in awhile.  My body is so sore right now, I need a day to catch up.

The weather is looking mild today with only a slight chance of rain.  A glance out toward the trapping zone shows high clouds and it should be close to 60 degrees today.  The problem with that temperature and light to no winds means the hawks will be hovering over the swamps looking for morsels to eat.

Hawks mostly eat mice, but when they see a “big old mouse”  (muskrat) in a trap they will sit there and eat the whole thing, scattering the part I like most (the hide) all about the area.  You can’t blame them, they are hungry too.

So because of them hovering over head, I try my best to hide the traps under an overhang of toolies but they have pretty sharp eyes and can almost smell the rat laying there.  Between you and I, I would rather feed a hawk than a raccoon!

Yesterday, on the way out, I spotted another seep that Bob is not trapping and has no plans on trapping, heck he may not even know it exists.  So Monday I will check it out and probably be able to set 10 or so traps on it.  Those traps will come from the top end of Bull Run…time to move on!

After I get back from checking my line, I’ve promised Weasel I’ll show him how to set a couple of snares.  He has two very well defined raccoon trails spotted and those are the best for sharing snare setting knowledge and the highest percentage of a catch, which is what a new snare trapper needs.  Weasel has never caught a raccoon and maybe tomorrow he will break that virginity.

I can’t remember if I mentioned it in last nights report, but one of the live traps was baited with marshmallows.  Sort of an experiment to test someones statement that they work to draw in raccoons.  When I checked that trap yesterday the mud around the trap was filled with the tracks of a curious raccoon, but he didn’t go into the trap nor did he eat any of the broken up marshmallows I had placed here and there around the entrance of the trap….I say…”Marshmallows will only work on a starving raccoon”….So, I loaded the trap with a rat body and hope to find a raccoon waiting for me this morning.

Expected catch for the day?

1 raccoon,  16 rats.

Bears Butt

February 15, 2014


My rear end is KICKED!  I guess I’m just getting old.

The weather was perfect today, not too hot, not too cold and for sure not wet!  Just right.

The trapping didn’t go like I thought it would; First off, I caught 2 skunks!  YUK!  And no raccoons.  Secondly, there must have been a mini rat run last night as I had a bunch of traps set off with nothing in them and I managed to catch 19 good rats, 1 that we might be able to save, and lost 2 others to mink or weasels or something besides raccoons.  So, I’m counting my catch at 20 today.

I also had a moment to go look over the 3rd seep and could quickly see where I might be able to set a dozen traps…that will be Mondays chore.

Back at home I went with Weasel, Conner and Cody down to check his traps and show him how to set a snare.  We set two snares in places that can either catch raccoons and/or foxes, there was sign of both on the trails.  Unfortunately for Weasel he only had one trap set off and no rats caught.

He did set out a colony trap and my new invention, a floating colony trap.  It will be very interesting to see if that thing works at all.

Bob had a great day trapping and came to the fur shed with 10 nice rats!

Brek is still unknown and if he catches any today I will post up his catch.  If nothing more is mentioned on here, then he didn’t catch any today.

Bears Butt

Written on February 15th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


A wet day ahead!  Some prayed.  Some fasted.  Some crossed their fingers.  And every fisherman I know said a silent prayer and hoped we would get some moisture….Well, it’s happening folks!  Thanks for everything you did to make this moisture come to Northern Utah!

Yesterday I noticed that where I had been walking on ice I was now walking in mud!  Things are breaking up quickly out on the trap line!  The thick ice is not so thick anymore and with these 50 plus degree days and rain, it won’t be long before all the ice is gone completely!  YAY!  Spring!

I didn’t have a chance to give you a P.M. report yesterday, the day was just too full of trapping and other events!  But the day went as f0llows:

I got a pretty good start, leaving town about 8:30 or so and the trip out went without any incidents.  I pulled the 5 traps at Pete’s pond and to my surprise I did finally catch a rat in one of the Conibear traps.  That makes six total rats caught from the pond, a pretty usual amount for that small pond.  I usually catch from 5 to 10 rats.

Out at Bull Run I was pretty excited to check the live traps in hopes of getting rid of some of those lousy raccoons.  My first live trap held a big old skunk!  I don’t like skunks and so I stayed a ways back from the trap as I leveled my 22 pistol in its direction.  One shot was all it took and the skunk died quickly.  However, it did spray and made for a nasty removal!  Having been sprayed directly in my past, the odor makes me sick to my stomach every time I smell it, this was no exception.

Live trap number two held a very BIG raccoon!  One of the largest I have caught to date, and he had been eating well!  Is he the culprit that has cost me 9 rats?  I’ll never know, but for certain, his days are over and he will eat no more rats.

The remainder of the live traps were empty and remained set.

The rat traps produced pretty much as I usually expect,  I caught 5 rats from them, for a six rat total for the day.

Now some might think that the catch rate is too low, but the way I trap is this:  I saturate an area with an over kill of traps.  My thoughts are to get in, catch what is there and move out to other areas.  I set a lot of traps in an area in just a few days and then am on to bigger and better areas with those traps.  I move a lot of steel in just a few weeks time.

So, in this case, I have about 24 traps set, I caught two days of 11 and then one day of 5.  And if you factor in the 9 rats the raccoons ate, I actually caught 16 rats on day one, 15 rats on day two and then 5 rats on day 3.  Day two was actually higher than usual and should have been about an 8 rat day.  The catch rate percentages are usually, 50% of the total traps out on day one, 25% on day two and then a scattering of rats on days 3 and 4 and then I’m out of there and on to better trapping grounds!

After checking Bull Run, I still had an hour or so to investigate an area I have been driving past for years.  I was curious to look at it and see if any rat sign existed.  The area consists of three “seeps” and from the highway you can tell there is some water, but not much.  As I drove the toy into where the fist seep was, I noticed quite a bit of water bubbling up from a spring and immediately saw where a rat had been visiting quite a bit…a substantial pile of rat poop.  The water is not very deep in this spot and the trails the rats have made are all exposed making them very vulnerable to night time predators like owls and foxes, but there was a lot of sign.  Between the two seeps I had time to look at, I quickly set 13 traps, including the two colony traps I took from Pete’s pond.  A remarkable number of traps for such a small amount of water!  I’m hoping to set more in there today, as well as see what seep number 3 holds!

My plan looks like I’ll pull the traps from Bull Run on Monday and move over to the “Trellis”.  The live traps will remain where they are for a couple of weeks.  I’ll pull them when I move out to Big Spring.

So, what will today produce?

Rain and wet for sure!  My hopes are high for at least one more raccoon and NO skunks…I didn’t tell you but I moved the skunk(ed) set over closer to the waters edge where I should have had it to begin with…dummie me!

Bull Run should kick out 4 rats and the new 13 sets should produce 8…so count my hopes at 12 rats and one raccoon.


Ain’t that purdy?

Bears Butt

February 14, 2014 “Happy Valentines Day”


Boy was it wet today!!!!  Everything I own is soaked!  AND my butt is kicked!

As I approached Bull Run, I could not help but see there were no bulls in view, at least not close like they have been.  My thoughts raced to my dream that they had all gone into the area behind a gate I could close!  As I loaded up the toy and headed through the gate by the road, I drove straight to that other gate and sure enough all the bulls were behind it..AND the gate was closed and wired good and shut!!!!  Was I a happy guy?!!!  YES!!!!

THANK YOU PETE AND THE REST OF THE RANCH HANDS FOR MOVING THOSE BULLS, JUST IN TIME!  I was really dreading “going in among them” to set more traps and today was going to be that day!

I headed back to the beginning of my trap line and began checking like usual.  The live trap I had moved yesterday…the one that had the skunk…was harboring another skunk!  One pop from the pistol and he was done for, but the smell was overwhelming!  I gagged and choked my way away and continued to check muskrat traps.  When I got to the last live trap I could see the door was closed and something was in it, but I could not see exactly what it was until I got close…a hawk!  What on earth would a hawk go into one of those traps for?  I was able to open the door and coax him out with a stick.  He was happy to be able to fly off.  Me too.

At the end of the line I had 5 rats but lost 3 others to some kind of critters, not raccoons.  I think two of them were eaten by mink and one by a hawk, I say this because of how they were eaten.  Mink like to eat from both ends toward the middle and those two rats had their heads eaten and their tail end as well and everything in between.  The hides were like wet socks, but damaged beyond use.  I figured 5 good rats was not to bad for those traps and I still had the 13 I set yesterday to check.

Well, I had lots of time and no bulls to contend with and so I set out to set some more traps down Bull Run.  Before the day was over I had set 21 more traps in there and 2 more at the seeps for a total of 23 traps set.  That means I have 75 (if I count correctly) traps out, plus the 7 live traps.

The seeps kicked out six more rats for a total of 11!!!!  I’ll take that!  11 rats, 1 skunk and 1 hawk.

Brek chose not to check his traps today and so his catch today was “0”.

Bob caught 7 rats!

Weasel caught 3 rats!

Updated by yours truely!


Written on February 14th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


Bears Butt uses shoulder length rubber gloves to trap muskrats.  They keep me dry and they act as a guard against the cold, especially while driving my toy from trapset to trapset.  But as you can see, this pair has a piece of tape between the thumb and index finger.  The tape is covering a hole the size of a dime that is caused by the glove getting caught between the trap jaws and the springs while setting the traps.  I wish someone in the glove making world would make a glove that could handle that situation…GLOVE MAKING COMPANIES TAKE HEED!!!!  WATER TRAPPERS NEED REINFORCED GLOVES!!!!!

Another wet day is in store for the trappers, with increasing chances of rain as the day progresses.  My stuff appears to be all dried out from yesterday and it will be nice once I’m in the field to have dry clothes on.

Goals for the day include pulling the traps from Pete’s pond.  I don’t expect to catch any rats there today.

Then on to Bull Run where the seven live traps await my return!  I’m really hoping to see 7 raccoons caught and waiting for their last day on earth!  Watch…I’ll catch skunks!  That’s my luck.  As for rats in this area, my expectancy is 8 today and like yesterday, I hope 3 of them are “whole”.

If everything goes as planned, I should be able to set a few more traps, 5 is acceptable as I have to come home early to go with Weasel to see about his trapping area and maybe even give him a hint or two about how to catch the cagey little rats.  There have to be a few on his line, but after two days of a zero catch, he needs just a little bit of instruction on trap placement.  Heck, we might find there aren’t any rats in the area he is trapping!  It won’t take long to find that out.

Additionally, there are a couple of other distractions from trapping taking place late this afternoon and into the evening.  It’s part of life to have distractions and I can only think of a couple more throughout the rest of the trapping season, but then, distractions pop up every now and again.

So, let’s see if my prediction of 8 rats happens…oh and as for raccoons….I’m saying two!

Bears Butt

February 13, 2014

Written on February 13th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


I arrived at the trapping scene just before 10 a.m., a light rain was falling, but it looked like it might clear up.  I noticed the cowboys out on their horses going to round up the cattle that were scattered all over South of the Trellis (if you don’t know where the Trellis is from past years stories, you’ll have to catch up on here this year), they were all decked out in their “slickers” and ready for a wet day.

At Pete’s pond I put on my rain gear as well, but of course mine isn’t nearly as good as the gear the cowboys had.  Mine is good until I get wet and then I call it a day, they can’t do that.

As I suspected I had one rat in a colony trap at the pond.  I’m sure I have caught them all out of there and plan to move those traps tomorrow.  I’m sure I can find some places for those colony traps down on bull run.

The bulls at the run were scattered all over the place and munching whatever there is out there that they eat, I can’t see anything that they are eating, but they all had their heads down eating something.  My first order of business was to get the two live traps I took out, set and ready for Mr. Raccoon.  Brek (Skinner Man), skinned the rats and raccoons we caught yesterday after he got home from work last night.  He must have been up quite late as I know how long it takes to skin, flesh and stretch a raccoon and he did two of them.  He did an outstanding job on them too!  The rats were all turned fur out and laid in a pile on the floor.  Now it’s our job to flesh and stretch them…later today.

Anyway, back out to the trap line.

I loaded up the toy with the two live traps and took them out to where I knew I wanted to set them.  I loaded them with fresh skinned muskrat bodies….way too tempting for a raccoon to pass up.  And then I went to checking traps.

The trap I caught the raccoon in yesterday was not set off, nor was the carrot bait disturbed, but there were parts of a muskrat scattered around on top of the toolie pile where the raccoon destroyed things yesterday.  Further investigation showed where the muskrat came from…trap set number 2!  Dang it!  He bit off the muskrats leg and carried the body over to where he could sit and munch without getting too wet.  One of the live traps is right between sets 1 and 2…I’ll get that little critter!

I continued down the line checking traps, the rats didn’t move too much last night, maybe it was windy or maybe I caught them all.  As I moved down the line I saw evidence of a second rat having been the fine dining of a raccoon!  OOOOOOO!  All in all I lost 4 more rats to raccoons and with the one rat from the pond I brought home 11.

In two nights of trapping the raccoons have cost us 9 rats!  That is between $90 and $110!

Bob showed up with the other 5 live traps just as I finished checking the traps I have out.  By that time the rain had gotten worse and worse, my rain coat was soaked completely through and so were my shirt(s), my butt is still very wet right now and I’ve been home for two hours.

Bob left me with my task of setting those 5 live traps in the drizzling rain.  I used rat carcases in all but one of them and I used marshmallows and smelly carrots in that one.  We will see tomorrow how the raccoons handle those traps.

Part of the reason I had to be home early today was to make sure the trapping shed was ready for this season of skinning and stretching.  There was a lot of straightening up to do, and the pile of skinned rats needed to be spread out to dry.  I also turned on the heater to expedite that part of the process.

The weather forecast is calling for a good chance of rain for the rest of today and tonight and then chances of rain on and off through Sunday.  This is perfect rat trapping weather, but it calls for waterproof outer clothing.  I have it, I just need to put it on!

Bob caught 6 rats today.  I don’t know how many Skinner Man and Weasel have caught but I’ll post up here the results when I know them!  As for now!  Get back to whatever it was you were doing!

UPDATE:  Bob 6, Me 11, Skinner Man 2, Weasel goose egg!

Bears Butt

February 12, 2014


Written on February 12th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


Last nights dreams were all about these little guys…hundreds of them flooded my dreams!  They came off the hill to the North, crossed the highway and entered my trapping area nose to tail.  Once into the main stream, they spread out like ants on a gum drop, devouring everything that had meat in it, including my caught rats!  I developed a plan to attack their front line and will implement it today!

Six live traps will be my defense and I plan to catch six of these guys every day until I have their numbers under control!

Pete told me that all summer long there are continual dead raccoons along this area of the highway.  With the small amount of traffic that drives that road, there must be a lot of raccoons crossing there and going down the hill to the headwaters of this drainage.  In this water are found hundreds of thousands of fresh water clams and the shells of those that have been eaten before are strewn throughout the bottom of the stream.  I picture an every night scene of many raccoons going down the water way digging and picking up the clams, breaking them open and eating them.  Then along comes me, and the rats are bonus food for the critters!  I hope they all get a belly ache from eating so much!  And hope that a scene like this will be mine to observe soon:


Today I have to be home earlier than usual and so trap setting will be at a minimum, if I can get 10 set that would be great, but 5 will be acceptable.

How many rats will the line produce today?  Boy, after yesterday that is a tough one to guess.  I think Pete’s pond is just about empty of rats and so I’ll give it a one rat catch today and will probably pull the traps from there tomorrow.  Bull Run will net 10 rats and I hope at least 2 of them are still intact.  Remember I need 3 to pay for gas.  So, 11 rats are expected today.

Bears Butt

February 12, 2014

Written on February 12th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt

Feb.11,2014 P.M. Report

It was a beautiful day to be outside today…warm, sunny and mild.  They don’t get any better than this one.

Checking traps at Pete’s pond, only the two colony traps produced, 3 in one and 1 in the other…4 rats!  Not bad!

At the top of Bull Run, I took this picture:


You really have to look closely to see the bulls scattered across on the other side of the snowy field.  I said earlier there were 18 bulls, today I counted 24.  The fear factor exponentially increased.

Pete stopped by to talk a bit and I told him about my fear of bulls, he laughed and told me he has never raised even one man eating bull.

I suppose that means in all his years of ranching he has never lost a cowboy to a bull either.

This gave me much confidence.

So, I proceeded to load up the toy with additional traps and made my mind up I was going out there come bull or high water and set my 20 or so traps.  But first I had 18 to check.  With 4 already in the bag, I was feeling pretty good about the days’ catch that was waiting for me.

My first two sets are my only bait sets (leg holds) and as I approached trap number one, I could see something was terribly amess.  The toolies were all gone around where I set the trap.  As I got closer I could see why:


Mr. Raccoon.  Yesterday I didn’t see any sign of a raccoon and now I have one caught.  Well, that will net us about $12 once it’s on the stretcher.  I had to go back to the toy to get my 22 pistol and while I did, I checked the other 3 traps in this area.


A very disappointing sight.  A rat that was caught had been shredded by a raccoon, maybe even the one I caught.  But there goes $10 down the tube.

I did manage to catch a rat that was not torn up in my 4th trap, the 3rd trap had nothing in it.

I gathered up the 22 and ventured back out to Mr raccoon and popped him in the head.  Then went to resetting the traps.

As I proceeded down the line checking traps, I had the distinct feeling that a raccoon was following my line.


This is kind of hard to see, but the trap is being held on the top of my stake, while it appears the rat is on the bottom of the stream bed.  There were bits of bones and assorted other rat parts scattered all over the ground outside the water.  When I picked up what appeared to be the rat in the bottom of the stream it was more like a wet sock.  Just the skin was there, but the hide was so torn up all I could do was toss it away.  I reset the trap and moved to the next set.


Another rat destroyed.  This is most annoying.  I quit taking pictures of the destruction and finished checking the remaining traps.  Of the 18 traps, one held the raccoon, 12 others had rats.  5 of the 12 were totaled beyond any salvage at all and 2 were what I call salvageable, I brought them home hoping we can save them.  The other 5 were what you hope to see caught and not damaged.

So, I did catch the 16 rats I was hoping for, but didn’t count on losing 5.

The war is on!  I’m taking 2 live traps out and set them near this area and Bob is bringing down 4 live traps he has had set for 2 days up by Pete’s stackyard.  6 live traps should help us take out a few of these pesky little varmints!  I did see a skunk den and I’ll make sure I keep the traps far away from there.

It was not a good trade to lose $50 worth of rats for a $12 raccoon.

As you can tell, I survived the days romping near the bulls.  I managed to set another 21 traps and only got down to where the bulls like to hang out.  Tomorrow I will have to “go among them”.  My last parking spot was within 30 yards of some of the bulls and they only showed a little curiosity about why I was there.  I didn’t have that guttural fear I usually get being that close to 1300 pound animals with large male glands and the looks of beasts backed into a corner.

I must say, Bull Run has a ton of rat sign and so many places that a trap can be set, it was actually hard making the decision as to where to place the traps.  Deep runs taking the rats from one place to the next completely out of sight from predators were the easy ones, the “on top” sets had to be disguised in hopes of getting to the rat before Mr raccoon does.

Now my big question is, do I have enough 22 shells for dispatching raccoons?  I think I have about 3,000 shells, that should do it.

Bears Butt

February 11, 2014

Written on February 11th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


A bad night for sleeping for me last night.

Today I face my nemesis, 18 of them!  I had a dream however, that they had all slowly fed their way into an area where I could close a gate and contain them in the South 40.  I doubt that has happened during the night.

If you read last nights prediction on the number of rats I’ll catch today, you know I’m expecting 16 rats.  My goal is to get close to finishing the setting of traps on Bull Run.  If I can get another 30 or so traps set today, I should be able to finish setting it tomorrow.

Wish me luck in the bull fields!

Bears Butt

February 11, 2014

Written on February 11th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


WOW!  My behind is kicked!  I can’t believe how out of shape I am!  And all along I thought I was doing pretty dang good.

I stopped at Pete’s place and looked over the pond.  Very little sign, but what was there I set.  I placed two colony traps in two deep runs and that should just about take care of all the rats there.  I did set 3 other connie bear traps just because.  I’m guessing 10 rats at the most are living there.  We will see and it should not take more than 3 days to find out.

From there I moved down to Bull Run and looked it over from the roadway while I ate a bologna sandwich…mmmmmm…Bologna!  As I sat there I could see all of Pete’s bulls are out in that area….YUK!  I have decided that since bulls are a phobia of mine, I need to address them right up front.  I really am afraid of them, but I still need to trap this area.  18 bulls is what I counted today and I think that is all of them.  One red one…what’s so significant about a red one?  I REALLY DON’T LIKE RED ONES!  Red ones are what bad dreams are made of.  So as I sat there enjoying my sandwich I made my mind up to just go ahead and set the traps in there and deal with them.  Pete has said many times, “They won’t bother you, heck we have a tough time rounding them up, they just go away from us”.  Well I’m about to see if that is true.  I bit the bullet today, loaded up the toy and opened the gate…drove in and set 18 traps.  That is just the beginning of setting this area as I usually have close to 100 traps before I reach the end of it.  Normally the end is where the gate is that holds the bulls on the other side of the fence…not so now…they don’t have the gate closed down there, so I might as well trap the entire length of the the drainage.  Unless of course a bull takes me to lunch, at which time someone else will have to pull the traps.  I’m making a very good detailed map so someone can come behind me and gather all the traps up should my worst nightmare happen.

So, 23 traps set today!  The sign on Bull Run was unbelievable!  Rat crap on almost every bump along the main stream!  Tons of holes coming out from the banks on both sides!  It was really easy to set those 18 traps.  I expect the rest of the run will continue to show the same kind of sign all the way to the end, or at least to where the ice is still covering everything up.

I saw very little raccoon sign as well, which is good, but I’m prepared to take care of those pesky guys when I find sign of them…I have snares and one live trap, as well as a bunch of number 3 leg holds should I need them.  I hate to set leg holds because of Pete’s dogs and his helpers dogs.  Leg holds will be a very last resort.  Snares I can “loop down” and “set low” to keep dogs from getting their necks in them.

So, let’s call this my “prediction” post for tomorrows catch.  23 sets, which include two very good colony traps…I’m saying the colony traps will each catch 3 rats and the remaining 21 traps will net me 10 more rats….16 rats for tomorrow!  That’s a pretty high expectancy!

With gas prices right now at $2.90 or so, I need to catch 2 rats to pay for one day of trapping.  That is basing the rat pelt price to net us $10 each this year.

By the way, Bob managed to set 14 more traps today and he caught 2 more nice big rats.  I’ll tell you the rats out there are huge.  Tomorrow I’m strapping on my pistol and carrying it loaded!  One man all alone in a swamp with cat tails and phragmites higher than his head, it wouldn’t take much for a couple of rats to tackle him and pull him under!  I hope if that happens my pistol can shoot good under water!

Bears Butt

February 10, 2014

Written on February 10th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events
By: Bears Butt


The weather is absolutely perfect for the start of the 2014 trapping season!  I’m not really sure if I have remembered everything and this just reminds me that I need to make a check list for next year.

This morning I made sure the trapping shed was pretty much ready for the beginning of the season and the only thing that doesn’t seem to work real well right now is the heater, but we will figure something out with that.  Maybe we will have to purchase another one….Anyone have a small electric heater with a fan and a thermostat they want to sell me for cheap?

I was going to cover the outside of the shed with rolled roofing today, but I didn’t have enough to even do one side, so I bagged that idea and just got the Tyvek back up.

So, now the only thing left to do is head out and set some traps.  My goal is to set Pete’s pond and if that is all I get done, so be it, at least I’ll have a dozen or so traps out.

So, let’s see what the rig looks like inside:


80 conibear traps and 20 leg holds.  My home made floating colony trap, two fold up colony traps, 4 snares, two pairs of hip boots, hydration pack, two rain coats, two pairs of gauntlet gloves, an empty cooler to carry rats, a whacking stick, 22 pistol and box of shells, camera….what else?

BootsAndCarrotsCarrots for bait, flagging clips….I think I’m ready.


The toy is loaded and I’ve checked to make sure I have plenty of map making papers to draft where my traps are located.  The rigs are topped off with fuel…let’s go!

It’s now 10:45 and I’ll make myself a sandwich and head on out!

Time for trapping folks!  Check back in each day to see what is going on.  I’ll be posting twice each day (If I can), once in the morning to let you know what I expect to happen that day, and again in the evening to let you know what actually happened.

So, here goes Bears Butt off into the 2014 trapping season…

Bears Butt

February 10, 2014

Written on February 10th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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