By: Bears Butt


I had the pleasure to attend the Brigham City Bowmen group at their Be a Girl Shoot for cancer awareness month.  What a blast!  Even though I did not shoot I watched and learned a whole lot about shooting a bow.  I saw some spectacular shooting as well.  When I asked one guy how he did, his comment was something like this, “I dropped two, only got 298”.  For those who don’t know what that means, it means he only missed a perfect score by 2 points!  Later in the day, he shot a second round and was more pleased with his performance.  Again when I asked him how he did, he said he shot another 298, but was more pleased because he had 28 “X” ring shots!  28 out of 30 in the “X”!!!!!!  Now that is some kind of shooting.

The shooting wasn’t all there was to the day however.  You see in order for this to be a special shoot and to bring awareness to the ugliness of cancer, they made the shooters (who wanted to play) wear womens clothing!  And yes, even I wore a dress and bra for the occation even though I didn’t play in the shooting….support is support, right?

SelfieHow’s that for a selfie!?!!!

They had some super raffle prizes as well, and at the end of the day I was calling foul!  As they seemed to be bringing all the prizes over to me!  I’ll make sure they get distributed.  But I really wanted one of the bows they were giving away, but my luck didn’t hold out for those and I didn’t win.  The two guys that did win, however, were really tickled.  You didn’t have to be present to win and Corey Barton, the club’s President made the call while I was still there and told the guy who won it about his good fortune.  He was tickled.  The other guy was still on hand and was equally as tickled even if the bow was pink!  Congratulations!

WinnerOfPinkBowAnd a big THANK YOU to Full Draw Archery for being the sponsor for that bow!

So, you have seen a little bit about the “dress like a girl” thing in these few pictures.  Let me show you some of the others I took (I apologize to anyone who might have been in attendance that I didn’t get a picture of):




There was a 9 o’clock group I missed as I didn’t get to the event until nearly 10:30….I did have some honey-do’s to get done before I could attend the happening!

Some individual pictures I took at random were interesting as well.  It seemed like everyone had a blast and I believe they had 91 or 92 shooters there!  That is a lot of organizing and I know all too well what that can do for your sanity if you are in charge of it.  Tickets to sell!  Food to prepare!  Making sure the facilities are ready!  Banners put up!  And the list goes on and on!  For those of you who were in charge of this, I commend you all on a job very well done!  You even had a reporter from the Ogden Standard Examiner on site making sure he had the event covered:


Cory, blue really makes your eyes shine!  Just sayin!  Oh ya!  You must be really working out alot too….look at those pecks! 😉

I had the privilege of talking to one of the “old timers” in the bow shooting arena.  I don’t know most of these guys but I did learn a whole lot about the shooting of bows.  This guy had a ton of information to share and even though he can’t do it anymore because of some cancer issues of his own, he was there to make sure the event was being conducted properly.


So, young and old alike were on hand to support and play.  The biggest thing I came away with at days end was this:  Shooting bows is a sport that is absolutely on an equal footing between men and women.  You don’t have to have a bow that takes 100 pounds of pull to hit the bullseye of your target.  10 pounds pull will hit the bull just as well as 60 pounds pull.  So, if you have been thinking about getting into this sport and are uncomfortable with the pull weight of the string….forget about it!  Go do it!

The Brigham City Bowmen (Bowpeople) are a great and fun loving group of people!  People who really care!

BearsdAndDressesBeards and dresses….


This gal (guy) won the pink bow!

BustyPecks or what?

TroubleWithTheWearWhat’s with this picture?

TroubleWithTheWear 2A bit over the top, so to speak!




OrchastratingOh and there were some “real ladies” present as well:





YoungBustyWhere did we see this girl (guy) before?  Sometimes the situation can get out of control!

Thanks again Brigham Bowmen and all the sponsors!  This was fun for me and I’m sure it was fun for everyone who came to it.  And as for some of the shooting….I liked it!


TakingCareOfBusinessBears Butt

November 9, 2014



Written on November 9th, 2014 , Uncategorized

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    Bones commented

    Since this on the news and it looked like it would have been fun. I am sure everyone had a great time.

    November 9, 2014 at 11:03 am | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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