By: Bears Butt


I’m getting a later start than I expected, but I’ll just have to deal with that.  I got my new computer yesterday and as yet have had the time to even attempt to learn how to even turn it on….I tried stroking it lightly and saying “I Love You”, but that didn’t work…maybe tonight?

Anyway today is the day that Bob and I head into Club 41.  Bob will head to the South end, while I go North and we should meet in the middle somewhere.  With the lack of water everywhere else, we might find that the club is out of water too.  Our trapping may be about over for the year.

Richard Nicholas did call me and tell me that I had permission to go into the property South of Doris’ and trap that.  Today I plan on going in and setting a few traps there as well.

So, Club 41 is the main goal for today…I have over 100 traps on my rig that need to find water.  A trap on the rig does not catch rats.

I will check the traps on Peterson’s and Doris’ pond after I get through setting traps and so I expect to arrive back home very late…5ish tonight.

The weather is calling for a chance of rain (60%) and windy…not the best of days to be going out trapping, but still it’s a day, right?

What do I expect for a catch day?  Well, Peterson’s is about dried up as far as rats go.  I did manage to set 12 traps yesterday so I expect those to kick out 6 rats.  Doris’ pond has been a real surprise but I think I have all the rats caught out of there.  So 6 rats.  The live traps were not checked yesterday and I expect a skunk and a raccoon in them.

Bears Butt

March 6, 2014


Club 41 is very disappointing…no rat sign and very little water.  I did follow the incoming channel and set 29 traps “just because”.  Bob came in and went to the end of the road and checked for sign, but decided not to set any traps…no sign…no rats.  I still have to go look around a few small areas to make sure there aren’t any rats that have filtered back in since last year, but I just might end up pulling the 29 traps and getting out of there…we will know more in a couple of days.

I pulled all 62 traps from Peterson’s today, and got quite wet in the process…my “new last year” boots from Frogg Toggs developed a crack in the top of the boot….This really PIssssssssssssssssess me off!

The traps at Peterson’s kicked out 5 rats…that was my catch for the day!

At the skinning shed Bob had tossed 4 rats on the floor…a nine rat day!  Well, nine is better than 8 and a whole lot better than none!

Bears Butt

Written on March 6th, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events

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