By: Bears Butt


It’s Sunday and our day off from the trap line and it is very much needed after yesterday.  If you read yesterdays story, I said I was in for a relaxing sort of a day…boy howdy was that ever wrong!  Pulling and checking traps in a downpour all day long was a real Bears Butt Kicker, I’ll tell you!

These boots won’t dry out for at least a week and I hope my gloves don’t take that long.  I have a backup pair of boots and my fingers are crossed that they won’t leak.  Tomorrow will tell on that.

So, we had a pretty good week number three and ended with 179 rats!  My 3 rat day didn’t help our cause, but all a guy can do is shrug his shoulders and say…”Oh Well”!

For you with calculators going on the numbers I’ll save you some time and tell you we now have 541 rats!  Just over half way to our goal of 1,000!  If this was a normal year for weather etc. I’d say we had a pretty good shot at making the goal, but I’ve got my doubts right now.  But we won’t stop until the rats stop!

The weather for the upcoming week looks like chances of rain almost daily, but those percentage chances are less than 50% in most cases.  Yesterday’s 90% really hammered me…I felt like Ziggy with that black cloud hanging over me all day.  So, the water table should go down and expose our traps.  When I left the line yesterday, there was nothing that could be done about most of the traps being under 3 inches of water.

Also, with the slickness of the road into the Bull Arena, I’ve already decided to park the rig on the side of the highway and drive the toy in to check the traps.  I feel very fortunate to have made it in and back out without sliding off the road and down into the mud flat.  The only thing that saved me from ending up down there were the deep ruts left by others who traveled that road when it was muddy.  By the way, I did thank God for getting me in and out of there.

I mentioned in last night PM report that I got to see some more Snow Geese, I have to share with you a couple more pictures I took of them.


In this picture you have to look closely, but there are literally hundreds of those birds out in that field.  And as I sat there looking at them, more were dropping in to land.  Then something made a bunch of them fly up and I got this picture.


I know as sure as I am sitting here right now the group of hunters across the road were hoping they would come their way.  I’ve watched those hunters try their best for 3 days out there and the birds are just one step ahead of them.  I have to grin!

Bears Butt

March 2, 2014

Written on March 2nd, 2014 , Daily Trapping Events

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    Wapiti commented

    541 rats by March 1st, is doing great. Keep it up, the weather will be better for the next week, on and off again. Try a stay dry, have Bob move his traps more and you guys will do fine.

    March 2, 2014 at 10:38 am
      Bears Butt commented

      Bob “sets” traps, he doesn’t often “move” them! 🙂

      March 3, 2014 at 5:19 pm | Stories, Ramblings & Random Stuff From an Old Mountain Man is proudly powered by WordPress and the Theme Adventure by Eric Schwarz
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