By: Bears Butt


I’m back!

With a concerted effort on all parties, the hay is finally in the barn for this season.  Yesterday was a roller coaster ride all by itself.  We started off with a brief rain that didn’t even register on the rain gauge, but a guy Tracker works with said he had to turn on his windshield wipers coming through town.

Next was the late start by everyone except Bones…I had a doctor appointment with Sherry, Wapiti had one with Marla, Rick with Diane and Duck with Carol…are we all getting old or what?

The plan was to hit the field about 11:30 and start picking up bales.  We figured Landon would have all the baling done over North by the time we got down to the field.  I entered from the North and Landon was no where to be seen.  I called him and he said the hay was too wet and that he had walked home to wait until it was dry enough and besides he had some sprinkler pipes to move.

So, we hauled what we could to the barn…the day got hotter…finally Landon showed up about 3 p.m. and pounded out the rest of the hay over north.  We moved in as he baled and picked up the hay and took it to the barn.  More help trickled in and it was very welcome help, as we were getting quite worn out…we are old you know…the youngest of us is 62 and the oldest 73!  That’s saying something for us oldies but goodies.

Our last hay buyer came in about 6:30 and picked up 160 bales.  By the time the load was heading out, I looked at my shirt and I was soaked, my gloves were almost dripping wet with sweat and my levies were soaked down to the crotch…was it hot enough?

On the up side, we only had two more loads of hay to put into the barn and then the job was done!  We were all feeling a second wind and got the two loads in quite quickly!  Good job to all!

Bones and Tracker had to get home and get to bed by the time we were done.  Tracker had to get up at 2 a.m. to go to work and so they didn’t get the chance to sit down and enjoy a celebration beer with salt.  Those of us who stayed for a beer enjoyed it fully.  After the 3rd one, the slight breeze that was blowing around us had me feeling very cold.  The breeze was blowing through my wet clothes and made me feel like a swamp cooler.  We all packed it up and left about an hour after Bones and Tracker left.

Thanks to everyone who showed up to help with this hot and very tiring task.  It’s done for 2013, now to try and salvage what suffered during these last two weeks…lawn watering, park cleanup, house cleaning and repairs, bills etc.

It seems that this time of year really taxes each of us but when it’s done it is a welcome task to have behind us.  Maybe we need to think of another way to make a couple of dollars on that property.

Bears Butt

July 9, 2013

Written on July 10th, 2013 , Uncategorized

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