It’s early on the 5th of July and it rained .04 inches during the early morning hours. Usually a welcome rain but this time it’s not…we have our hay down and the baler is due to come in this morning. The rain is going to put a delay on things.
But, yesterday was a pretty good day! The usual parade with the mountain men in it was a fun deal! Fat Duck and Conner at the helm, Wapiti at his usual best manners, Weasel and Dry Dog in the back of the trailer (float) and me trying to keep things orderly..I went through almost a full powder horn of powder and nearly a full round of crape paper (bullets). The crowd seemed to be pleased with it all…don’t forget at the next election to write in Wapiti Dung for Sheriff of Box Elder County, and keep in mind as well that he says he will do away with the prison, give each deputy a muzz shotgun and a horse to ride. If elected we have to hold him to those promises.
I wish I would have taken a moment to take a picture of the shoot up at the gravel pit! The crowd was the largest to date! With a total of 67 people on site, 42 shooters and everyone seeming to be having a good time in spite of the heat! It had to be close to 110 degrees up there. The fire department even sent up two cases of water for us to drink and quite a bit of it did get consumed. All the spectators and shooters came well equipped with liquid refreshments and I was glad.
The shoot was a fun one. We had 42 shooters including I think 8 from the Brigham City Bowmen group. Talk about an impressing group of bow shooters! They won quite a few of the prizes this year! I think the muzz shooters need to get their game a bit more fine tuned! Just sayin!
As usual I had a line up of shoots that surprised some people. One of those was a Johnny Two hole shoot which required two shooters to pair up. The paper is sectioned off into 4 equal quadrants and each of the two shooters shoots at two of the quadrants. Now the paper should have 4 holes in it, one in each of the quadrants. The partner is now required to hit his partners holes with his next two shots.
We had a team that shot the target and had two of the quadrants with touching shots, one quadrant with a space of less than an inch and the 4th quadrant where the holes were about 3 inches apart. Compared with all the other shooters targets this one was clearly the winning target. BUT, the envelope was pulled out and the wording read that the “worst target” would be the winner. DANG! Am I bad or what?
The second best target was a shoot at lolly pops. These lolly pops had a looped string for the handle. The shoot was to put your shot inside the loop without hitting the string….Two of the bowmen put their arrow exactly inside the loop. I had 4 prizes and had to choose two of the muzz shooters who hit their strings for 3rd and 4th! I’ll tell you, those bowmen can flat out shoot those sticks!
In my shoots you never know how the wind is going to blow, but we try to make it fun for everyone and try to make sure everyone wins. The Brigham Bowmen gave us some shirts and hats and we gave them away as fairly as we could.
The prizes we had for each of the shoots were donated from the Willard City Volunteer Fire Department, Kendall Chambers, Cover Up Embroidery, Larry’s Service, of course the Brigham Bowmen and a very fine scrimshaw moose bone necklace from Garth Barker. Garth has learned the art of scrimshaw and is really showing his talent in a big way! Thank you all for the donations, without those I could only give out money as prizes and that isn’t as much fun.
Speaking of money I have $400 to give to the Willard City Volunteer Fire Department, thanks to all of those shooters who came to play!
A hearty THANK YOU to Arnell Wells and Granite Construction for letting us play in the gravel pit!
Bears Butt
July 5, 2013
It is always a “GREAT” day with friends. Thanks Butt, you do so much work and no one I know was disappointed. It’s funny how so much praise goes to bowman. Take away the stabilizers, peep sights, let off weight, carbon arrows and go back to something primitive and then brag. None the less they are some good shooters. Primitive is why blackpowder smoke smeels so great! Thanks again!! Willard has some fantastic citizens in the Zundel clan. Good on ya!!!