Some of you laughed at the speech I gave yesterday about laughing in the face of pain! The pain that comes from a long, steep hike in the mountains and climbing from an altitude of 5380 ft above sea level to 6552 ft above sea level.
I too thought that this morning I would be in some pain from that hike and expected my muscles to be sore and stiff. However, when I awoke this morning I had no such pains. NONE!
Perhaps the past three or four weeks of climbing up and down the mountains in pursuit of a turkey has paid off in bigger dividends than the actual shooting of a turkey. And besides the chase, the physical endurance, past pains and general workout that the hunting has put me through has me feeling pretty good about my 63..almost 64 year old body.
Do I think I want to tackle the Himalayas? Not even close. But I sure wouldn’t hesitate to take off on another 9 miler to the top of Grizzly Peak one of these days! If you recall, I only made it to marker 6 with Mitch a couple of years ago. I think now I could make it all the way to the top! Maybe there are turkeys along that trail!?!
Bears Butt
May 23, 2013
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